Wednesday, February 15, 2023

The PO.DAAC is pleased to announce the public release of the GHRSST Level-2P AMSR2 SST v8.2 datasets from Remote Sensing Systems.

This release includes both Near Real Time (RT) and Final AMSR2 L2P SST v8.2 datasets, which supersede the existing AMSR2 L2P v8a (DOI: 10.5067/GHAM2-2PR8A and 10.5067/GHAM2-3UR8A). The v8.2 has made significant improvements over v8a. The improvement includes the correction of the spurious drifts in AMSR-2 SST, wind, vapor, cloud and rain; retrieval of the Water Vapor high values up to 120 mm in heavy rain; retrieval of the wind speed through rain product for all Weather Wind; and formatting the data files in netCDF4, in compliance with the GHRSST GDS2 specifications. Both L2P data provide global coverage with 2 day temporal resolution (based on repeat orbit) on a 25 km native satellite swath. The temporal coverage extends from 2012-Jul-02 to present, and will be updated in a forward data stream with a nominal 3-12 hour latency. Users are strongly encouraged to use the updated version as biases can be significantly reduced.

The datasets are described and discoverable via the PO.DAAC dataset information pages. The dataset information pages also provide access to the project homepage and guidance on how to cite the data.

Data DOI: 

  1. AMSR2-REMSS-L2P-v8.2 (10.5067/GHAM2-2PR82)
  2. AMSR2-REMSS-L2P_RT-v8.2 (10.5067/GHAM2-2TR82)


  1. Wentz, F.J. & Gentemann, C.L. & Hilburn, Kyle. 2005. Three years of ocean products from AMSR-E: evaluation and applications, IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Symp., 7. 
  2. Wentz, Frank J. and Thomas Meissner. 2007. Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document for AMSR-E Ocean Algorithms, RSS Tech. Rpt. 051707.

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