- Lagerloef, G. S. E.,
"Introduction to the Special Section: The Role of Surface Salinity on Upper Ocean Dynamics, Air-sea Interaction and Climate",
J. Geophys. Res., 107(C12), 8000, doi:10.1029/2002JC001669, 2002. - Le Vine, D.; Koblinsky, C.; Pellerano, F.; Lagerloef, G.; Chao, Y.; Yueh, S.; Wilson, W.
"The Measurement of Salinity from Space: Sensor Concept",
Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2001. IGARSS '01. IEEE 2001 International, vol.3, pp.1010-1012 vol.3, 2001. - Wilson, W.J.; Yueh, S.H.; Li, F.K.; Dinardo, S.; Yi Chao; Koblinsky, C.; Lagerloef, G.; Howden, S.
"Ocean Surface Salinity Remote Sensing with the JPL Passive/Active L-/S-band (PALS) Microwave Instrument".,
Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2001. IGARSS '01. IEEE 2001 International, vol.2, pp.937-939, July, 2001. - Busalacchi A.J. and the Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center (ESSIC) Salinity Team (EST)
"Salinity and El Nino Predictability".
U.S. CLIVAR Salinity WorkshopWoods Hole Oceanographic Institution, May 2006. - Lagerloe G.S.E.,Swift C.T. and Le Vine D.M.
"Sea Surface Salinity: The Next Remote Sensing Challenge".
Oceanography, Vol.8 No.2, 1995. - Topliss B.J.,Gower J.F.R.,Helbig J.A.,Isenor A. W. and Rubinstein I.
"Sea Surface Salinity from Space: A Canadian Perspective".
The Canadian Space Agency Earth and Environmental Applications Program Report, March 2002. - Koblinsky C. J.,Hildebrand P.,Le Vine D.,Pellerano F.,Chao Y.,Wilson W.,Yueh S. and Lagerloef G.
"Sea surface salinity from space: Science goals and measurement approach".
Radio Science, VOL. 38, NO. 4, 8064, doi:10.1029/2001RS002584, 2003. - Bingham F.M.,Howden S.D. and Koblinsky C.J.
"Sea surface salinity measurements in the historical database".
Journal of Geophysical Research, VOL. 107, NO. C12, 8019, doi:10.1029/2000JC000767, 2002. - Camps A.,Vall-llossera M.,Miranda J. and Font J.
"Sea Surface Brightness Temperature At L-band: Impact Of Surface Currents".
Proc. IGARSS, vol.5 pp. 3481-3484, Anchorage, Alaska, September, 2004. - Reul N. and Chapron B.
"A simple algorithm for Sea Surface Salinity retrieval from L-Band Radiometric measurements at nadir".
Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2003. IGARSS '03. Proceedings. 2003 IEEE International, vol.4, pp. 2783-2785 July 2003. - Klein L.A. and Swift C.T.
"Improved Model for the Dielectric Constant of Sea Water at Microwave Frequencies".
Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions on, vol. AP-25, no. 1, January 1977. - Burrage D.,Wesson J. and Miller J.
"Deriving Sea Surface Salinity and Density Variations From Satellite and Aircraft Microwave Radiometer Measurements: Application to Coastal Plumes Using STARRS".
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 46, no. 3, March 2008.
Remote Sensing General:
- Gentemann C.L.,Wentz F.J.,Mears C.A. and Smith D.K.
"In Situ Validation of Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission Microwave Sea Surface Temperatures".
Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 109, pp. C04021.1 - C04021.9, doi:10.1029/2003JC002092, 2004. - Reynolds R.W. and Smith T.M.
"Improved Global Sea Surface Temperature Analyses Using Optimum Interpolation".
Journal of Climate, vol 7, pp. 929-948, June 1994. - Maurer J. and Wick G.A.
"Infrared and Microwave Remote Sensing of Sea Surface Temperature",
University of Colorado at Boulder. - Boain R.J.
"A-B-Cs of Sun-Synchronous Orbit Mission Design"
Presented at AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Conference, Maui, Hawaii, February 2004. - Gasiewski A.J.
"A Technique for Measuring Vertically and Horizontally Polarized Microwave Brightness Temperatures Using Electronic Polarization-Basis Rotation"
Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 1990. IGARSS '90. 'Remote Sensing Science for the Nineties', 10th Annual International,pp.1569-1572, May 1990. - Gaiser P.W.
"WindSat - Satellite-Based Polarimetric Microwave Radiometer"
Microwave Symposium Digest, 1999 IEEE MTT-S International, vol 1, pp. 403-406, June, 1999, Anaheim, CA.
ESA's Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) Papers:
- Font J.,Lagerloef G.S.E.,Le Vine D.M.,Camps A. and Zanifé O.-Z.
"The Determination of Surface Salinity With the European SMOS Space Mission"
Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on, vol.42, no.10, pp. 2196-2205, October. 2004. - Font, J.; Lagerloef, G.S.E.; Le Vine, D.M.; Camps, A.; Zanifé, O.-Z.
"The Determination of Surface Salinity with SMOS Recent Results and Main Issues"
Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2003. IGARSS '03. Proceedings. 2003 IEEE International, vol.1,pp.7-9,vol.1,July 2003. - Sabia, R.; Camps, A.; Reul, N.; Vall-llossera, M.
"Impact on Sea Surface Salinity Retrieval of Multi-source Auxiliary Data within the SMOS mission"
Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2005. IGARSS '05. Proceedings. 2005 IEEE International , vol.1,pp.4 July 2005. - Sabia R., Camps A., Vall-llossera M., Villarino R., Miranda J., Monerris A. and Zapata M.
"Sea Surface Salinity Retrieval within the ESA Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) Mission"
Aquarius Details and Technical Papers:
- Wentz F.J. and LeVine D.
"Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document Aquarius Level-2 Radiometer Algorithm: Revision 1"
Aquarius RSS Technical Report 012208, Aquarius Ground Sement, Goddard Space Flight Center, January 2008. - Lilly J.M. and Lagerloef G.S.E.
"Aquarius Level 3 processing algorithm theoretical basis document. Version 0.9."
Aquarius Ground Sement, Goddard Space Flight Center, January 2008. - Yueh, S.H.; Wilson, W.J.; Edelstein, W.; Farra, D.; Johnson, M.; Pellerano, F.; LeVine, D.; Hilderbrand, P.
"Aquarius Instrument Design For Sea Surface Salinity Measurements"
Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2003. IGARSS '03. Proceedings. 2003 IEEE International, vol.4,pp. 2795-2797 July 2003. - Le Vine, D.M.; Lagerloef, G.S.E.; Yueh, S.; Pellerano, F.; Dinnat, E.; Wentz, F.
"Aquarius Mission Technical Overview"
Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2006. IGARSS 2006. IEEE International Conference on,pp.1678-1680, July 2006. - Aquarius Selected Instrument Concept
Aquarius Mission Page,Detailed information about the Aquarius Instrument. - Le Vine, D.M.; Lagerloef, G.S.E.; Colomb, F.R.; Yueh, S.H.; Pellerano, F.A.
"Aquarius: An Instrument to Monitor Sea Surface Salinity From Space"
Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on, vol.45, no.7, pp.2040-2050, July 2007. - Le Vine, D.M.;Pellerano, F.;Lagerloef, G.S.E.; Yueh, S. and Colomb, R.
"Aquarius: A Mission to Monitor Sea Surface Salinity from Space"
IEEE MicroRad, 2006 , pp.87-90, 2006. - Le Vine, D.;Koblinsky C.;Pellerano F.;Lagerloef, G.;Chao, Y.;Yueh, S. and Wilson, W.
"A Sensor to Measure Salinity in the Open Ocean From Space."
International Journal of Remote Sensing, vol. 25, no. 7-8, pp. 1313-1318, April 2004. - Le Vine, D.M.; Lagerloef, G.; Pellerano, F.; Colomb, F.R.
"The Aquarius/SAC-D Mission and Status of the Aquarius Instrument"
Microwave Radiometry and Remote Sensing of the Environment, MICRORAD 2008, pp.1-4, 11-14 March 2008. - Lagerloef, G.S.E.; Chao, Y.; Colomb, F.R.
"Aquarius/SAC-D Ocean Salinity Mission Science Overview"
Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2006. IGARSS 2006. IEEE International Conference on,pp.1675-1677, July 2006. - Gunn, J.T.
"Aquarius Validation Data System Overview and Status"
Aquarius Algorithm Workshop 2007, Aquarius Ground Sement, Goddard Space Flight Center, AVDS Status. - Gunn, J.T.
"Aquarius Sea Surface Salinity satellite mission validation using near real-time, in-situ oceanographic data"
1st Joint GOSUD/SAMOS Workshop, Boulder Colorado, 2006, Research Vessel Surface Meteorology Data Center, Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies, Florida State University. - "Aquarius Level-1A Data Product Version 1.0"
Aquarius Ground Sement, Goddard Space Flight Center, December 2008. - "Aquarius Level 2 Data Product DRAFT"
Aquarius Ground Sement, Goddard Space Flight Center, November 2008. - DeCharon, A.; Lagerloef, G.
The Earth Observer: Update on the Aquarius/SAC-D Mission
The Earth Observer July - August 2008 Volume 20, Issue 4, pp. 17-21.