Monday, April 9, 2018

The PO.DAAC is pleased to announce the public release of the Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVO) GHRSST VIIRS-NPP Level-2P version 3.0 (v3.0) datasets. The v3.0 is upgraded from the current v2.0 with several significant improvements in processing algorithms, including contamination detection, cloud detection, and data format upgrades. Similar to v2.0, the new dataset is also in the netCDF Format, in compliance with the Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature (GHRSST) Data Processing Specification version 2.0 (GDS2).  Mainly, it contains the global near daily-coverage Sea Surface Temperature at 1-meter depth with 750 m (along) x 750 m (cross) spatial resolution in swath coordinates. Each single netCDF4 file has a 768x3200 pixels in dimension with less than 16.50 MB in size.  The detail information can be found at the PO.DAAC information page:

Data access is currently through OPeNDAP at locations such as:

The GDS2 specification document can be found here:
More information on the GHRSST project can be found here: