SWOT Simulated Level-2 KaRIn SSH from GLORYS for Science Version 1

Processing Level2
Start/Stop Date2014-Apr-12 to 2015-Dec-31
DescriptionThis dataset provides simulated sea surface height data product that resembles data which will be collected by KaRIn. Swaths span 60 km on both sides of nadir with a nadir gap. Product provides sea surface height, sea surface height anomaly, wind speed, significant waveheight, on a geographically fixed, swath-aligned 2x2 km2 grid, as well as sea surface height on a 250x250 m2 native grid. SSH data produced by GLORYS were rendered from their native output format into the format prescribed in the SWOT L2 SSH PDD to aid ongoing data product development and to benefit future users of data produced during operational phases of the SWOT mission.
Name: Computer (Computer)

Data ProviderPublisher: PODAAC
Creator: CNES/CLS
Release Place: CNES/AVISO
Release Date: 2021-Nov-01
Resource: http://doi.org/10.24400/527896/a01-2021.006

Keyword(s)ssh, ocean, sea level, SWOT, Surface Water and Ocean Topography
Questions related to this dataset? Contact podaac@podaac.jpl.nasa.gov
Spatial Resolution: 2000 Meters x 2000 Meters
Temporal Resolution: Hourly - < Daily
North Bounding Coordinate: 77.6 degrees
South Bounding Coordinate: -77.6 degrees
West Bounding Coordinate: -180 degrees
East Bounding Coordinate: 180 degrees
Time Span: 2014-Apr-12 to 2015-Dec-31
Ellipsoid: WGS 84
NameLong NameUnit
ancillary_surface_classification_flagsurface classification
correction_flagquality flag for corrections
cross_track_anglecross-track angle from true northdegrees
cross_track_distancecross track distancem
dacdynamic atmospheric correctionm
depth_or_elevationocean depth or land elevationm
distance_to_coastdistance to coastm
doppler_centroiddoppler centroid estimated by KaRIn1/s
dynamic_ice_flagdynamic ice flag
geoidgeoid heightm
heading_to_coastheading to coastdegrees
height_cor_xoverheight correction from KaRIn crossoversm
ice_concconcentration of sea ice%
internal_tide_hretcoherent internal tide (HRET)m
internal_tide_sol2coherent internal tide (Model 2)m
inv_bar_corstatic inverse barometer effect on sea surface heightm
iono_cor_gim_kaionosphere vertical correctionm
latitudelatitude (positive N, negative S)degrees_north
latitude_avg_sshweighted average latitude of samples used to compute SSHdegrees_north
latitude_nadirlatitude of satellite nadir pointdegrees_north
load_tide_fesgeocentric load tide height (FES)m
load_tide_gotgeocentric load tide height (GOT)m
longitudelongitude (degrees East)degrees_east
longitude_avg_sshweighted average longitude of samples used to compute SSHdegrees_east
longitude_nadirlongitude of satellite nadir pointdegrees_east
mean_dynamic_topographymean dynamic topographym
mean_dynamic_topography_uncertmean dynamic topography accuracym
mean_sea_surface_cnesclsmean sea surface height (CNES/CLS)m
mean_sea_surface_cnescls_uncertmean sea surface height accuracy (CNES/CLS)m
mean_sea_surface_dtumean sea surface height (DTU)m
mean_sea_surface_dtu_uncertmean sea surface height accuracy (DTU)m
mean_wave_directionmean sea surface wave directiondegree
mean_wave_period_t02sea surface wind wave mean periods
model_dry_tropo_cordry troposphere vertical correctionm
model_wet_tropo_corwet troposphere vertical correction from weather model datam
num_pt_avgnumber of samples averaged1
obp_ref_surfaceheight of reference surface used by on-board-processorm
ocean_tide_eqequilibrium long-period ocean tide heightm
ocean_tide_fesgeocentric ocean tide height (FES)m
ocean_tide_gotgeocentric ocean tide height (GOT)m
ocean_tide_non_eqnon-equilibrium long-period ocean tide heightm
orbit_alt_rateorbital altitude rate with respect to mean sea surfacem/s
orbit_qualorbit quality flag
phase_bias_ref_surfaceheight of reference surface used for phase bias calculationm
polarization_karinpolarization for each side of the KaRIn swath
pole_tidegeocentric pole tide heightm
rad_cloud_liquid_waterliquid water content from radiometerkg/m^2
rad_surface_type_flagradiometer surface type flag
rad_tmb_187radiometer main beam brightness temperature at 18.7 GHzK
rad_tmb_238radiometer main beam brightness temperature at 23.8 GHzK
rad_tmb_340radiometer main beam brightness temperature at 34.0 GHzK
rad_water_vaporwater vapor content from radiometerkg/m^2
rad_wet_tropo_corwet troposphere vertical correction from radiometer datam
rain_flagrain flag
rain_raterain rate from weather modelmm/hr
sc_altitudealtitude of KMSF originm
sc_pitchpitch of the spacecraftdegrees
sc_rollroll of the spacecraftdegrees
sc_yawyaw of the spacecraftdegrees
sea_state_bias_corsea state bias correction to heightm
sea_state_bias_cor_2sea state bias correction to heightm
sig0_cor_atmos_modeltwo-way atmospheric correction to sigma0 from model1
sig0_cor_atmos_radtwo-way atmospheric correction to sigma0 from radiometer data1
sig0_karinnormalized radar cross section (sigma0) from KaRIn1
sig0_karin_2normalized radar cross section (sigma0) from KaRIn1
sig0_karin_qualquality flag for sigma0 from KaRIn.
sig0_karin_uncert1-sigma uncertainty on sigma0 from KaRIn1
simulated_error_baseline_dilationError due to baseline mast dilationm
simulated_error_karinKaRIn errorm
simulated_error_orbitalError due to orbital perturbationsm
simulated_error_phaseError due to phasem
simulated_error_rollError due to rollm
simulated_error_timingTiming errorm
simulated_true_ssh_karinsea surface heightm
solid_earth_tidesolid Earth tide heightm
ssh_karinsea surface heightm
ssh_karin_2sea surface heightm
ssh_karin_uncertsea surface height anomaly uncertaintym
ssha_karinsea surface height anomalym
ssha_karin_2sea surface height anomalym
ssha_karin_qualsea surface height quality flag
swh_karinsignificant wave height from KaRInm
swh_karin_qualquality flag for significant wave height from KaRIn.
swh_karin_uncert1-sigma uncertainty on significant wave height from KaRInm
swh_modelsignificant wave height from wave modelm
swh_sea_state_biasSWH used in sea state bias correctionm
timetime in UTCseconds since 2000-01-01 00:00:00.0
time_taitime in TAIseconds since 2000-01-01 00:00:00.0
velocity_headingheading of the spacecraft Earth-relative velocity vectordegrees
wind_speed_karinwind speed from KaRIn m/s
wind_speed_karin_2wind speed from KaRIn m/s
wind_speed_model_uu component of model windm/s
wind_speed_model_vv component of model windm/s
wind_speed_radwind speed from radiometerm/s
x_factorradiometric calibration X factor as a composite value for the X factors of the +y and -y channels1
Citation is critically important for dataset documentation and discovery. Please cite the data as follows, and cite the reference papers when it is appropriate.
Citation SWOT. 2022. SWOT Level-2 Simulated SSH from MITgcm LLC4320 Science Quality Version 1.0. Ver. 1.0. PO.DAAC, CA, USA. Dataset accessed [YYYY-MM-DD] at https://doi.org/10.5067/KARIN-2GLS1

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For more information see Data Citations and Acknowledgments.

Journal Reference JPL Internal Document. 2018. Surface Water and Ocean Topography Mission (SWOT) Project: Science Requirements Document, JPL D-61923, Rev. B , Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

Gaultier, L., Ubelmann, C., and Fu, L-L.. 2016. The challenge of using future SWOT data for oceanic field reconstruction, J. Ocean. Atm. Tech., 33. 10.1175/JTECH-D-15-0160.1