Friday, May 15, 2020

PO.DAAC is transitioning towards a web portal that is content centered, data driven, and provides personalized user experiences that are supplemented with efficient search and discovery capabilities. The first phase of the web portal revitalization is now available showcasing a simplified, modernized design and several improvements towards a content, data-driven user experience. Specifically, a user will experience:

  • New Homepage and New Navigation architecture 
  • Introduction of Science Disciplines  
  • Find Data and information by Science Disciplines and related Measurements 
  • Redesigned Missions and Measurements pages 
  • New Resources page with dynamic filtering by category, type and science discipline 
  • New Access Data page featuring tools & services filterable by capability  
  • Rebranded Ocean Stories (Data in Action) 
  • Introduction of dynamic linkage between content type across the web portal 
  • Improved search and discovery capability  
  • Website content shareable with social media sharing buttons 
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and performance improvements 

We invite you to explore the site and provide us with your comments and feedback. Please contact or visit the PO.DAAC Forum.

Also, please check out our short video tutorial that will help users navigate the new portal (TUTORIAL: How to Navigate the New PO.DAAC Web Portal).