SWOT Simulated Level-2 KaRIn SSH from GLORYS for Science Version 1
Processing Level | 2 |
Start/Stop Date | 2014-Apr-12 to 2015-Dec-31 |
Description | This dataset provides simulated sea surface height data product that resembles data which will be collected by KaRIn. Swaths span 60 km on both sides of nadir with a nadir gap. Product provides sea surface height, sea surface height anomaly, wind speed, significant waveheight, on a geographically fixed, swath-aligned 2x2 km2 grid, as well as sea surface height on a 250x250 m2 native grid. SSH data produced by GLORYS were rendered from their native output format into the format prescribed in the SWOT L2 SSH PDD to aid ongoing data product development and to benefit future users of data produced during operational phases of the SWOT mission. |
DOI | 10.5067/KARIN-2GLS1 |
Platform/Sensor | COMPUTERS / Platform Name: COMPUTERS (COMPUTERS) Computer SENSOR Name: Computer (Computer) |
Data Provider | Publisher: PODAAC Creator: CNES/CLS Release Place: CNES/AVISO Release Date: 2021-Nov-01 Resource: http://doi.org/10.24400/527896/a01-2021.006 |
Format | netCDF-4 |
Keyword(s) | ssh, ocean, sea level, SWOT, Surface Water and Ocean Topography |
Questions related to this dataset? Contact podaac@podaac.jpl.nasa.gov
Resolution Spatial Resolution: 2000 Meters x 2000 Meters Temporal Resolution: Hourly - < Daily Coverage North Bounding Coordinate: 77.6 degrees South Bounding Coordinate: -77.6 degrees West Bounding Coordinate: -180 degrees East Bounding Coordinate: 180 degrees Time Span: 2014-Apr-12 to 2015-Dec-31 Projection Ellipsoid: WGS 84 |
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us-west-2 | |
podaac-ops-cumulus-protected/SWOT_SIMULATED_L2_KARIN_SSH_GLORYS_SCIENCE_V1/ | |
podaac-ops-cumulus-public/SWOT_SIMULATED_L2_KARIN_SSH_GLORYS_SCIENCE_V1/ | |
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Data Subscriber |
Name | Long Name | Unit |
ancillary_surface_classification_flag | surface classification | |
correction_flag | quality flag for corrections | |
cross_track_angle | cross-track angle from true north | degrees |
cross_track_distance | cross track distance | m |
dac | dynamic atmospheric correction | m |
depth_or_elevation | ocean depth or land elevation | m |
distance_to_coast | distance to coast | m |
doppler_centroid | doppler centroid estimated by KaRIn | 1/s |
dynamic_ice_flag | dynamic ice flag | |
geoid | geoid height | m |
heading_to_coast | heading to coast | degrees |
height_cor_xover | height correction from KaRIn crossovers | m |
ice_conc | concentration of sea ice | % |
internal_tide_hret | coherent internal tide (HRET) | m |
internal_tide_sol2 | coherent internal tide (Model 2) | m |
inv_bar_cor | static inverse barometer effect on sea surface height | m |
iono_cor_gim_ka | ionosphere vertical correction | m |
latitude | latitude (positive N, negative S) | degrees_north |
latitude_avg_ssh | weighted average latitude of samples used to compute SSH | degrees_north |
latitude_nadir | latitude of satellite nadir point | degrees_north |
load_tide_fes | geocentric load tide height (FES) | m |
load_tide_got | geocentric load tide height (GOT) | m |
longitude | longitude (degrees East) | degrees_east |
longitude_avg_ssh | weighted average longitude of samples used to compute SSH | degrees_east |
longitude_nadir | longitude of satellite nadir point | degrees_east |
mean_dynamic_topography | mean dynamic topography | m |
mean_dynamic_topography_uncert | mean dynamic topography accuracy | m |
mean_sea_surface_cnescls | mean sea surface height (CNES/CLS) | m |
mean_sea_surface_cnescls_uncert | mean sea surface height accuracy (CNES/CLS) | m |
mean_sea_surface_dtu | mean sea surface height (DTU) | m |
mean_sea_surface_dtu_uncert | mean sea surface height accuracy (DTU) | m |
mean_wave_direction | mean sea surface wave direction | degree |
mean_wave_period_t02 | sea surface wind wave mean period | s |
model_dry_tropo_cor | dry troposphere vertical correction | m |
model_wet_tropo_cor | wet troposphere vertical correction from weather model data | m |
num_pt_avg | number of samples averaged | 1 |
obp_ref_surface | height of reference surface used by on-board-processor | m |
ocean_tide_eq | equilibrium long-period ocean tide height | m |
ocean_tide_fes | geocentric ocean tide height (FES) | m |
ocean_tide_got | geocentric ocean tide height (GOT) | m |
ocean_tide_non_eq | non-equilibrium long-period ocean tide height | m |
orbit_alt_rate | orbital altitude rate with respect to mean sea surface | m/s |
orbit_qual | orbit quality flag | |
phase_bias_ref_surface | height of reference surface used for phase bias calculation | m |
polarization_karin | polarization for each side of the KaRIn swath | |
pole_tide | geocentric pole tide height | m |
rad_cloud_liquid_water | liquid water content from radiometer | kg/m^2 |
rad_surface_type_flag | radiometer surface type flag | |
rad_tmb_187 | radiometer main beam brightness temperature at 18.7 GHz | K |
rad_tmb_238 | radiometer main beam brightness temperature at 23.8 GHz | K |
rad_tmb_340 | radiometer main beam brightness temperature at 34.0 GHz | K |
rad_water_vapor | water vapor content from radiometer | kg/m^2 |
rad_wet_tropo_cor | wet troposphere vertical correction from radiometer data | m |
rain_flag | rain flag | |
rain_rate | rain rate from weather model | mm/hr |
sc_altitude | altitude of KMSF origin | m |
sc_pitch | pitch of the spacecraft | degrees |
sc_roll | roll of the spacecraft | degrees |
sc_yaw | yaw of the spacecraft | degrees |
sea_state_bias_cor | sea state bias correction to height | m |
sea_state_bias_cor_2 | sea state bias correction to height | m |
sig0_cor_atmos_model | two-way atmospheric correction to sigma0 from model | 1 |
sig0_cor_atmos_rad | two-way atmospheric correction to sigma0 from radiometer data | 1 |
sig0_karin | normalized radar cross section (sigma0) from KaRIn | 1 |
sig0_karin_2 | normalized radar cross section (sigma0) from KaRIn | 1 |
sig0_karin_qual | quality flag for sigma0 from KaRIn. | |
sig0_karin_uncert | 1-sigma uncertainty on sigma0 from KaRIn | 1 |
simulated_error_baseline_dilation | Error due to baseline mast dilation | m |
simulated_error_karin | KaRIn error | m |
simulated_error_orbital | Error due to orbital perturbations | m |
simulated_error_phase | Error due to phase | m |
simulated_error_roll | Error due to roll | m |
simulated_error_timing | Timing error | m |
simulated_true_ssh_karin | sea surface height | m |
solid_earth_tide | solid Earth tide height | m |
ssh_karin | sea surface height | m |
ssh_karin_2 | sea surface height | m |
ssh_karin_uncert | sea surface height anomaly uncertainty | m |
ssha_karin | sea surface height anomaly | m |
ssha_karin_2 | sea surface height anomaly | m |
ssha_karin_qual | sea surface height quality flag | |
swh_karin | significant wave height from KaRIn | m |
swh_karin_qual | quality flag for significant wave height from KaRIn. | |
swh_karin_uncert | 1-sigma uncertainty on significant wave height from KaRIn | m |
swh_model | significant wave height from wave model | m |
swh_sea_state_bias | SWH used in sea state bias correction | m |
time | time in UTC | seconds since 2000-01-01 00:00:00.0 |
time_tai | time in TAI | seconds since 2000-01-01 00:00:00.0 |
velocity_heading | heading of the spacecraft Earth-relative velocity vector | degrees |
wind_speed_karin | wind speed from KaRIn | m/s |
wind_speed_karin_2 | wind speed from KaRIn | m/s |
wind_speed_model_u | u component of model wind | m/s |
wind_speed_model_v | v component of model wind | m/s |
wind_speed_rad | wind speed from radiometer | m/s |
x_factor | radiometric calibration X factor as a composite value for the X factors of the +y and -y channels | 1 |
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Citation is critically important for dataset documentation and discovery. Please cite the data as follows, and cite the reference papers when it is appropriate.
Citation | SWOT. 2022. SWOT Level-2 Simulated SSH from MITgcm LLC4320 Science Quality Version 1.0. Ver. 1.0. PO.DAAC, CA, USA. Dataset accessed [YYYY-MM-DD] at https://doi.org/10.5067/KARIN-2GLS1
For more information see Data Citations and Acknowledgments.
Journal Reference | JPL Internal Document. 2018. Surface Water and Ocean Topography Mission (SWOT) Project: Science Requirements Document, JPL D-61923, Rev. B
, Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Gaultier, L., Ubelmann, C., and Fu, L-L.. 2016. The challenge of using future SWOT data for oceanic field reconstruction, J. Ocean. Atm. Tech., 33. 10.1175/JTECH-D-15-0160.1 |