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2017-08-21 PO.DAAC 101 Video "PODAAC Web Portal Navigation" is Released The PO.DAAC 101 Video on PODAAC Web Portal Navigation has been released. This video tutorial demonstrates how to navigate the basic framework of PO.DAAC webpages to find PO.DAAC data and other resources. The user community can view the video through the following PO.DAAC social media sites: 1) ...
2017-08-10 PO.DAAC 101 Video Tutorial "How to Use OPeNDAP to Access Data" is Released The first PO.DAAC 101 Video on How to Use OPeNDAP to Access Data is now released. OPeNDAP enables remote datasets to be accessed through familiar data analysis and visualization packages, just as if they resided locally on the user's machine. OPeNDAP handles transport, translation and subsetting of...
2017-08-03 Dataset Update Announcement: Nov. 2016, Dec. 2016, and Jan. 2017 data added to JPL GRACE Mascon Version 2 Datasets The JPL GRACE Mascon Ocean, Ice and Hydrology Equivalent Water Height (hereafter, Mascon) Version 2 datasets have been recently updated with three additional months to its data time series, which brings the time series up to January, 2017. Users are cautioned that after August 2016, the...
2017-06-30 GHRSST Level 4 MUR v4.0 retirement is imminent, and superseded by v4.1 Please be informed that GHRSST Level 4 MUR v4.0 (netCDF3 format) will be retired from the PO.DAAC in a few weeks. The last day of the available dataset will be on or around the 15th of July 2017. Users are encouraged to use the newest version, GHRSST Level 4 MUR v4.1 (netCDF4 format), which has...
2017-06-29 Updated PO.DAAC State of the Ocean (SOTO) visualization tool, version 4.1.2 We are pleased to announce an update to the PO.DAAC State of the Ocean (SOTO) visualization tool:  Version 4.1.2 is now available online at For questions or to provide feedback, please...
2017-06-27 GHRSST GDS2 Level 4 NCDC AVHRR_OI SST Dataset Production Resumed The NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) has resumed the production of its GHRSST GDS2 Level 4 Sea Surface Temperature AVHRR_OI dataset (
2017-06-22 Public Release of the GHRSST VIIRS-NPP L2P Sea Surface Temperature (SST) dataset version 2016.0 from the Ocean Biology Processing Group (OBPG) The PO.DAAC is pleased to announce the release of the version 2016.0 VIIRS-NPP Level-2P Sea Surface Temperature (SST) dataset in collaboration with the  NASA Ocean Biology Processing Group (OBPG).  The OBPG VIIRS-NPP L2 SST has been reformatted at the PO.DAAC JPL to be in compliance with the Group...
2017-06-20 GRACE Tellus Level-3 ocean-mass data product Please be informed that PO.DAAC has released two important statements for the JPL GRACE Tellus Level-3 ocean-mass product (ftp// 1.  The monthly solutions 11/2017 and 12/2017 were produced off of GRACE Level-2 fields with only a...
2017-05-30 Error in GHRSST MODIS Aqua and Terra Level 2 datasets resolved The metadata error in the data granules of GHRSST GDS2 MODIS Aqua ( and Terra (
2016-12-08 ISS-RapidScat Decommissioning The ISS-RapidScat Project has officially announced the end of operations of the ISS-RapidScat Mission as a result of numerous failed attempts to restore power to the RapidScat from the ISS Columbus module. The root cause of the power outage remains unknown. A robotic survey is currently underway to...
2016-11-14 Public Release of QuikSCAT Level 2B Ocean Wind Vectors in 12.5km Slice Composites Version 3.1 The PO.DAAC is pleased to announce the public release of the “QuikSCAT Level 2B Ocean Wind Vectors in 12.5km Slice Composites Version 3.1” (hereafter L2B Version 3.1) dataset. This dataset consists of Version 3.1 Level 2B (L2B) science-quality ocean surface wind vector retrievals from the Quick...
2016-08-24 New Data Available for QuikSCAT Level 1C Dataset and Geophysical Model Function Update The QuikSCAT Science Data Systems team has recently delivered an updated batch of approximately two more months of data for the Level 1C dataset, bringing the dataset time series up to 12 August 2016 (calendar day 255), as made available here:...
2016-06-29 Public Release of QuikSCAT Level 1C Averaged Sigma-0 and Winds from Non-spinning Antenna Version 1.0 Dataset The PO.DAAC is pleased to announce the public release of the “QuikSCAT Level 1C Averaged Sigma-0 and Winds from Non-spinning Antenna Version 1.0” (hereafter L1C) dataset, which contains geo-located and averaged Level 1B Sigma-0 measurements and wind retrievals from QuikSCAT throughout a majority of...
2016-05-10 Jason-1 Version E GDR Release We are pleased to announce that reprocessing of all Jason-1 data, as version “E”, is now complete and available for download. This release includes reprocessed data from primary, tandem, and geodetic mission phases, which spans 2002-2013 and includes repeat cycles 1-373, 500-537.   This new...
2015-06-18 Aquarius/SAC-D Mission Announcement The PO.DAAC would like to inform users of Aquarius data of the following official NASA announcement regarding the Aquarius/SAC-D mission.
2015-05-11 SPURS-1 FIELD CAMPAIGN DATASETS RELEASED The PO.DAAC is pleased to announce the availability of the SPURS-1 field campaign data. The SPURS (Salinity Processes in the Upper Ocean Regional Study) project is a series of science process studies and associated oceanographic field campaigns that, in conjunction with the Aquarius/SAC-D and SMOS...
2013-07-03 Jason-1 Satellite Decommissioning The following message has been forwarded to all registered PO.DAAC users on behalf of the Jason-1 Project Team. Contact was lost with the Jason-1 spacecraft at some point after the last good downlink at 0114 UTC on 21 June 2013. At the time of the last contact, the spacecraft its payload...
2013-01-16 New Data Set Release: QuikSCAT Arctic Sea Ice Age Classification The PO.DAAC is pleased to announce the "Preview" release of the "SeaWinds on QuikSCAT Arctic Sea Ice Age Classification (BYU/SCP)" dataset produced by Dr. David Long at Brigham Young University (BYU) as part of the Scatterometer Climate Record Pathfinder (SCP) (Swan and Long, 2012). This dataset ...
2012-10-04 CCMP Data Extension The Cross-Calibrated Multi-Platform (CCMP) Ocean Surface Wind Components time series has been extended through 31 December 2011. This data extends the CCMP climate data record (CDR) by 6 months, for a total of 24.5 years, starting from 1 July 1987. The AMSR-E data used in the CCMP analysis has...
2012-05-14 Jason-1 Geodetic Mission New Jason-1 Geodetic Mission   Announcement from the Jason-1 Project on 9 May 2012: As you have been informed in a previous message on 12 April 2012, the CNES-NASA Joint Steering Group directed the Jason-1 Project to move the satellite to a geodetic orbit.  The target orbit was 12+297/406 with a...
