Multi-Mission Optimally Interpolated Sea Surface Salinity Global Monthly Dataset V2
(OISSS_L4_multimission_monthly_v2)Version | 2.0 |
Processing Level | 4 |
Start/Stop Date | 2011-Aug-01 to Present |
Short Name | OISSS_L4_multimission_monthly_v2 |
Description | This is a level 4 product on a 0.25-degree spatial and monthly temporal grid. The product is the monthly mean of the level 4 OISSS dataset using three satellite missions: the Aquarius/SAC-D, Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) and Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) using Optimal Interpolation (OI) with a 7-day decorrelation time scale. This dataset is produced by the Earth and Space Research (ESR), Seattle, WA and the International Pacific Research Center (IPRC) of the University of Hawaii at Manoa in collaboration with the Remote Sensing Systems (RSS), Santa Rosa, California. More details can be found in the users guide. |
DOI | 10.5067/SMP20-4UMCS |
Platform/Sensor | SMAP / Platform Name: Soil Moisture Active and Passive Observatory (SMAP) Orbit Period: 98.5 minutes Inclination Angle: 98.0 degrees SMAP L-BAND RADIOMETER SENSOR Name: SMAP L-Band Radiometer (SMAP L-BAND RADIOMETER) Swath Width: 1000.0 kilometers Description: Spacecraft angular distance from orbital plane relative to the Equator. SAC-D / Platform Name: Satélite de Aplicaciones Científico - D (SAC-D) Inclination Angle: 98.0 degrees AQUARIUS_SCATTEROMETER SENSOR Name: Aquarius Scatterometer (AQUARIUS_SCATTEROMETER) Swath Width: 390.0 kilometers Description: Spacecraft angular distance from orbital plane relative to the Equator. SMOS / Platform Name: Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (Earth Explorer Opportunity Mission) (SMOS) Inclination Angle: 98.44 degrees SMAP L-BAND RADIOMETER SENSOR Name: SMAP L-Band Radiometer (SMAP L-BAND RADIOMETER) Swath Width: 1000.0 kilometers Description: Spacecraft angular distance from orbital plane relative to the Equator. |
Project | Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) |
Data Provider | Publisher: PO.DAAC Creator: Earth and Space Research (ESR), Seattle WA Release Place: PO.DAAC Release Date: 2023-Mar-31 Resource: |
Format | netCDF-4 |
Keyword(s) | Sea Surface Salinity, SSS, Aquarius, SMAP, SMOS, Optimum Interpolation, OISSS, Climatology, Monthly,7-Day |
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Resolution Spatial Resolution: 0.25 Decimal Degrees x 0.25 Decimal Degrees Temporal Resolution: Monthly - < Annual Coverage North Bounding Coordinate: 90 degrees South Bounding Coordinate: -90 degrees West Bounding Coordinate: -180 degrees East Bounding Coordinate: 180 degrees Time Span: 2011-Aug-01 to Present Projection Projection Type: Regular Grid Projection Detail: Geolocation information included for each pixel Ellipsoid: WGS 84 |
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us-west-2 | |
podaac-ops-cumulus-protected/OISSS_L4_multimission_monthly_v2/ | |
podaac-ops-cumulus-public/OISSS_L4_multimission_monthly_v2/ | |
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Data Subscriber |
Name | Long Name | Unit |
latitude | latitude | degrees_north |
longitude | longitude | degrees_east |
sss | multi-mission OISSS monthly average | 1e-3 |
sss_anomaly | sea surface salinity anomaly relative to the product-based monthly climatology | 1e-3 |
sss_climatology | monthly climatological sea surface salinity based on multi-mission OISSS dataset from 09/2011 to 08/2021 | 1e-3 |
sss_empirical_uncertainty | estimated empirical uncertainty of multi-mission OISSS monthly average | 1e-3 |
sss_formal_uncertainty | estimated formal uncertainty of multi-mission OISSS monthly average | 1e-3 |
time | reference time of analyzed variable field corresponding to the center of the product time interval | Days since 2010-12-31T00:00:00Z |
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Citation is critically important for dataset documentation and discovery. Please cite the data as follows, and cite the reference papers when it is appropriate.
Citation | Earth and Space Research (ESR), Seattle WA. 2023. Multi-Mission Optimally Interpolated Sea Surface Salinity Global Monthly Dataset V2. Ver. 2.0. PO.DAAC, CA, USA. Dataset accessed [YYYY-MM-DD] at
For more information see Data Citations and Acknowledgments.
Journal Reference | Melnichenko, O., P. Hacker., N. Maximenko, G. Lagerloef, and J. Potemra. 2021., 121. doi:10.1002/2015JC011343 |