We are pleased to announce recently-added datasets in the PO.DAAC State of the Ocean (SOTO) visualization tool.
- Wind Speed: CYGNSS Wind Speed SDR V3.0 (DOI: 10.5067/CYGNS-L3X30)
- Soil Moisture: CYGNSS Soil Moisture V1.0 (by UCAR) (DOI: 10.5067/CYGNU-L3SM1)
- Sea Surface Salinity: SMAP JPL CAP SSS V5.0 (DOI: 10.5067/SMP50-3TPCS)
SOTO is a suite of tools presented through an interactive, web-based visualization front end. It provides access to a broad range of satellite-derived products with key parameters of interest to the oceanographic community. SOTO facilitates visual exploration and comparative analysis of physical oceanographic data, enabling scientific oceanographic, climate, and related research.
For questions or to provide feedback, please visit the State Of The Ocean (SOTO) Forum.
To best experience SOTO, we recommend using a recent version of one of the following browsers: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Apple Safari. (Note that Internet Explorer is not supported.) Additionally, we recommend that prior to first loading the new SOTO, you clear your browser's cache.