SWOT Level 2 Water Mask Pixel Cloud Data Product, Version 1.1
(SWOT_L2_HR_PIXC_1.1)Version | 1.1 |
Processing Level | 2 |
Start/Stop Date | 2022-Dec-16 to Present |
Short Name | SWOT_L2_HR_PIXC_1.1 |
Description | Point cloud of water mask pixels (“pixel cloud”) with geolocated heights, backscatter, geophysical fields, and flags. Point cloud over tile (approx 64x64 km2); half swath (left or right side of full swath). Available in netCDF-4 file format. |
DOI | 10.5067/SWOT-PIXC-1.1 |
Swath Width | 120 km |
Platform/Sensor | SWOT / Platform Name: Surface Water Ocean Topography (SWOT) KaRIn SENSOR Name: Ka-band Radar Interferometer (KaRIn) SWOT / Platform Name: Surface Water Ocean Topography (SWOT) Jason-class Altimeter SENSOR Name: Jason-class Altimeter (Jason-class Altimeter) SWOT / Platform Name: Surface Water Ocean Topography (SWOT) AMR SENSOR Name: Advanced Microwave Radiometer (AMR) Swath Width: 18.7 ghz Description: The operating frequency which is aimed towards recovery of atmospheric attenuation due to sigma0 Swath Width: 23.8 ghz Description: The operating frequency which is aimed towards recovery of atmospheric attenuation due to water vapor Swath Width: 34.0 ghz Description: The operating frequency which is aimed towards recovery of atmospheric attenuation due to cloud liquid water. SWOT / Platform Name: Surface Water Ocean Topography (SWOT) DORIS SENSOR Name: Doppler Orbitography and Radiopositioning Integrated by Satellite (DORIS) SWOT / Platform Name: Surface Water Ocean Topography (SWOT) GPSP SENSOR Name: Global Positioning System Payload (GPSP) Show More |
Project | Surface Water Ocean Topography (SWOT) |
Data Provider | Publisher: JPL NASA Creator: Surface Water Ocean Topography (SWOT) Release Place: Jet Propulsion Laboratory Release Date: 2023-Nov-30 Resource: https://swot.jpl.nasa.gov/ |
Format | netCDF-4 |
Questions related to this dataset? Contact podaac@podaac.jpl.nasa.gov
Coverage Region: GLOBAL North Bounding Coordinate: 90 degrees South Bounding Coordinate: -90 degrees West Bounding Coordinate: -180 degrees East Bounding Coordinate: 180 degrees Time Span: 2022-Dec-16 to PresentSwath Width: 120 km |
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Available for access in-region with AWS Cloud | |
Region | |
us-west-2 | |
podaac-swot-ops-cumulus-protected/SWOT_L2_HR_PIXC_1.1/ | |
podaac-swot-ops-cumulus-public/SWOT_L2_HR_PIXC_1.1/ | |
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Data Subscriber |
Name | Long Name | Unit |
/noise/noise_minus_y | Noise estimate for the minus_y channel | 1 |
/noise/noise_plus_y | Noise estimate for the plus_y channel | 1 |
/pixel_cloud/ambiguity_cost1 | phase ambiguity minimum cost | 1 |
/pixel_cloud/ambiguity_cost2 | phase ambiguity 2nd minimum cost | 1 |
/pixel_cloud/ancillary_surface_classification_flag | surface classification | |
/pixel_cloud/azimuth_index | rare interferogram azimuth index | 1 |
/pixel_cloud/bright_land_flag | bright land flag | |
/pixel_cloud/classification | classification | |
/pixel_cloud/classification_qual | /pixel_cloud/classification_qual | |
/pixel_cloud/coherent_power | coherent power combination of minus_y and plus_y channels | 1 |
/pixel_cloud/cross_track | approximate cross-track location | m |
/pixel_cloud/darea_dheight | sensitivity of pixel area to reference height | m^2/m |
/pixel_cloud/dheight_dbaseline | sensitivity of height estimate to interferometric baseline | m/m |
/pixel_cloud/dheight_dphase | sensitivity of height estimate to interferogram phase | m/radian |
/pixel_cloud/dheight_drange | sensitivity of height estimate to range (delay) | m/m |
/pixel_cloud/dheight_droll | sensitivity of height estimate to spacecraft roll | m/degrees |
/pixel_cloud/dlatitude_dphase | sensitivity of latitude estimate to interferogram phase | degrees/radian |
/pixel_cloud/dlongitude_dphase | sensitivity of longitude estimate to interferogram phase | degrees/radian |
/pixel_cloud/eff_num_medium_looks | effective number of medium looks | 1 |
/pixel_cloud/eff_num_rare_looks | effective number of rare looks | 1 |
/pixel_cloud/false_detection_rate | false detection rate | 1 |
/pixel_cloud/geoid | geoid height | m |
/pixel_cloud/geolocation_qual | /pixel_cloud/geolocation_qual | |
/pixel_cloud/height | height above reference ellipsoid | m |
/pixel_cloud/height_cor_xover | height correction from KaRIn crossovers | m |
/pixel_cloud/illumination_time | time of illumination of each pixel (UTC) | seconds since 2000-01-01 00:00:00.000 |
/pixel_cloud/illumination_time_tai | time of illumination of each pixel (TAI) | seconds since 2000-01-01 00:00:00.000 |
/pixel_cloud/inc | incidence angle | degrees |
/pixel_cloud/instrument_baseline_cor | instrument baseline correction | m |
/pixel_cloud/instrument_phase_cor | instrument phase correction | radians |
/pixel_cloud/instrument_range_cor | instrument range correction | m |
/pixel_cloud/interferogram | rare interferogram | 1 |
/pixel_cloud/interferogram_qual | /pixel_cloud/interferogram_qual | |
/pixel_cloud/iono_cor_gim_ka | ionosphere vertical correction | m |
/pixel_cloud/latitude | latitude (positive N, negative S) | degrees_north |
/pixel_cloud/layover_impact | layover impact | m |
/pixel_cloud/load_tide_fes | geocentric load tide height (FES) | m |
/pixel_cloud/load_tide_got | geocentric load tide height (GOT) | m |
/pixel_cloud/longitude | longitude (degrees East) | degrees_east |
/pixel_cloud/missed_detection_rate | missed detection rate | 1 |
/pixel_cloud/model_dry_tropo_cor | dry troposphere vertical correction | m |
/pixel_cloud/model_wet_tropo_cor | wet troposphere vertical correction | m |
/pixel_cloud/phase_noise_std | phase noise standard deviation | radians |
/pixel_cloud/phase_unwrapping_region | phase unwrapping region index | 1 |
/pixel_cloud/pixc_line_qual | /pixel_cloud/pixc_line_qual | |
/pixel_cloud/pixc_line_to_tvp | pixel cloud rare line to tvp index | 1 |
/pixel_cloud/pixel_area | pixel area | m^2 |
/pixel_cloud/pole_tide | geocentric pole tide height | m |
/pixel_cloud/power_minus_y | power for minus_y channel | 1 |
/pixel_cloud/power_plus_y | power for plus_y channel | 1 |
/pixel_cloud/prior_water_prob | prior water probability | 1 |
/pixel_cloud/range_index | rare interferogram range index | 1 |
/pixel_cloud/sig0 | sigma0 | 1 |
/pixel_cloud/sig0_cor_atmos_model | two-way atmospheric correction to sigma0 from model | 1 |
/pixel_cloud/sig0_qual | /pixel_cloud/sig0_qual | |
/pixel_cloud/sig0_uncert | sigma0 uncertainty | 1 |
/pixel_cloud/solid_earth_tide | solid Earth tide height | m |
/pixel_cloud/water_frac | water fraction | 1 |
/pixel_cloud/water_frac_uncert | water fraction uncertainty | 1 |
/pixel_cloud/x_factor_minus_y | X factor for minus_y channel power | 1 |
/pixel_cloud/x_factor_plus_y | X factor for plus_y channel power | 1 |
/tvp/altitude | altitude of the spacecraft | m |
/tvp/latitude | latitude (positive N, negative S) of the spacecraft | degrees_north |
/tvp/longitude | longitude (degrees East) of the spacecraft | degrees_east |
/tvp/minus_y_antenna_x | x coordinate of the minus_y antenna phase center in the ECEF frame | m |
/tvp/minus_y_antenna_y | y coordinate of the minus_y antenna phase center in the ECEF frame | m |
/tvp/minus_y_antenna_z | z coordinate of the minus_y antenna phase center in the ECEF frame | m |
/tvp/pitch | pitch of the spacecraft | degrees |
/tvp/plus_y_antenna_x | x coordinate of the plus_y antenna phase center in the ECEF frame | m |
/tvp/plus_y_antenna_y | y coordinate of the plus_y antenna phase center in the ECEF frame | m |
/tvp/plus_y_antenna_z | z coordinate of the plus_y antenna phase center in the ECEF frame | m |
/tvp/record_counter | record counter | 1 |
/tvp/roll | roll of the spacecraft | degrees |
/tvp/sc_event_flag | spacecraft event flag | |
/tvp/time | time in UTC | seconds since 2000-01-01 00:00:00.000 |
/tvp/time_tai | time in TAI | seconds since 2000-01-01 00:00:00.000 |
/tvp/tvp_qual | TVP quality flag | |
/tvp/velocity_heading | heading of the spacecraft Earth-relative velocity vector | degrees |
/tvp/vx | x component of the spacecraft velocity in the ECEF frame | m/s |
/tvp/vy | y component of the spacecraft velocity in the ECEF frame | m/s |
/tvp/vz | z component of the spacecraft velocity in the ECEF frame | m/s |
/tvp/x | x coordinate of the spacecraft in the ECEF frame | m |
/tvp/y | y coordinate of the spacecraft in the ECEF frame | m |
/tvp/yaw | yaw of the spacecraft | degrees |
/tvp/z | z coordinate of the spacecraft in the ECEF frame | m |
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Citation is critically important for dataset documentation and discovery. Please cite the data as follows, and cite the reference papers when it is appropriate.
Citation | Surface Water Ocean Topography (SWOT). 2023. SWOT Level 2 Water Mask Pixel Cloud Data Product, Version 1.1. Ver. 1.1. PO.DAAC, CA, USA. Dataset accessed [YYYY-MM-DD] at https://doi.org/10.5067/SWOT-PIXC-1.1
For more information see Data Citations and Acknowledgments.
Journal Reference | JPL Internal Document. 2018. Surface Water and Ocean Topography Mission (SWOT) Project: Science Requirements Document, JPL D-61923, Rev. B, Jet Propulsion Laboratory. |