The PO.DAAC is pleased to announce an update to the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (ABOM) GHRSST Level 4 GAMSSA 28km and RAMSSA 9km v1.0 datasets. These two datasets are produced by the Commonwealth of Australia as represented by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (ABoM), in compliance with the Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature (GHRSST) Data Specification version 2.0 (GDS2.0). Both datasets are updated versions of existing GAMSSA 28km and RAMSSA 9km GDS1.0 datasets (DOI: 10.5067/GHRAM-4FA01 and 10.5067/GHGAM-4FA01). For detailed information on the GHRSST project, please visit the GHRSST project page and the PO.DAAC GHRSST mission page.
The two Level 4 SST datasets are produced daily on an operational basis using optimal interpolation (OI) on regional 1/12 degree and global 1/4 degree regular lat/lon grids. Both products blend satellite SST observations from AMSR2 on GCOM, AVHRR on METOP-A and -B satellites with in situ data from ships, drifting buoys and moorings from the Global Telecommunications System (GTS). GAMSSA 28km provides data coverage from 23 July 2008 to present with daily data volumes of 1.2 MB; RAMSSA 9km extends temporal coverage from 12 June 2006 to present with daily data volumes of 2.3 MB. Both datasets will be updated in forward stream with a nominal 24 hour latency.
The datasets are described and discoverable via the PO.DAAC dataset information pages. The dataset information pages also provide access to the technical documentation and guidance on how to cite the data.
DOI: 10.5067/GHGAM-4FA1A
Helen Beggs, Aihong Zhong, Graham Warren, Oscar Alves, Gary Brassington and Tim Pugh , 2011, RAMSSA - An operational, high-resolution, Regional Australian Multi-Sensor Sea surface temperature Analysis over the Australian region , Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Journal 61 (2011) 1-22, DOI: 10.22499/2.6101.001,
Aihong Zhong, 2008, Operational Implementation of Global Australian Multi-Sensor Sea Surface Temperature Analysis, Analysis and Prediction Operations Bulletin No. 77,
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