Tuesday, April 9, 2019

The PO.DAAC is pleased to announce the availability of data from the NASA SPURS-2 field campaign. This initial release includes the first seven of what will ultimately be a total of twenty eight in-situ datasets produced during SPURS-2 that will be archived/distributed by the PO.DAAC. Datasets comprising this release include: vertical profile data from lowered conductivity, temperature, depth (CTD), expendable bathythermograph (XBT) and ARGO profiling float instruments, water column current velocity profiles from shipborne Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP), along-track multivariate sensor measurements from Saildrone, WAMOS wave radar data, and precipitation imagery data from the SEA-POL rain radar.

The SPURS (Salinity Processes in the Upper Ocean Regional Study) project is a NASA-funded oceanographic process study and associated field program that aim to elucidate key mechanisms responsible for near-surface salinity variations in the oceans. SPURS employs a suite of state-of-the-art in-situ sampling technologies that, combined with remotely sensed salinity fields from the Aquarius/SAC-D, SMAP and SMOS satellites, provide a detailed characterization of salinity structure over a continuum of spatio-temporal scales. While SPURS-1 focused on the salinity maximum region of the sub-tropical N. Atlantic, SPURS-2 concentrated on the dynamic and seasonally variable, rainfall dominated region of the eastern tropical Pacific centered at 10N, 125W. The SPURS-2 campaign involved two month-long cruises by the R/V Revelle in August 2016 and October 2017 combined with complementary sampling on a more continuous basis over this period by the schooner Lady Amber.

The SPURS-2 datasets are described, discoverable and accessible via the PO.DAAC data portal.  Further information on SPURS is available from the project website and also via the SPURS field campaign page on the PO.DAAC portal.

DOI:  10.5067/SPUR2-CTD00


Citation:   Lindstrom, E.J., A.Y. Shcherbina, L. Rainville, J.T. Farrar, L.R. Centurioni, S. Dong, E.A. DAsaro, C. Eriksen, D.M. Fratantoni, B.A. Hodges, V. Hormann, W.S. Kessler, C.M. Lee, S.C. Riser, L. St. Laurent, and D.L. Volkov. 2017. Autonomous multi-platform observations during the Salinity Processes in the Upper-ocean Regional Study. Oceanography 30(2): 38-48.

Comments/Questions? Please contact podaac@podaac.jpl.nasa.gov or visit the PO.DAAC Forum.

Important Information for Users:

NASA is in the process of deprecating the use of the FTP protocol for data and information access. PO.DAAC is pleased to offer PO.DAAC Drive as a robust FTP alternative for browsing and retrieving data at PO.DAAC (podaac-tools.jpl.nasa.gov/drive/). It offers file navigation and download through an interface served directly through your browser, and with a familiar look and feel. It also allows users to access data via a command line so that interactions can be easily scripted. The entire PO.DAAC archive can also be mounted to a local computer as a virtual data store.

  • For help on using Drive see the PO.DAAC Drive Data Recipes
  • For questions or to provide feedback, please visit the PO.DAAC Drive Forum

After 3 June 2019, FTP service will no longer be available at PO.DAAC. We recommend an earlier transition to maximize familiarity with PO.DAAC’s operational HTTPS data distribution services and minimize data disruption when FTP service is no longer available. To ensure a successful transition for all FTP users, our User Services Team is standing by to address all technical issues and concerns.