CYGNSS Level 2 Ocean Surface Heat Flux Science Data Record Version 1.0
1 Publication Cited this Dataset
Citation metrics available for years (2014-2022)
Publications citing CYGNSS Level 2 Ocean Surface Heat Flux Science Data Record Version 1.0
Citation metrics available for years (2014-2022)
Year | Citation |
2019 | CYGNSS. 2019 CYGNSS Level 2 Ocean Surface Heat Flux Science Data Record Version 1.0. Ver. 1.0 PO.DAAC, CA, USA. Available online: (accessed on 9 August 2019). CYGNSS Surface Heat Flux Product Development, Remote Sensing , |
Version | 1.0 |
Processing Level | 2 |
Start/Stop Date | 2017-Mar-18 to 2020-Sep-30 |
Short Name | CYGNSS_L2_SURFACE_FLUX_V1.0 |
Description | This dataset contains the Version 1.0 CYGNSS Level 2 Ocean Surface Heat Flux Science Data Record, which provides the time-tagged and geolocated ocean surface heat flux parameters with 25x25 kilometer footprint resolution from the Delay Doppler Mapping Instrument (DDMI) aboard the CYGNSS satellite constellation. The reported sample locations are determined by the specular points corresponding to the Delay Doppler Maps (DDMs). Only one netCDF-4 data file is produced each day (each file containing data from a combination of up to 8 unique CYGNSS spacecraft) with a latency of approximately 1 to 2 months from the last recorded measurement time. Version 1.0 represents the first release. The Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS), launched on 15 December 2016, is a NASA Earth System Science Pathfinder Mission that was launched with the purpose to collect the first frequent space-based measurements of surface wind speeds in the inner core of tropical cyclones. Made up of a constellation of eight micro-satellites, the CYGNSS observatories provide nearly gap-free Earth coverage with a mean (i.e., average) revisit time of seven hours and a median revisit time of three hours. The 35 degree orbital inclination allows CYGNSS to measure ocean surface winds between approximately 38 degrees North and 38 degrees South latitude using an innovative combination of all-weather performance Global Positioning System (GPS) L-band ocean surface reflectometry to penetrate the clouds and heavy precipitation. The Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Response Experiment (COARE) algorithm is what is used in this dataset to estimate the latent and sensible heat fluxes and their respective transfer coefficients. While COARE's initial intentions were for low to moderate wind speeds, the version used for this product, COARE 3.5, has been verified with direct in situ flux measurements for wind speeds up to 25 m/s. As CYGNSS does not provide air/sea temperature, humidity, surface pressure or density, the producer of this dataset obtains these values from the NASA Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications Version 2 (MERRA-2), which uses data assimilation to combine all available in situ and satellite observation data with an initial estimate of the atmospheric state, provided by a global atmospheric model. Since the MERRA-2 data is only updated on monthly intervals, this corresponding heat flux dataset is likewise updated on a monthly interval to reflect the latest data available from MERRA-2, thus accounting for measurement latency, with respect to CYGNSS observables, ranging from 1 to 2 months. The data from this release compares well with in situ buoy data, including: Kuroshio Extension Observatory (KEO), National Data Buoy Center (NDBC), Ocean Sustained Interdisciplinary Time-series Environment observation System (OceanSITES), Prediction and Research Moored Array in the Tropical Atlantic (PIRATA), Research Moored Array for African-Asian-Australian Monsoon Analysis and Prediction (RAMA), and the Tropical Atmosphere Ocean (TAO) array. As this marks only the first data release, future work is expected to provide comparisons and validation with various field campaigns (e.g., PISTON, CAMP2Ex) as well as more buoy data, especially at higher flux estimates. |
DOI | 10.5067/CYGNS-L2H10 |
Swath Width | 25 km |
Platform/Sensor | CYGNSS / Platform Name: Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS) Orbit Period: 94.0 minutes Inclination Angle: 35.0 degrees DDMI SENSOR Name: Delay Doppler Mapping Instrument (DDMI) Swath Width: 25.0 kilometers Description: Spacecraft angular distance from orbital plane relative to the Equator. |
Project | Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS) |
Data Provider | Publisher: PO.DAAC Creator: CYGNSS Release Place: PO.DAAC Release Date: 2019-Aug-11 Resource: |
Format | netCDF-4 |
Keyword(s) | cygnss, ddm, ddmi, doppler, delay doppler, delay, specular point, wind, winds, wind speed, heat flux, shf, lhf, sensible heat, latent heat, flux, fluxes, heat fluxes, version 1.0, v1.0, version 1, v1 |
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Resolution Spatial Resolution: 25000 Meters x 25000 Meters Temporal Resolution: Hourly - < Daily Coverage Region: GLOBAL North Bounding Coordinate: 40 degrees South Bounding Coordinate: -40 degrees West Bounding Coordinate: -180 degrees East Bounding Coordinate: 180 degrees Time Span: 2017-Mar-18 to 2020-Sep-30 Granule Time Span: 2017-Mar-18 to 2020-Sep-30Swath Width: 25 km Projection Projection Type: Satellite native along-track Projection Detail: Geolocation information included for each pixel Ellipsoid: WGS 84 |
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Name | Long Name | Unit |
air_density | Air density at surface | kg m-3 |
air_temperature | 10 meter air temperature | K |
cygnss_l2_sample_index | CYGNSS L2 netCDF Sample Index | |
effective_surface_humidity | Effective surface specific humidity | kg kg-1 |
lat | Latitude | degrees_north |
lhf | Latent heat flux calculated from L2 FDS wind speed | W m-2 |
lhf_uncertainty | Latent heat flux uncertainty | W m-2 |
lhf_yslf | Latent heat flux calculated from YSLF NBRCS wind speed product. | W m-2 |
lhf_yslf_uncertainty | Latent heat flux YSLF uncertainty | W m-2 |
lon | Longitude | degrees_east |
prn_code | GPS PRN code | 1 |
quality_flags | Per-sample quality flags | |
sample | Sample index | 1 |
sample_time | Sample time | seconds since 2017-03-18 00:00:00.999 |
shf | Sensible heat flux calculated from L2 FDS wind speed | W m-2 |
shf_uncertainty | Sensible heat flux uncertainty | W m-2 |
shf_yslf | Sensible heat flux calculated from YSLF NBRCS wind speed product. | W m-2 |
shf_yslf_uncertainty | Sensible heat flux YSLF uncertainty | W m-2 |
spacecraft_id | CCSDS spacecraft identifier | 1 |
spacecraft_num | CYGNSS spacecraft number | 1 |
specific_humidity | 10 meter specific humidity | kg kg-1 |
surface_pressure | Surface pressure | Pa |
surface_skin_temperature | Surface skin temperature | K |
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Citation is critically important for dataset documentation and discovery. Please cite the data as follows, and cite the reference papers when it is appropriate.
Citation | CYGNSS. 2019. CYGNSS Level 2 Ocean Surface Heat Flux Science Data Record Version 1.0. Ver. 1.0. PO.DAAC, CA, USA. Dataset accessed [YYYY-MM-DD] at
For more information see Data Citations and Acknowledgments.
Journal Reference | Crespo, J. A., Posselt, D. J., and Asharaf, S.. 2019. CYGNSS Surface Heat Flux Product Development, Remote Sensing, 11, 19. |
Version | Dataset | Version Date | Status | |
3.2 | CYGNSS Level 2 Ocean Surface Heat Flux Science Data Record Version 3.2 | 2024-04-10 | ACTIVE | 2024-04-10T19:48:00.000Z |
2.0 | CYGNSS Level 2 Ocean Surface Heat Flux Science Data Record Version 2.0 | 2022-04-05 | COMPLETE | 2022-04-05T16:16:00.000Z |
1.0 | CYGNSS Level 2 Ocean Surface Heat Flux Science Data Record Version 1.0 | 2021-08-06 | COMPLETE | 2021-08-06T22:41:00.000Z |