Date Announcementsort descending Description
2017-06-29 Updated PO.DAAC State of the Ocean (SOTO) visualization tool, version 4.1.2 We are pleased to announce an update to the PO.DAAC State of the Ocean (SOTO) visualization tool:  Version 4.1.2 is now available online at For questions or to provide feedback, please...
2017-11-15 Updated PO.DAAC State of the Ocean (SOTO) visualization tool, version 4.2.1 We are pleased to announce an update to the PO.DAAC State of the Ocean (SOTO) visualization tool:  Version 4.2.1 is now available online at For questions or to provide...
2018-11-13 Updated PO.DAAC State of the Ocean (SOTO) visualization tool, version 4.3.0 We are pleased to announce an update to the PO.DAAC State of the Ocean (SOTO) visualization tool. Version 4.3.0 is now available online at For questions or to provide...
2018-07-16 UTCSR/JPL GRACE Level-2 RL06 datasets release The PO.DAAC is pleased to announce the public release of the GRACE Level-1/Level-2 Release-06 (RL06) datasets from the University of Texas Center of Space Research (CSR) and the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL).  The RL06 has made several significant improvements and updates from the current...
2022-08-11 VIIRS S-NPP product disruption due to the satellite anomaly from July 26, 2022 The S-NPP satellite has experienced an anomaly starting from July 26, 2022, and entered into sun point (sun-safe) mode. No science products are available after this date and the missing data cannot be recovered. Data activation activities commenced on August 10, but the science data production...
2021-08-06 VIIRS SST product outage due to the SNPP satellite anomaly The Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (SNPP) satellite has recently experienced an anomaly from August 3, 2021 12:46:45 UTC, resulting in a state in which the spacecraft instrument payload was no longer operating and entered into safe mode. All science data are unrecoverable during this...
2019-02-19 Warning: VIIRS_NPP-JPL-L2P-v2016.0 dataset degradation Unexpected errors have been discovered recently in the VIIRS_NPP-JPL-L2P-v2016.0 dataset since September 15th, 2018. We advise the users to use the post Sept. data with extra caution. Immediate efforts have...
