The PO.DAAC is pleased to announce the public release of the Tellus GRACE-FO L3 Release 06.1 version 04 (RL06.1v04) datasets.
This release includes six Monthly Tellus GRACE-FO Level-3 Land and Ocean Mass Anomaly RL06.1v04 datasets from all three data centers (JPL, GFZ, and CSR), which supersede the existing GRACE-FO L3 RL06v04 datasets (DOI: 10.5067/GFLND-3AC64; 10.5067/GFLND-3AG64; 10.5067/GFLND-3AJ64; 10.5067/GFOCN-3AC64; 10.5067/GFOCN-3AG64; 10.5067/GFOCN-3AJ64). The RL06.1v04 differs from RL06v04 only in the Level-1B accelerometer transplant data that is used for the GRACE-FO 2 (GF2) satellite. This provides improved estimates of non-gravitational forces on GF2, and in turn yields improved quality of the gravity and mass change data products. GRACE-FO L3 provides monthly coverage on a global 1.0-degree regular lat/lon grid with three file formats (netCDF, GeoTIFF, and ASCII). The temporal coverage extends from May 2018 to present, and will be updated in forward data stream with nominal bi-monthly latency.
The datasets are described and discoverable via the PO.DAAC dataset information pages. The dataset information pages also provide access to the technical documentation, the GRACE-FO Level-3 User Handbook, and guidance on how to cite the data.
Data DOI:
- TELLUS_GRFO_L3_CSR_RL06.1_LND_v04 (10.5067/GFLND-3C614)
- TELLUS_GRFO_L3_CSR_RL06.1_OCN_v04 (10.5067/GFOCN-3C614)
- TELLUS_GRFO_L3_GFZ_RL06.1_LND_v04 (10.5067/GFLND-3G614)
- TELLUS_GRFO_L3_GFZ_RL06.1_OCN_v04 (10.5067/GFOCN-3G614)
- TELLUS_GRFO_L3_JPL_RL06.1_LND_v04 (10.5067/GFLND-3J614)
- TELLUS_GRFO_L3_JPL_RL06.1_OCN_v04 (10.5067/GFOCN-3J614)
- Landerer, F. W., Flechtner, F. M., Save, H., Webb, F. H., Bandikova, T., Bertiger, W. I., et al. (2020). Extending the global mass change data record: GRACE Follow‐On instrument and science data performance. Geophysical Research Letters, 47, e2020GL088306.
- Landerer F. W. and S. C. Swenson, Accuracy of scaled GRACE terrestrial water storage estimates. Water Resources Research, Vol 48, W04531, 11 PP, doi:10.1029/2011WR011453, 2012.
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