The PO.DAAC is pleased to announce the public release of two geostationary platform Sea Surface Temperature (SST) datasets, the GHRSST L3C GOES-16/ABI and MSG/SEVIRI SST_DR v1.0 produced by the European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT), Ocean and Sea Ice Satellite Application Facility (OSI SAF).
GOES-16/ABI SST L3C dataset extends the GOES satellite measurement after the switch over from GOES-13 to GOES-16 on Dec. 14th 2017. With 16 channels in the GOES-16/ABI sensor, the GOES-16 enables daytime/nighttime SST calculations, (whereas, previously GOES-13 was restricted to nighttime only), which is enabled by the SST three-band split-window algorithm. The product provides hourly regional SST covering 60S-60N and 135W-15W with 3-4 hours latency.
MSG/SEVIRI SST Data Record (DR) L3C dataset has been generated in (long) delay-mode with better calibrated data, a reprocessed cloud mask, SST re-analysis and an improved algorithm. Currently, only MSG-1 and MSG-2 SEVIRI data are used for the reprocessed SST_DR L3C dataset, which covers the timespan from 19 January 2004 to 31 December 2012. The product covers the region from 60°S to 60°N and 60°W to 60°E.
Both datasets are remapped onto a regular cylindrical equidistant latitude/longitude grid at 0.05° resolution and formatted as netCDF-4, in compliance with the Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature (GHRSST) Data Processing Specification version 2.0 (GDS2). Detailed information regarding the GHRSST Level 3C products are available from the GHRSST website and also via PO.DAAC’s GHRSST mission webpage.
Users are encouraged to visit PO.DAAC Cloud Data Page for detailed information about cloud data access. We strongly recommend users to download the data using the data-subscriber tool.
P. Le Borgne , G. Legendre , A. Marsouin, 2006, OPERATIONAL SST RETRIEVAL FROM MSG/SEVIRI DATA, Météo-France/DP/CMS BP 50747, 22307 Lannion, France
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