This page provides information on how to write a Data Management Plan for ROSES proposal solicitations, wherein the proposer intends to submit data to a NASA DAAC.
The NASA-designated long-term archive for physical oceanography is the Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center (PO.DAAC) at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Thus, much of the data generated through a PO or certain science team ROSES solicitation will ultimately be archived and distributed by PO.DAAC, as authorized and directed by NASA’s Earth Science Data Information System (ESDIS) Project. In keeping with NASA’s need to ensure long-term data stewardship, awarded projects shall deliver all data products, including scientific algorithm software, coefficients, ancillary data used to generate these products, and associated documentation to PO.DAAC before the end of the project term. All terms and conditions governing transfer of data products and associated information to the archive shall be documented in the project's Data Management Plan.
The Data Management Plan (DMP) provides information on how data will be managed and shared throughout its lifecycle in compliance with NASA’s Earth Science data policy and following NASA standards and references (i.e., file formats, metadata standards, and conventions). Example information to consider for inclusion in a DMP are provided below. It is expected that a DMP will evolve as the data are collected and processed. Additional information about data management best practices (file formats and metadata models, with recommended metadata attributes) is available at the PO.DAAC. Additionally, data producers should consult the ESDIS recommended best practices for ensuring data interoperability. All guidance documents can be found in the sidebar.