Adaptive Sampling of Rain and Ocean Salinity from Autonomous Seagliders (Guam 2019-2020)
(SEAGLIDER_GUAM_2019)Version | V1 |
Processing Level | 3 |
Start/Stop Date | 2019-Oct-03 to 2020-Jan-15 |
Short Name | SEAGLIDER_GUAM_2019 |
Description | This dataset was produced by the Adaptive Sampling of Rain and Ocean Salinity from Autonomous Seagliders (NASA grant NNX17AK07G) project, an investigation to develop tools and strategies to better measure the structure and variability of upper-ocean salinity in rain-dominated environments. From October 2019 to January 2020, three Seagliders were deployed near Guam (14°N 144°E). The Seaglider is an autonomous profiler measuring salinity and temperature in the upper ocean. The three gliders sampled in an adaptive formation to capture the patchiness of the rain and the corresponding oceanic response in real time. The location was chosen because of the likelihood of intense tropical rain events and the availability of a NEXRAD (S-band) rain radar at the Guam Airport. Spacing between gliders varies from 1 to 60 km. Data samples are gridded by profile and on regular depth bins from 0 to 1000 m. The time interval between profiles was about 3 hours, and they are typically about 1.5 km apart. These profiles are available at Level 2 (basic gridding) and Level 3 (despiked and interpolated). All Seaglider data files are in netCDF format with standards compliant metadata. The project was led by a team from the Applied Physics Laboratory at the University of Washington. |
DOI | 10.5067/ASROS-GLGU1 |
Platform/Sensor | SEAGLIDER / Platform Name: (SEAGLIDER) CTD SENSOR Name: Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) |
Data Provider | Publisher: PO.DAAC Creator: Applied Physics Laboratory of the University of Washington Release Place: CA, USA Release Date: 2022-Mar-18 |
Format | netCDF-4 |
Keyword(s) | glider, seaglider |
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Resolution Temporal Resolution: Hourly - < Daily Coverage Region: PACIFIC OCEAN North Bounding Coordinate: 14.71229 degrees South Bounding Coordinate: 13.39476 degrees West Bounding Coordinate: 143.63035 degrees East Bounding Coordinate: 144.613 degrees Time Span: 2019-Oct-03 to 2020-Jan-15 Projection Projection Type: Cylindrical Lat-Lon Projection Detail: Geolocation information included for each pixel |
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us-west-2 | |
podaac-ops-cumulus-protected/SEAGLIDER_GUAM_2019/ | |
podaac-ops-cumulus-public/SEAGLIDER_GUAM_2019/ | |
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Name | Long Name | Unit |
CT | Conservative Temperature (ITS-90) | degrees Celsius |
dive | Dive number for observations | |
lat | latitude of every sample point, from the flight model when underwater | degrees_north |
lat_dive | average latitude of the dive | degrees_north |
lon | longitude of every sample point, from the flight model when underwater | degrees_east |
lon_dive | average longitude of the dive | degrees_east |
N_S | number of observations in the bin | |
N_T | number of observations in the bin | |
N_time | number of observations in the bin | |
P | pressure | dBar |
PD | Potential density | kg/m3 |
S | corrected salinity, with outliers removed, interpolated interpolated over gaps < 50.0m | PSU |
S_flags | qc flag for salinity: 0 no data (interpolated), 0.5 outside despiker, 1 is good | |
S_L2 | level 2 salinity (no despiker, not interpolated), with basestation processing (qc_good) | PSU |
S_ref | low-pass filtered salinity, 5.0 days and 10.0 m | PSU |
S_rms_ref | rms of salinity within smoothing window (high-freq variance). Despiker removes data more than 3.0 deviations for mean | PSU |
SA | Absolute salinity | g/kg |
speed | forward speed of the glider through the water from the flight model | meters/second |
surface_curr_east | surface current in the east direction from the gps track | meters/second |
surface_curr_north | surface current in the north direction from gps track | meters/second |
T | corrected in-situ temperature, with outliers removed, interpolated over gaps < 50.0m | degrees_Celsius |
T_flags | qc flag for temperature: 0 no data (interpolated), 0.5 outside despiker, 1 is good | |
T_L2 | level 2 temperature (no despiker, not interpolated), with basestation processing (qc_good) | degrees_Celsius |
T_ref | low-pass filtered temperature, 5.0 days and 10.0 m | degrees_Celsius |
T_rms_ref | rms of temperature within smoothing window (high-freq variance). Despiker removes data more than 3.0 deviations for mean [deg C] | degrees_Celsius |
time | date in seconds for every sample point, interpolated | seconds since 1970-1-1 00:00:00 |
u_dive | depth-average current in the east direction from the flight model | meters/second |
v_dive | depth-average current in the north direction from the flight model | meters/second |
z | depth | meters |
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Citation is critically important for dataset documentation and discovery. Please cite the data as follows, and cite the reference papers when it is appropriate.
Citation | Applied Physics Laboratory of the University of Washington. 2022. Adaptive Sampling of Rain and Ocean Salinity from Autonomous Seagliders (Guam 2019-2020). Ver. 1. PO.DAAC, CA, USA. Dataset accessed [YYYY-MM-DD] at
For more information see Data Citations and Acknowledgments.
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