TOPEX/POSEIDON Geophysical Data Record Version F

Processing Level2
Start/Stop Date1992-Oct-13 to 2005-Oct-04
DescriptionThe TOPEX/POSEIDON Geophysical Data Record (GDR) contains global coverage altimeter data. The objective of the TOPEX/POSEIDON mission, launched in August 1992, is to determine ocean topography with a sea surface height measurement precision of 3 cm and a sealevel measurement accuracy of 13 cm. The dataset contains measurements from two altimeters, a NASA dual frequency (Ku and C band) instrument similar to the Geosat altimeter, and a French space agency (CNES) instrument which is a proof-of-concept solid-state altimeter (Ku band). It also contains Sea Surface Height (SSH), significant wave height, ionospheric correction, tides and other geophysical corrections. It is emphasized that this product is considered research data because of the form and content of the data. The data consist entirely of files comprising headers and data records which contain over a hundred parameters for each second. It is swath data and there are no images. Analysis software is the responsibility of the user. Calculation of sea surface height anomalies from the altimeter range and environmental corrections is the responsibility of the user. The data are arranged in 10 day cycles that are separated into 254 passes, each about 56 minutes.
Name: Ocean Topography Experiment (TOPEX/POSEIDON)
Name: TOPEX Radar Altimeter (ALT (TOPEX))

Name: Ocean Topography Experiment (TOPEX/POSEIDON)
Name: TOPEX Microwave Radiometer (TMR)

ProjectOcean Topography Experiment (TOPEX/POSEIDON)
Data ProviderPublisher: NASA/JPL/PODAAC
Creator: TOPEX/Poseidon
Release Date: 2023-Mar-09

Keyword(s)topex, poseidon, topex/poseidon, radar altimeter, microwave radiometer, ocean, sea level, ssh
Questions related to this dataset? Contact
Temporal Resolution: 1 minute - < 1 hour
North Bounding Coordinate: 66 degrees
South Bounding Coordinate: -66 degrees
West Bounding Coordinate: -180 degrees
East Bounding Coordinate: 180 degrees
Time Span: 1992-Oct-13 to 2005-Oct-04
NameLong NameUnit
agc_20hz_c20 Hz C-band corrected AGCdB
agc_20hz_ku20 Hz Ku-band corrected AGCdB
agc_c1 Hz C-band corrected AGCdB
agc_ku1 Hz Ku-band corrected AGCdB
agc_numval_cnumber of valid 20 Hz measurements used to compute 1 Hz C-band AGCcount
agc_numval_kunumber of valid 20 Hz measurements used to compute 1 Hz Ku-band AGCcount
agc_rms_cRMS of C-band AGCdB
agc_rms_kuRMS of Ku-band AGCdB
alt_echo_typealtimeter echo type
alt_state_flag_c_bandaltimeter state flag: C-band bandwidth used
alt_state_flag_c_band_statusaltimeter state flag: C-band status
alt_state_flag_ku_band_statusaltimeter state flag: Ku-band status
alt_state_flag_operaltimeter state flag: altimeter operating
altitude1 Hz altitude of satellitem
altitude_20hz20 Hz altitude of satellitem
altitude_cnes1 Hz altitude of satellitem
altitude_rate_mean_sea_surface1 Hz orbit altitude ratem/s
cg_to_altimeter_timevarying_offsettime varying CG correction to rangem
composite_wet_tropo_gpdcomposite wet tropospheric correctionm
dacdynamical atmospheric correction from ERA_Interim productsm
delta_ellipsoid_tp_wgs84height difference between TOPEX and WGS84 reference ellipsoidsm
depth_or_elevationocean depth/land elevationm
distance_to_coastdistance to shorelinem
geoidgeoid heightm
ice_flagice flag
internal_tide_hretcoherent internal tide height (HRET)m
inv_bar_corinverted barometer height correction from ERA_Interim productsm
iono_cor_alt_kuKu-band MLE4 ionospheric correctionm
iono_cor_alt_ku_mle3Ku-band MLE3 ionospheric correctionm
iono_cor_gim_kuGIM ionospheric correction on Ku bandm
l2_record_counterLevel 2 record countercount
latitude_20hz20 Hz latitudedegrees_north
load_tide_fesload tide height for geocentric ocean tide (FES)m
load_tide_gotload tide height for geocentric ocean tide (GOT)m
longitude_20hz20 Hz longitudedegrees_east
mean_dynamic_topographymean dynamic topography above geoidm
mean_dynamic_topography_accerror on mean dynamic topographym
mean_dynamic_topography_qualmean dynamic topography interpolation flag
mean_sea_surface_cnesclsmean sea surface height above reference ellipsoid (CNES/CLS)m
mean_sea_surface_cnescls_acccalibrated error of mean sea surface (CNES/CLS)m
mean_sea_surface_cnescls_qualmean sea surface height interpolation flag (CNES/CLS)
mean_sea_surface_dtumean sea surface height above reference ellipsoid (DTU)m
mean_sea_surface_dtu_acccalibrated error of mean sea surface (DTU)m
mean_sea_surface_dtu_qualmean sea surface height interpolation flag (DTU)
mean_wave_period_t02t02 mean wave periods
meas_indelementary measurement index for Ku-band and C-bandcount
model_dry_tropo_cor_measurement_altitudemodel dry tropospheric correction at measurement altitude from ERA_Interim productsm
model_dry_tropo_cor_zero_altitudemodel dry tropospheric correction at zero altitude from ERA_Interim productsm
model_wet_tropo_cor_zero_altitudemodel wet tropospheric correction from ERA_Interim productsm
mqe_20hz_cMean Quadratic Error from 20 Hz C-band MLE3 numerical retrackingcount
mqe_20hz_kuMean Quadratic Error from 20 Hz Ku-band MLE4 numerical retrackingcount
mqe_20hz_ku_mle3Mean Quadratic Error from 20 Hz Ku-band MLE3 numerical retrackingcount
net_instr_cor_range_cnet instrumental correction on C-band MLE3 rangem
net_instr_cor_range_kunet instrumental correction on Ku-band MLE4 rangem
net_instr_cor_range_ku_mle3net instrumental correction on Ku-band MLE3 rangem
net_instr_cor_sig0_cnet instrumental correction on C-band MLE3 backscatter coefficientdB
net_instr_cor_sig0_kunet instrumental correction on Ku-band MLE4 backscatter coefficientdB
net_instr_cor_sig0_ku_mle3net instrumental correction on Ku-band MLE3 backscatter coefficientdB
num_iterations_cnumber of iterations for 20 Hz C-band MLE3 averagingcount
num_iterations_kunumber of iterations for 20 Hz Ku-band MLE4 averagingcount
num_iterations_ku_mle3number of iterations for 20 Hz Ku-band MLE3 averagingcount
ocean_tide_eqequilibrium long-period ocean tide heightm
ocean_tide_fesgeocentric ocean tide height (FES)m
ocean_tide_fes_qualocean tide interpolation flag (FES)
ocean_tide_gotgeocentric ocean tide height (GOT)m
ocean_tide_got_qualocean tide interpolation flag (GOT)
ocean_tide_non_eqnon-equilibrium long-period ocean tide heightm
off_nadir_angle_wf_20hz_ku20 Hz Ku-band MLE4 square of off nadir angledegree^2
off_nadir_angle_wf_ku1 Hz Ku-band MLE4 square of off nadir angledegree^2
off_nadir_angle_wf_ku_qualquality flag for 1 Hz Ku-band MLE4 square of off nadir angle
off_nadir_angle_wf_ku_smoothedsmoothed 1 Hz Ku-band MLE4 square of off nadir angledegree^2
off_nadir_angle_wf_numval_kunumber of valid 20 Hz measurements used to compute 1 Hz Ku-band MLE4 square of off nadir anglecount
off_nadir_angle_wf_rms_kuRMS of Ku-band MLE4 square of off nadir angledegree^2
off_nadir_angle_wf_used_20hz_kuflag indicating 20 Hz measurements used to compute 1 Hz Ku-band MLE4 square of off nadir angle
osc_drift_coroscillator drift correction to Ku- and C-band rangesm
pole_tidegeocentric pole tide heightm
rad_atm_cor_sig0_ctwo-way atmospheric attenuation on C band altimeter backscatter coefficientdB
rad_atm_cor_sig0_c_qualquality flag for radiometer two-way atmospheric correction to C band backscatter coefficient
rad_atm_cor_sig0_kutwo-way atmospheric attenuation on Ku band altimeter backscatter coefficientdB
rad_atm_cor_sig0_ku_qualquality flag for radiometer two-way atmospheric correction to Ku band backscatter coefficient
rad_cloud_liquid_waterradiometer cloud liquid water contentkg/m^2
rad_cloud_liquid_water_qualquality flag for radiometer cloud liquid water content
rad_distance_to_landradiometer main beam radial distance to landm
rad_land_frac_18land fraction within main beam of 18 GHz channel1
rad_land_frac_21land fraction within main beam of 21 GHz channel1
rad_land_frac_37land fraction within main beam of 37 GHz channel1
rad_rain_flagradiometer rain flag
rad_sea_ice_flagradiometer sea ice flag
rad_surface_type_flagradiometer surface type
rad_ta_18radiometer antenna temperature at 18 GHzK
rad_ta_18_qualquality flag for 18 GHz antenna temperature
rad_ta_21radiometer antenna temperature at 21 GHzK
rad_ta_21_qualquality flag for 21 GHz antenna temperature
rad_ta_37radiometer antenna temperature at 37 GHzK
rad_ta_37_qualquality flag for 37 GHz antenna temperature
rad_tb_18radiometer equalized brightness temperature at 18 GHzK
rad_tb_18_qualquality flag for 18 GHz equalized brightness temperature
rad_tb_21radiometer equalized brightness temperature at 21 GHzK
rad_tb_21_qualquality flag for 21 GHz equalized brightness temperature
rad_tb_37radiometer equalized brightness temperature at 37 GHzK
rad_tb_37_qualquality flag for 37 GHz equalized brightness temperature
rad_tmb_18radiometer main beam brightness temperature at 18 GHzK
rad_tmb_18_qualquality flag for 18 GHz main beam brightness temperature
rad_tmb_21radiometer main beam brightness temperature at 21 GHzK
rad_tmb_21_qualquality flag for 21 GHz main beam brightness temperature
rad_tmb_37radiometer main beam brightness temperature at 37 GHzK
rad_tmb_37_qualquality flag for 37 GHz main beam brightness temperature
rad_water_vaporradiometer water vapor contentkg/m^2
rad_water_vapor_qualquality flag for radiometer water vapor content
rad_wet_tropo_corradiometer wet troposphere correctionm
rad_wet_tropo_cor_qualquality flag for radiometer wet troposphere correction
rad_wind_speedradiometer wind speedm/s
rad_wind_speed_qualquality flag for radiometer wind speed
rain_flagrain flag
range_20hz_c20 Hz C-band MLE3 rangem
range_20hz_ku20 Hz Ku-band MLE4 rangem
range_20hz_ku_mle320 Hz Ku-band MLE3 rangem
range_c1 Hz C-band MLE3 rangem
range_c_qualquality flag for 1 Hz C-band MLE3 range
range_cor_doppler_cdoppler correction to C-band rangem
range_cor_doppler_kudoppler correction to Ku-band rangem
range_ku1 Hz Ku-band MLE4 rangem
range_ku_mle31 Hz Ku-band MLE3 rangem
range_ku_mle3_qualquality flag for 1 Hz Ku-band MLE3 range
range_ku_qualquality flag for 1 Hz Ku-band MLE4 range
range_numval_cnumber of valid 20 Hz measurements used to compute C-band MLE3 rangecount
range_numval_kunumber of valid 20 Hz measurements used to compute Ku-band MLE4 rangecount
range_numval_ku_mle3number of valid 20 Hz measurements used to compute Ku-band MLE3 rangecount
range_rms_cRMS of C-band MLE3 rangem
range_rms_kuRMS of Ku-band MLE4 rangem
range_rms_ku_mle3RMS of Ku-band MLE3 rangem
range_used_20hz_cflag indicating 20 Hz measurements used to compute 1 Hz C-band MLE3 range
range_used_20hz_kuflag indicating 20 Hz measurements used to compute 1 Hz Ku-band MLE4 range
range_used_20hz_ku_mle3flag indicating 20 Hz measurements used to compute 1 Hz Ku-band MLE3 range
sea_state_bias_cC-band MLE3 sea state bias correctionm
sea_state_bias_c_3dsea state bias correction in C band computed from 3d modelm
sea_state_bias_kuKu-band MLE4 sea state bias correctionm
sea_state_bias_ku_3dsea state bias correction in Ku band computed from 3d modelm
sea_state_bias_ku_mle3Ku-band MLE3 sea state bias correctionm
sig0_20hz_c20 Hz C-band MLE3 backscatter coefficientdB
sig0_20hz_ku20 Hz Ku-band MLE4 backscatter coefficientdB
sig0_20hz_ku_mle320 Hz Ku-band MLE3 backscatter coefficientdB
sig0_c1 Hz C-band MLE3 backscatter coefficientdB
sig0_c_qualquality flag for 1 Hz C-band MLE3 backscatter coefficient
sig0_ku1 Hz Ku-band MLE4 backscatter coefficientdB
sig0_ku_mle31 Hz Ku-band MLE3 backscatter coefficientdB
sig0_ku_mle3_qualquality flag for 1 Hz Ku-band MLE3 backscatter coefficient
sig0_ku_qualquality flag for 1 Hz Ku-band MLE4 backscatter coefficient
sig0_numval_cnumber of valid 20 Hz measurements used to compute C-band MLE3 backscatter coefficientcount
sig0_numval_kunumber of valid 20 Hz measurements used to compute Ku-band MLE4 backscatter coefficientcount
sig0_numval_ku_mle3number of valid 20 Hz measurements used to compute Ku-band MLE3 backscatter coefficientcount
sig0_rms_cRMS of C-band MLE3 backscatter coefficientdB
sig0_rms_kuRMS of Ku-band MLE4 backscatter coefficientdB
sig0_rms_ku_mle3RMS of Ku-band MLE3 backscatter coefficientdB
sig0_used_20hz_cflag indicating 20 Hz measurements used to compute 1 Hz C-band MLE3 backscatter coefficient
sig0_used_20hz_kuflag indicating 20 Hz measurements used to compute 1 Hz Ku-band MLE4 backscatter coefficient
sig0_used_20hz_ku_mle3flag indicating 20 Hz measurements used to compute 1 Hz Ku-band MLE3 backscatter coefficient
solid_earth_tidesolid earth tide heightm
sshasea surface height anomalym
ssha_mle3sea surface height anomalym
swh_20hz_c20 Hz C-band MLE3 significant waveheightm
swh_20hz_ku20 Hz Ku-band MLE4 significant waveheightm
swh_20hz_ku_mle320 Hz Ku-band MLE3 significant waveheightm
swh_c1 Hz C-band MLE3 significant waveheightm
swh_c_qualquality flag for 1 Hz C-band MLE3 significant waveheight
swh_ku1 Hz Ku-band MLE4 significant waveheightm
swh_ku_mle31 Hz Ku-band MLE3 significant waveheightm
swh_ku_mle3_qualquality flag for 1 Hz Ku-band MLE3 significant waveheight
swh_ku_qualquality flag for 1 Hz Ku-band MLE4 significant waveheight
swh_modelsignificant waveheight from modelm
swh_numval_cnumber of valid 20 Hz measurements used to compute C-band MLE3 significant waveheightcount
swh_numval_kunumber of valid 20 Hz measurements used to compute Ku-band MLE4 significant waveheightcount
swh_numval_ku_mle3number of valid 20 Hz measurements used to compute Ku-band MLE3 significant waveheightcount
swh_rms_cRMS of C-band MLE3 significant waveheightm
swh_rms_kuRMS of Ku-band MLE4 significant waveheightm
swh_rms_ku_mle3RMS of Ku-band MLE3 significant waveheightm
swh_used_20hz_cflag indicating 20 Hz measurements used to compute 1 Hz C-band MLE3 significant waveheight
swh_used_20hz_kuflag indicating 20 Hz measurements used to compute 1 Hz Ku-band MLE4 significant waveheight
swh_used_20hz_ku_mle3flag indicating 20 Hz measurements used to compute 1 Hz Ku-band MLE3 significant waveheight
timetime in UTC (sec. since 2000-01-01)seconds since 2000-01-01 00:00:00.0
time_20hztime 20 Hz in UTC (sec. since 2000-01-01)seconds since 2000-01-01 00:00:00.0
time_taitime in TAIseconds since 2000-01-01 00:00:00.0
wind_speed_altKu-band MLE4 wind speedm/s
wind_speed_alt_mle3Ku-band MLE3 wind speedm/s
wind_speed_mod_uU component of the model wind vector from ERA_Interim productsm/s
wind_speed_mod_vV component of the model wind vector from ERA_Interim productsm/s
Citation is critically important for dataset documentation and discovery. Please cite the data as follows, and cite the reference papers when it is appropriate.
Citation TOPEX/Poseidon. 2023. TOPEX/Poseidon Geophysical Data Record Version F. Ver. F. PO.DAAC, CA, USA. Dataset accessed [YYYY-MM-DD] at

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For more information see Data Citations and Acknowledgments.

Journal Reference Fu, L.-L., Christensen, E. J., Yamarone, C. A., Lefebvre, M., Ménard, Y., Dorrer, M., and Escudier, P.. 1994. TOPEX/POSEIDON mission overview, J. Geophys. Res., 99, C12.