The PO.DAAC is pleased to announce the release of the datasets from the Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) 2019-2020 Prelaunch Oceanography Field Campaign. The campaign was designed to test the performance of several in-situ instruments/platforms in meeting the SWOT Sea Surface Height (SSH) Calibration/Validation (CalVal) requirement, and conducted near the SWOT CalVal crossover location, about 300 kilometers west of Monterey, California, between September, 2019 and January, 2020. The instrumentation includes three moorings with different designs, one Slocum glider, one bottom pressure recorder, one Pressure-Inverted-Echo-Sounder (PIES) and a Global Position System (GPS) on one of the moorings. The three moorings were placed along a Sentinel-3A ground track separated by 10 and 20 km distance with a focus on small mesoscales. The datasets in this release include hydrographic temperature and conductivity measurements at recorded pressure levels, bottom pressure at the sea floor and GPS SSH from a surface buoy.
Datasets included in this release are listed below with their digital object identifiers, which redirect to the corresponding dataset pages on the PO.DAAC Web Portal. A user guide that describes the field campaign and the in-situ measurements is linked on the Documentation tab of each dataset landing page.
NOAA Bottom Pressure Recorders (BPR):
Rutgers Slocum Gliders:
JPL Global Positioning Systems (GPS):
SIO Pressure-sensing Inverted Echo Sounder (PIES):
NOAA Prawlers:
SIO Moored Fixed-Depth CTDs:
WHOI/NOAA Moored Fixed-Depth CTDs:
SIO Mooring WireWalker (WW):
Download (example)
Download WW data using podaac-data-downloader (installation guide)
podaac-data-downloader -c SWOT_PRELAUNCH_L2_WW_V1 -d ./SWOT_PRELAUNCH_L2_WW_V1 --start-date 2019-01-01T00:00:00Z --end-date 2020-12-31T00:00:00Z
Citation guidelines are given on the Citation tab of the landing page for each dataset. An example is given below.
SWOT pre-launch field campaign, 2020; GPS sea surface height, Conductivity, Temperature and Depth (CTD) data from the 2019-2020 SWOT pre-launch field campaign. Ver. 2.0. PO.DAAC, CA, USA. Dataset accessed [YYYY-MM-DD] at https ://
Wang, J., Fu, L., Haines, B., Lankhorst, M., Lucas, A. J., Farrar, J. T., Send, U., Meinig, C., Schofield, O., Ray, R., Archer, M., Aragon, D., Bigorre, S., Chao, Y., Kerfoot, J., Pinkel, R., Sandwell, D., & Stalin, S. 2022: On the Development of SWOT In Situ Calibration/Validation for Short-Wavelength Ocean Topography. J Atmos Ocean Tech, 39, 595–617,
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