Please be informed that the PO.DAAC has updated the Ocean Biology Processing Group (OBPG) produced MODIS L3 SST datasets from version 2014.0 to 2014.0.1. To keep minimum affects from this upgrade, the PO.DAAC dataset base-paths retain the v2014.0 in its version naming branch. The MODIS Aqua and Terra SST R2014.0.1 has made two major changes to the SST processing software: correcting misclassification in the SST cloud classifier and improving mapping software by using weighted spatial averaging over nearest neighbor. In addition, this new version also includes some metadata changes, including changing the SST data type from unsigned int16 to signed int16, which in turn affects the scale_factor and add_offset terms, and adding FillValue, valid_min, and valid_max attributes to SST variable.
For more detailed information, please go to OBPG website:
MODIS Aqua and Terra L3 SST R2014.0.1 datasets at the PO.DAAC can be found at: