2019-07-29 |
JPL TELLUS GRACE/GRACE-FO Level-3 Glacial Isostatic Adjustment v1.0 Dataset Release |
The PO.DAAC is pleased to announce the public release of the JPL TELLUS GRACE/GRACE-FO Level-3 Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (GIA) v1.0 datasets.... |
2019-07-08 |
JPL/GFZ/CSR GRACE Level 3 RL06 Monthly Ocean/Land Mass Anomaly Datasets Release |
10.5067/TEOCN-3AC06... |
2019-07-01 |
NASA Mass Change Decadal Observable - Applications Survey |
The following message has been forwarded to all registered PO.DAAC users on behalf of the Mass Change Applications Team. Please direct all related inquiries to margaret.srinivasan@jpl.nasa.gov.
NASA Mass Change Decadal Observable -... |
2019-06-24 |
PO.DAAC certified as a CoreTrustSeal Repository by the World Data System |
The World Data System (WDS), an international consortium promoting scientific data integrity, trust and stewardship, has recognized the PO.DAAC as a data center meeting the requirements of the CoreTrustSeal (https://www.coretrustseal.org/) . This... |
2019-06-13 |
CORRECTION: JPL/GFZ/CSR GRACE-FO Level 2 Monthly Geopotential Spherical Harmonics Solution RL06 Datasets Release |
Correction: The release of GRACE-FO Level 2 RL06 contains the 9 monthly gravity field coefficient datasets from June-2018 through Apr-2019, Including [06, 07, 10, 11, 12]-2018 and [01, 02, 03, 04]-2019.
DOI: 10.5067/GFL20-MG060... |
2019-06-11 |
Oceans Melting Greenland (OMG) MBES and SBES Bathymetry L2 Version 1 Dataset Release |
The PO.DAAC is pleased to announce the public release of the Oceans Melting Greenland (OMG) Multi Beam Echo Sounder (MBES) and Single... |
2019-06-03 |
A gentle reminder that as of today, 3 June 2019, FTP service is no longer available at PO.DAAC. If you have not done so already, please transition to PO.DAAC’s operational HTTPS data distribution services, PO.DAAC Drive.
PO.DAAC Drive (podaac-tools.jpl.nasa.gov/drive/) offers file navigation and... |
2019-05-29 |
NOAA GHRSST GOES-16 ABI L2P/L3C v2.70 SST Datasets Release |
DOI: 10.5067/GHG16-3UO27
The PO.DAAC is pleased to announce the public release of the NOAA GHRSST GOES-16 (“G16”) ABI L2P/L3C v2.70 Sea... |
2019-05-23 |
JPL GRACE-FO Level 1A/1B ASCII RL04 Datasets Release |
DOI: 10.5067/GFL1B-ASJ04
The Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment Follow-On (GRACE... |
2019-05-20 |
NOAA GHRSST SNPP/N20 VIIRS L2P/L3U v2.61 Datasets Released |
DOI: 10.5067/GHV20-2PO61
10.5067/GHVRS-3UO61... |
2019-04-10 |
Dataset Update: Complete historical records of GRACE Level-2 RL06 datasets now available |
The PO.DAAC is pleased to announce that the complete historical data records of GRACE Level 2 Release 06 (RL06) datasets are available. The complete records include all available historical data from April 2002 to June 2017. The initial publications for the RL06 datasets were released on... |
2019-04-09 |
SPURS-2 Field Campaign Datasets Released |
The PO.DAAC is pleased to announce the availability of data from the NASA SPURS-2 field campaign. This initial release includes the first seven of what will ultimately be a total of twenty eight in-situ datasets produced during SPURS-2 that will be archived/distributed by the PO.DAAC. Datasets... |
2019-02-27 |
NOAA GHRSST SNPP/N20 VIIRS L2P/L3U v2.60 Datasets Release |
DOI: 10.5067/GHV20-2PO26
10.5067... |
2019-02-19 |
Warning: VIIRS_NPP-JPL-L2P-v2016.0 dataset degradation |
Unexpected errors have been discovered recently in the VIIRS_NPP-JPL-L2P-v2016.0 dataset since September 15th, 2018. We advise the users to use the post Sept. data with extra caution. Immediate efforts have been... |
2019-02-14 |
QuikSCAT Level 1C Sigma-0 and Winds from Non-spinning Antenna Version 2 Dataset Release |
DOI: 10.5067/QSNON-L1CA2
The PO.DAAC is pleased to announce the public release of the QuikSCAT Level 1C Averaged Sigma-0 and Winds from Non-spinning Antenna Version 2.0 dataset. More information about QuikSCAT is available from the... |
2019-02-13 |
REMINDER - PO.DAAC FTP RETIREMENT: Important Information for Users |
Last year, we informed our users (https://podaac.jpl.nasa.gov/announcements/2018-06-05_Deprecation_of_FTP_at_PO.DAAC) that NASA was in the process of deprecating the use of the FTP protocol for data and... |
2019-01-25 |
JPL SMAP Sea Surface Salinity (SSS) CAP V4.2 Dataset Release |
DOI: 10.5067/SMP42-2NOCS
10.5067... |
2019-01-17 |
NAVO GHRSST Level 4 K10-SST version 1.0 GDS2.0 Dataset Release |
DOI: 10.5067/GHK10-L4N01
The PO.DAAC is pleased to announce the public release of the NAVO GHRSST Level 4 K10-SST version 1.0 GDS2.0 Dataset. More information regarding the Group of High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature (GHRSST) Level 4 product is available from the... |
2018-12-20 |
Saildrone Baja Field Campaign Dataset Release |
DOI: 10.5067/SDRON-SURF0
The PO.DAAC is pleased to announce the availability and first official release of the Saildrone Baja Field Campaign Dataset. Saildrone is a wind and solar powered unmanned surface vehicle (USV) capable of long distance deployments... |
2018-12-11 |
JPL Tellus GRACE Mascon RL06 version 1.0 Data Release |
DOIs: 10.5067/TEMSC-3MJC6 & 10.5067/TEMSC-3MJ06
The PO.DAAC is pleased to announce the public release of the JPL Tellus GRACE Mascon RL06 version 1.0 datasets. More information regarding the GRACE mission is available from the GRACE Tellus... |