GHRSST Level 4 K10_SST Global 10 km Analyzed Sea Surface Temperature from Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVO) in GDS2.0
3 Publications Cited this Dataset
Citation metrics available for years (2014-2022)
Publications citing GHRSST Level 4 K10_SST Global 10 km Analyzed Sea Surface Temperature from Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVO) in GDS2.0
Citation metrics available for years (2014-2022)
Year | Citation |
2021 | Available online: Https://Podaac.Jpl.Nasa.Gov/Dataset/K10_SST-NAVO-L4-GLOB-V01 (accessed on 11 July 2019). Satellite sea surface temperature product comparison for the Southern African marine region, Journal ,10.3390/rs13071244 |
2022 | Life cycle of stratocumulus clouds over 1 year at the coast of the Atacama Desert, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ,10.5194/acp-22-12241-2022 |
2022 | Comparison of GHRSST SST analysis in the Arctic Ocean and Alaskan coastal waters using saildrones, Remote Sensing ,10.3390/rs14030692 |
Version | 1.0 |
Processing Level | 4 |
Start/Stop Date | 2019-Jan-09 to Present |
Short Name | K10_SST-NAVO-L4-GLOB-v01 |
Description | This is a Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature (GHRSST) Level 4 sea surface temperature (SST) analysis dataset produced daily on an operational basis by the Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVO) on a global 0.1x0.1 degree grid. The K10 (NAVO 10-km gridded SST analyzed product) L4 analysis uses SST observations from the following instruments: Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR), Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS), and Spinning Enhanced Visible and InfraRed Imager (SEVIRI). The AVHRR data for this comes from the MetOp-A, MetOp-B, and NOAA-19 satellites; VIIRS data is sourced from the Suomi_NPP satellite; SEVIRI data comes from the Meteosat-8 and -11 satellites. The age (time-lag), reliability, and resolution of the data are used in the weighted average with the analysis tuned to represent SST at a reference depth of 1-meter. Input data from the AVHRR Pathfinder 9km climatology dataset (1985-1999) is used when no new satellite SST retrievals are available after 34 days. Comparing with its predecessor (DOI: ), this updated dataset has no major changes in Level-4 interpolated K10 algorithm, except for using different satellite instrument data, and updating metadata and file format. The major updates include: (a) updated and enhanced the granule-level metadata information, (b) converted the SST file from GHRSST Data Specification (GDS) v1.0 to v2.0, (c) added the sea_ice_fraction variable to the product, and (d) updated the filename convention to reflect compliance with GDS v2.0. |
DOI | 10.5067/GHK10-L4N01 |
Platform/Sensor | METEOSAT-9 / Platform Name: (METEOSAT-9) Orbit Period: -999.0 minutes Inclination Angle: -999.0 degrees SEVIRI SENSOR Name: Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI) Swath Width: 11140.0 kilometers Description: Spacecraft angular distance from orbital plane relative to the Equator. METEOSAT-11 / Platform Name: (METEOSAT-11) Orbit Period: -999.0 minutes Inclination Angle: -999.0 degrees SEVIRI SENSOR Name: Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI) Swath Width: 11140.0 kilometers Description: Spacecraft angular distance from orbital plane relative to the Equator. METOP-A / Platform Name: Meteorological Operational Satellite - A (METOP-A) Orbit Period: 101.3 minutes Inclination Angle: 98.7 degrees AVHRR SENSOR Name: Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) Swath Width: 2400.0 kilometers Description: Spacecraft angular distance from orbital plane relative to the Equator. Suomi-NPP / Platform Name: Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (Suomi-NPP) Orbit Period: 101.0 minutes Inclination Angle: 97.1 degrees VIIRS SENSOR Name: Visible-Infrared Imager-Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) Swath Width: 3040.0 kilometers Description: Spacecraft angular distance from orbital plane relative to the Equator. METOP-B / Platform Name: Meteorological Operational Satellite - B (METOP-B) Orbit Period: 101.3 minutes Inclination Angle: 98.7 degrees AVHRR SENSOR Name: Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) Swath Width: 2400.0 kilometers Description: Spacecraft angular distance from orbital plane relative to the Equator. |
Project | Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature (GHRSST) |
Data Provider | Publisher: PO.DAAC Creator: Naval Oceanographic Office Release Place: Naval Oceanographic Office, Stennis Space Center, MS, USA Release Date: 2018-Dec-29 |
Format | netCDF-4 |
Keyword(s) | GHRSST, sea surface temperature, SST, L4, NAVO, k10, k10_sst, GDS2 |
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Resolution Spatial Resolution: 0.1 Decimal Degrees x 0.1 Decimal Degrees Temporal Resolution: Daily - < Weekly Coverage Region: GLOBAL North Bounding Coordinate: 90 degrees South Bounding Coordinate: -90 degrees West Bounding Coordinate: -180 degrees East Bounding Coordinate: 180 degrees Time Span: 2019-Jan-09 to Present Granule Time Span: 2019-Jan-09 to 2025-Jan-23 Projection Projection Type: Equidistant cylindrical lat-lon Projection Detail: Regular 0.1 degree grid Ellipsoid: WGS 84 |
Browse Granule Listing | |
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Available for access in-region with AWS Cloud | |
Region | |
us-west-2 | |
podaac-ops-cumulus-protected/K10_SST-NAVO-L4-GLOB-v01/ | |
podaac-ops-cumulus-public/K10_SST-NAVO-L4-GLOB-v01/ | |
AWS S3 Credentials | |
Get AWS S3 Credentials | Documentation |
Name | Long Name | Unit |
analysed_sst | analyzed sea surface temperature at 1 m depth | kelvin |
analysis_error | estimated error standard deviation of analysed_sst | kelvin |
lat | latitude | degrees_north |
lon | longitude | degrees_east |
mask | land sea ice lake bit mask | |
sea_ice_fraction | sea ice area fraction | 1 |
time | reference time of sst field | seconds since 1981-01-01 00:00:00 |
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Citation is critically important for dataset documentation and discovery. Please cite the data as follows, and cite the reference papers when it is appropriate.
Citation | Naval Oceanographic Office. 2018. GHRSST L4 NAVO K10 Global 1m-depth Analyzed SST dataset. Ver. 1.0. PO.DAAC, CA, USA. Dataset accessed [YYYY-MM-DD] at
For more information see Data Citations and Acknowledgments.
Journal Reference | M. Martin, et al., 2012, Group for High Resolution Sea Surface temperature (GHRSST) analysis fields inter-comparisons. Part 1: A GHRSST multi-product ensemble (GMPE), Deep Sea Research Part II Topical Studies in Oceanography, 77-80:21-30 . |