The PO.DAAC is pleased to announce the availability of the SPURS-1 field campaign data. The SPURS (Salinity Processes in the Upper Ocean Regional Study) project is a series of science process studies and associated oceanographic field campaigns that, in conjunction with the Aquarius/SAC-D and SMOS satellite missions, aim to elucidate key mechanisms responsible for near-surface salinity variations in the oceans. The SPURS-1 campaign involved a series of 5 cruises during 2012 - 2013 seeking to characterize the salinity structure and balance in a high salinity, high evaporation, and low rainfall region of the subtropical North Atlantic. A suite of oceanographic sampling platforms and instruments were deployed within a 900 x 800-mile square study area centered at 25N, 38W. Resulting SPURS-1 in-situ datasets, distributed in netCDF format with standards-compliant metadata, include: SPURS central mooring, PICO mooring, ADCP, CTD, underway-CTD, thermosalinograph, meteorology, seasoar, Ecomapper, Tenuse glider, seaglider, waveglider, drifter, ARGO and neutrally buoyant float data.
SPURS-1 datasets are described and discoverable via the PO.DAAC data portal.
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