PO.DAAC follows the Level of Service model as defined by the Earth Science Data Systems (ESDS) program.  The level of service is designed to bring consistency to service for data across all NASA ESDS data repositories and to improve communication of the data archival roles and responsibilities, making it easier for data producers and data users to know what to expect with respect to data stewardship of a given data product.

For further details https://earthdata.nasa.gov/collaborate/new-missions/level-of-service

The term Level of Service refers to the quantity, consistency, and types of services applied to data publication, distribution, user support, outreach, and preservation. Following the ESDS guidance PO.DAAC is providing the following information on the level of service to guide data providers and users.  

Service Level Descriptions:

All Basic services plus
All Basic and Standard services plus
  1. Checksum verification
  2. Descriptive and consistent filenames
  3. Archive data in NASA- approved file format and structure for expected data use
  4. Place data, metadata, and documentation on public server within the expected time frame
  5. Confirm access to dataset via HTTPS and Earthdata login credentials
  6. Obtain DOI that redirects to a landing page with required product information
  7. Provide data distribution metrics
  8. Data discovery and usage metadata are available.
  9. Data, documentation, and metadata are backed up and versioned.
  1. Provide advanced data access and customization services (subsetting, reformatting, and/or reprojection)
  2. Comprehensive user guide is provided with the following content: detailed descriptions of science variables, geospatial and temporal information, data quality, and data methodologies.
  3. Provide browse images, if available, for data product.
  4. Provide code and recipes for end users, if needed.
  5. Provide data collocated with compute (i.e., cloud technologies), if possible.
  1. Provide specialized data access capabilities (e.g., dataset animations, notebook examples).
  2. Assistance with complex data usage and methodologies questions.
  3. Guidance on use of data customization services for select data.