SPURS-2 Argo float CTD profile data from the E. Tropical Pacific field campaign
(SPURS2_ARGO)Version | 1.0 |
Processing Level | 2 |
Start/Stop Date | 2016-Aug-27 to 2019-Mar-11 |
Short Name | SPURS2_ARGO |
Description | The SPURS (Salinity Processes in the Upper Ocean Regional Study) project is a NASA-funded oceanographic process study and associated field program that aim to elucidate key mechanisms responsible for near-surface salinity variations in the oceans. The project is comprised of two field campaigns and a series of cruises in regions of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans exhibiting salinity extremes. SPURS employs a suite of state-of-the-art in-situ sampling technologies that, combined with remotely sensed salinity fields from the Aquarius/SAC-D, SMAP and SMOS satellites, provide a detailed characterization of salinity structure over a continuum of spatio-temporal scales. The SPURS-2 campaign involved two month-long cruises by the R/V Revelle in August 2016 and October 2017 combined with complementary sampling on a more continuous basis over this period by the schooner Lady Amber. Focused around a central mooring located near 10N,125W, the objective of SPURS-2 was to study the dynamics of the rainfall-dominated surface ocean at the western edge of the eastern Pacific fresh pool subject to high seasonal variability and strong zonal flows associated with the North Equatorial Current and Countercurrent. Part of the Argo global network of autonomous, self-reporting samplers, Argo floats drift horizontally and move vertically through the water column generally on 10 day cycles, collecting high-quality temperature, conductivity and salinity depth (CTD) profiles from the upper 2000m. Twenty five floats were deployed during SPURS-2 within the campaign spatial domain and time period, yielding approximately 1,893 profiles. These were standard Argo floats with the addition of acoustic rain gauges (PAL) in some cases. SPURS-2 ARGO data files are organized per float and profile with the vertical conductivity, salinity, temperature, pressure, depth observations per the netCDF ARGO file specification with some augmented global metadata attributes. |
DOI | 10.5067/SPUR2-ARGO0 |
Platform/Sensor | ARGO / Platform Name: ARGO profiler floats (ARGO) Orbit Period: 0.0 minutes Inclination Angle: 0.0 degrees CTD SENSOR Name: Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) Swath Width: 0.001 kilometers Description: Spacecraft angular distance from orbital plane relative to the Equator. |
Project | NASA Salinity Processes in the Upper Ocean Regional Study (SPURS) |
Data Provider | Publisher: SPURS Data Management PI, Fred Bingham Creator: Stephen Riser & Jie Yang Release Place: Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA Release Date: 2019-Mar-28 Resource: http://podaac.jpl.nasa.gov/SPURS |
Format | netCDF-4 |
Keyword(s) | Argo, CTD, trajectory profile, Salinity, Conductivity, Temperature, Depth, Pressure, Upper Ocean, SPURS2, Eastern Tropical Pacific, ITCZ region, Cruises, Revell, insitu, SPURS |
Questions related to this dataset? Contact podaac@podaac.jpl.nasa.gov
Resolution Spatial Resolution: 1 Meters x 1 Meters Temporal Resolution: 1 Day Coverage North Bounding Coordinate: 21.26 degrees South Bounding Coordinate: 5.06 degrees West Bounding Coordinate: -157.88 degrees East Bounding Coordinate: -118.32 degrees Time Span: 2016-Aug-27 to 2019-Mar-11 Granule Time Span: 2016-Aug-27 to 2019-Mar-11 Projection Ellipsoid: WGS 84 |
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Region | |
us-west-2 | |
podaac-ops-cumulus-protected/SPURS2_ARGO/ | |
podaac-ops-cumulus-public/SPURS2_ARGO/ | |
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Name | Long Name | Unit |
CNDC | Electrical conductivity | mhos/m |
CNDC_ADJUSTED | Electrical conductivity | mhos/m |
CNDC_ADJUSTED_ERROR | Contains the error on the adjusted values as determined by the delayed mode QC process | mhos/m |
CNDC_ADJUSTED_QC | quality flag | |
CNDC_QC | quality flag | |
CONFIG_MISSION_NUMBER | Unique number denoting the missions performed by the float | |
CYCLE_NUMBER | Float cycle number | |
DATA_CENTRE | Data centre in charge of float data processing | |
DATA_MODE | Delayed mode or real time data | |
DATA_STATE_INDICATOR | Degree of processing the data have passed through | |
DATA_TYPE | Data type | |
DATE_CREATION | Date of file creation | |
DATE_UPDATE | Date of update of this file | |
DC_REFERENCE | Station unique identifier in data centre | |
DIRECTION | Direction of the station profiles | |
FIRMWARE_VERSION | Instrument firmware version | |
FLOAT_SERIAL_NO | Serial number of the float | |
FORMAT_VERSION | File format version | |
HANDBOOK_VERSION | Data handbook version | |
HISTORY_ACTION | Action performed on data | |
HISTORY_DATE | Date the history record was created | |
HISTORY_INSTITUTION | Institution which performed action | |
HISTORY_PARAMETER | Station parameter action is performed on | |
HISTORY_PREVIOUS_VALUE | Parameter/Flag previous value before action | |
HISTORY_QCTEST | Documentation of tests performed, tests failed (in hex form) | |
HISTORY_REFERENCE | Reference of database | |
HISTORY_SOFTWARE | Name of software which performed action | |
HISTORY_SOFTWARE_RELEASE | Version/release of software which performed action | |
HISTORY_START_PRES | Start pressure action applied on | decibar |
HISTORY_STEP | Step in data processing | |
HISTORY_STOP_PRES | Stop pressure action applied on | decibar |
JULD | Julian day (UTC) of the station relative to REFERENCE_DATE_TIME | days since 1950-01-01 00:00:00 UTC |
JULD_LOCATION | Julian day (UTC) of the location relative to REFERENCE_DATE_TIME | days since 1950-01-01 00:00:00 UTC |
JULD_QC | Quality on date and time | |
LATITUDE | Latitude of the station, best estimate | degree_north |
LONGITUDE | Longitude of the station, best estimate | degree_east |
PARAMETER | List of parameters with calibration information | |
PI_NAME | Name of the principal investigator | |
PLATFORM_NUMBER | Float unique identifier | |
PLATFORM_TYPE | Type of float | |
POSITION_QC | Quality on position (latitude and longitude) | |
POSITIONING_SYSTEM | Positioning system | |
PRES | Sea water pressure, equals 0 at sea-level | decibar |
PRES_ADJUSTED | Sea water pressure, equals 0 at sea-level | decibar |
PRES_ADJUSTED_ERROR | Contains the error on the adjusted values as determined by the delayed mode QC process | decibar |
PRES_ADJUSTED_QC | quality flag | |
PRES_QC | quality flag | |
PROFILE_CNDC_QC | Global quality flag of CNDC profile | |
PROFILE_PRES_QC | Global quality flag of PRES profile | |
PROFILE_PSAL_QC | Global quality flag of PSAL profile | |
PROFILE_TEMP_QC | Global quality flag of TEMP profile | |
PROJECT_NAME | Name of the project | |
PSAL | Practical salinity | psu |
PSAL_ADJUSTED | Practical salinity | psu |
PSAL_ADJUSTED_ERROR | Contains the error on the adjusted values as determined by the delayed mode QC process | psu |
PSAL_ADJUSTED_QC | quality flag | |
PSAL_QC | quality flag | |
REFERENCE_DATE_TIME | Date of reference for Julian days | |
SCIENTIFIC_CALIB_COEFFICIENT | Calibration coefficients for this equation | |
SCIENTIFIC_CALIB_COMMENT | Comment applying to this parameter calibration | |
SCIENTIFIC_CALIB_DATE | Date of calibration | |
SCIENTIFIC_CALIB_EQUATION | Calibration equation for this parameter | |
STATION_PARAMETERS | List of available parameters for the station | |
TEMP | Sea temperature in-situ ITS-90 scale | degree_Celsius |
TEMP_ADJUSTED | Sea temperature in-situ ITS-90 scale | degree_Celsius |
TEMP_ADJUSTED_ERROR | Contains the error on the adjusted values as determined by the delayed mode QC process | degree_Celsius |
TEMP_ADJUSTED_QC | quality flag | |
TEMP_QC | quality flag | |
VERTICAL_SAMPLING_SCHEME | Vertical sampling scheme | |
WMO_INST_TYPE | Coded instrument type |
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Citation is critically important for dataset documentation and discovery. Please cite the data as follows, and cite the reference papers when it is appropriate.
Citation | Stephen Riser & Jie Yang. 2019. SPURS Field Campaign ARGO float Products. Ver. 1.0. PO.DAAC, CA, USA. Dataset accessed [YYYY-MM-DD] at https://doi.org/10.5067/SPUR2-ARGO0
For more information see Data Citations and Acknowledgments.
Journal Reference | Riser, S.C., J. Yang, and R. Drucker. 2019. Observations of large-scale rainfall, wind, and sea surface salinity variability in the eastern tropical Pacific. Oceanography 32(2):42-49. https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2019.211 . |