ECCO Geometry Parameters for the Lat-Lon-Cap 90 (llc90) Native Model Grid (Version 4 Release 4)

Processing Level4
Start/Stop Date1992-Jan-01 to 2018-Jan-01
DescriptionThis dataset provides geometric parameters for the lat-lon-cap 90 (llc90) native model grid from the ECCO Version 4 Release 4 (V4r4) ocean and sea-ice state estimate. Parameters include areas and lengths of grid cell sides; horizontal and vertical coordinates of grid cell centers and corners; grid rotation angles; and global domain geometry including bathymetry and land/ocean masks. Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean (ECCO) state estimates are dynamically and kinematically-consistent reconstructions of the three-dimensional, time-evolving ocean, sea-ice, and surface atmospheric states. ECCO V4r4 is a free-running solution of a global, nominally 1-degree configuration of the MIT general circulation model (MITgcm) that has been fit to observations in a least-squares sense. Observational data constraints used in V4r4 include sea surface height (SSH) from satellite altimeters [ERS-1/2, TOPEX/Poseidon, GFO, ENVISAT, Jason-1,2,3, CryoSat-2, and SARAL/AltiKa]; sea surface temperature (SST) from satellite radiometers [AVHRR], sea surface salinity (SSS) from the Aquarius satellite radiometer/scatterometer, ocean bottom pressure (OBP) from the GRACE satellite gravimeter; sea ice concentration from satellite radiometers [SSM/I and SSMIS], and in-situ ocean temperature and salinity measured with conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) sensors and expendable bathythermographs (XBTs) from several programs [e.g., WOCE, GO-SHIP, Argo, and others] and platforms [e.g., research vessels, gliders, moorings, ice-tethered profilers, and instrumented pinnipeds]. V4r4 covers the period 1992-01-01T12:00:00 to 2018-01-01T00:00:00.
ProjectEstimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean (ECCO)
Data ProviderPublisher: PO.DAAC
Creator: ECCO Consortium, Fukumori, I., Wang, O., Fenty, I., Forget, G., Heimbach, P., & Ponte, R. M.
Release Place: PO.DAAC
Release Date: 2021-Apr-19

Keyword(s)ECCO, Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean, reconstruction, remote sensing, in situ, estimate, ocean, global, model, grid, geometry
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Spatial Resolution: 1 Decimal Degrees x 1 Decimal Degrees
North Bounding Coordinate: 90 degrees
South Bounding Coordinate: -90 degrees
West Bounding Coordinate: -180 degrees
East Bounding Coordinate: 180 degrees
Time Span: 1992-Jan-01 to 2018-Jan-01
Ellipsoid: WGS 84
NameLong NameUnit
CScosine of tracer grid cell orientation vs geographical north1
Depthmodel seafloor depth below ocean surface at restm
drCdistance between the centers of adjacent tracer grid cells in the 'z' directionm
drFdistance between the upper and lower interfaces of the model grid cellm
dxCdistance between centers of adjacent tracer grid cells in the 'x' directionm
dxGdistance between 'southwest' and 'southeast' corners of the tracer grid cellm
dyCdistance between centers of adjacent tracer grid cells in the 'y' directionm
dyGdistance between 'southwest' and 'northwest' corners of the tracer grid cellm
hFacCvertical open fraction of tracer grid cell1
hFacSvertical open fraction of tracer grid cell 'south' face1
hFacWvertical open fraction of tracer grid cell 'west' face1
igrid index in x for variables at tracer and 'v' locations
i_ggrid index in x for variables at 'u' and 'g' locations
jgrid index in y for variables at tracer and 'u' locations
j_ggrid index in y for variables at 'v' and 'g' locations
kgrid index in z for tracer variables
k_lgrid index in z corresponding to the top face of tracer grid cells ('w' locations)
k_p1grid index in z for variables at 'w' locations
k_ugrid index in z corresponding to the bottom face of tracer grid cells ('w' locations)
maskCwet/dry boolean mask for tracer grid cell
maskSwet/dry boolean mask for 'south' face of tracer grid cell
maskWwet/dry boolean mask for 'west' face of tracer grid cell
PHrefCreference ocean hydrostatic pressure at tracer grid cell centerm2 s-2
PHrefFreference ocean hydrostatic pressure at tracer grid cell top/bottom interfacem2 s-2
rAarea of tracer grid cellm2
rAsarea of 'u' grid cellm2
rAwarea of 'v' grid cellm2
rAzarea of vorticity 'g' grid cellm2
SNsine of tracer grid cell orientation vs geographical north1
tilelat-lon-cap tile index
XClongitude of tracer grid cell centerdegrees_east
XC_bndslongitudes of tracer grid cell corners
XGlongitude of 'southwest' corner of tracer grid celldegrees_east
YClatitude of tracer grid cell centerdegrees_north
YC_bndslatitudes of tracer grid cell corners
YGlatitude of 'southwest' corner of tracer grid celldegrees_north
Zdepth of tracer grid cell centerm
Z_bndsdepths of top and bottom faces of tracer grid cell
Zldepth of top face of tracer grid cellm
Zp1depth of top/bottom face of tracer grid cellm
Zudepth of bottom face of tracer grid cellm
Citation is critically important for dataset documentation and discovery. Please cite the data as follows, and cite the reference papers when it is appropriate.
Citation ECCO Consortium, Fukumori, I., Wang, O., Fenty, I., Forget, G., Heimbach, P., & Ponte, R. M.. 2021. ECCO Geometry Parameters for the Lat-Lon-Cap 90 (llc90) Native Model Grid (Version 4 Release 4). Ver. V4r4. PO.DAAC, CA, USA. Dataset accessed [YYYY-MM-DD] at

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For more information see Data Citations and Acknowledgments.

Journal Reference ECCO Consortium, Fukumori, I., Wang, O., Fenty, I., Forget, G., Heimbach, P., & Ponte, R. M.. 2021. Synopsis of the ECCO Central Production Global Ocean and Sea-Ice State Estimate (Version 4 Release 4)., Zenodo.