TOPEX/POSEIDON Geophysical Data Record Version F
Processing Level | 2 |
Start/Stop Date | 1992-Oct-13 to 2005-Oct-04 |
Description | The TOPEX/POSEIDON Geophysical Data Record (GDR) contains global coverage altimeter data. The objective of the TOPEX/POSEIDON mission, launched in August 1992, is to determine ocean topography with a sea surface height measurement precision of 3 cm and a sealevel measurement accuracy of 13 cm. The dataset contains measurements from two altimeters, a NASA dual frequency (Ku and C band) instrument similar to the Geosat altimeter, and a French space agency (CNES) instrument which is a proof-of-concept solid-state altimeter (Ku band). It also contains Sea Surface Height (SSH), significant wave height, ionospheric correction, tides and other geophysical corrections. It is emphasized that this product is considered research data because of the form and content of the data. The data consist entirely of files comprising headers and data records which contain over a hundred parameters for each second. It is swath data and there are no images. Analysis software is the responsibility of the user. Calculation of sea surface height anomalies from the altimeter range and environmental corrections is the responsibility of the user. The data are arranged in 10 day cycles that are separated into 254 passes, each about 56 minutes. |
DOI | 10.5067/TPXPS-GDRF1 |
Platform/Sensor | TOPEX/POSEIDON / Platform Name: Ocean Topography Experiment (TOPEX/POSEIDON) ALT (TOPEX) SENSOR Name: TOPEX Radar Altimeter (ALT (TOPEX)) TOPEX/POSEIDON / Platform Name: Ocean Topography Experiment (TOPEX/POSEIDON) TMR SENSOR Name: TOPEX Microwave Radiometer (TMR) |
Project | Ocean Topography Experiment (TOPEX/POSEIDON) |
Data Provider | Publisher: NASA/JPL/PODAAC Creator: TOPEX/Poseidon Release Date: 2023-Mar-09 |
Format | netCDF-4 |
Keyword(s) | topex, poseidon, topex/poseidon, radar altimeter, microwave radiometer, ocean, sea level, ssh |
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Resolution Temporal Resolution: 1 minute - < 1 hour Coverage North Bounding Coordinate: 66 degrees South Bounding Coordinate: -66 degrees West Bounding Coordinate: -180 degrees East Bounding Coordinate: 180 degrees Time Span: 1992-Oct-13 to 2005-Oct-04 |
Browse Granule Listing | |
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T/P Cycle Start Times | |
T/P Safehold Start and Stop Times | |
T/P Satellite Attitude Event Information | |
Available for access in-region with AWS Cloud | |
Region | |
us-west-2 | |
podaac-ops-cumulus-protected/TOPEX_POSEIDON_GDR_F/ | |
podaac-ops-cumulus-public/TOPEX_POSEIDON_GDR_F/ | |
AWS S3 Credentials | |
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Data Subscriber |
Name | Long Name | Unit |
agc_20hz_c | 20 Hz C-band corrected AGC | dB |
agc_20hz_ku | 20 Hz Ku-band corrected AGC | dB |
agc_c | 1 Hz C-band corrected AGC | dB |
agc_ku | 1 Hz Ku-band corrected AGC | dB |
agc_numval_c | number of valid 20 Hz measurements used to compute 1 Hz C-band AGC | count |
agc_numval_ku | number of valid 20 Hz measurements used to compute 1 Hz Ku-band AGC | count |
agc_rms_c | RMS of C-band AGC | dB |
agc_rms_ku | RMS of Ku-band AGC | dB |
alt_echo_type | altimeter echo type | |
alt_state_flag_c_band | altimeter state flag: C-band bandwidth used | |
alt_state_flag_c_band_status | altimeter state flag: C-band status | |
alt_state_flag_ku_band_status | altimeter state flag: Ku-band status | |
alt_state_flag_oper | altimeter state flag: altimeter operating | |
altitude | 1 Hz altitude of satellite | m |
altitude_20hz | 20 Hz altitude of satellite | m |
altitude_cnes | 1 Hz altitude of satellite | m |
altitude_rate_mean_sea_surface | 1 Hz orbit altitude rate | m/s |
cg_to_altimeter_timevarying_offset | time varying CG correction to range | m |
composite_wet_tropo_gpd | composite wet tropospheric correction | m |
dac | dynamical atmospheric correction from ERA_Interim products | m |
delta_ellipsoid_tp_wgs84 | height difference between TOPEX and WGS84 reference ellipsoids | m |
depth_or_elevation | ocean depth/land elevation | m |
distance_to_coast | distance to shoreline | m |
geoid | geoid height | m |
ice_flag | ice flag | |
internal_tide_hret | coherent internal tide height (HRET) | m |
inv_bar_cor | inverted barometer height correction from ERA_Interim products | m |
iono_cor_alt_ku | Ku-band MLE4 ionospheric correction | m |
iono_cor_alt_ku_mle3 | Ku-band MLE3 ionospheric correction | m |
iono_cor_gim_ku | GIM ionospheric correction on Ku band | m |
l2_record_counter | Level 2 record counter | count |
latitude | latitude | degrees_north |
latitude_20hz | 20 Hz latitude | degrees_north |
load_tide_fes | load tide height for geocentric ocean tide (FES) | m |
load_tide_got | load tide height for geocentric ocean tide (GOT) | m |
longitude | longitude | degrees_east |
longitude_20hz | 20 Hz longitude | degrees_east |
mean_dynamic_topography | mean dynamic topography above geoid | m |
mean_dynamic_topography_acc | error on mean dynamic topography | m |
mean_dynamic_topography_qual | mean dynamic topography interpolation flag | |
mean_sea_surface_cnescls | mean sea surface height above reference ellipsoid (CNES/CLS) | m |
mean_sea_surface_cnescls_acc | calibrated error of mean sea surface (CNES/CLS) | m |
mean_sea_surface_cnescls_qual | mean sea surface height interpolation flag (CNES/CLS) | |
mean_sea_surface_dtu | mean sea surface height above reference ellipsoid (DTU) | m |
mean_sea_surface_dtu_acc | calibrated error of mean sea surface (DTU) | m |
mean_sea_surface_dtu_qual | mean sea surface height interpolation flag (DTU) | |
mean_wave_period_t02 | t02 mean wave period | s |
meas_ind | elementary measurement index for Ku-band and C-band | count |
model_dry_tropo_cor_measurement_altitude | model dry tropospheric correction at measurement altitude from ERA_Interim products | m |
model_dry_tropo_cor_zero_altitude | model dry tropospheric correction at zero altitude from ERA_Interim products | m |
model_wet_tropo_cor_zero_altitude | model wet tropospheric correction from ERA_Interim products | m |
mqe_20hz_c | Mean Quadratic Error from 20 Hz C-band MLE3 numerical retracking | count |
mqe_20hz_ku | Mean Quadratic Error from 20 Hz Ku-band MLE4 numerical retracking | count |
mqe_20hz_ku_mle3 | Mean Quadratic Error from 20 Hz Ku-band MLE3 numerical retracking | count |
net_instr_cor_range_c | net instrumental correction on C-band MLE3 range | m |
net_instr_cor_range_ku | net instrumental correction on Ku-band MLE4 range | m |
net_instr_cor_range_ku_mle3 | net instrumental correction on Ku-band MLE3 range | m |
net_instr_cor_sig0_c | net instrumental correction on C-band MLE3 backscatter coefficient | dB |
net_instr_cor_sig0_ku | net instrumental correction on Ku-band MLE4 backscatter coefficient | dB |
net_instr_cor_sig0_ku_mle3 | net instrumental correction on Ku-band MLE3 backscatter coefficient | dB |
num_iterations_c | number of iterations for 20 Hz C-band MLE3 averaging | count |
num_iterations_ku | number of iterations for 20 Hz Ku-band MLE4 averaging | count |
num_iterations_ku_mle3 | number of iterations for 20 Hz Ku-band MLE3 averaging | count |
ocean_tide_eq | equilibrium long-period ocean tide height | m |
ocean_tide_fes | geocentric ocean tide height (FES) | m |
ocean_tide_fes_qual | ocean tide interpolation flag (FES) | |
ocean_tide_got | geocentric ocean tide height (GOT) | m |
ocean_tide_got_qual | ocean tide interpolation flag (GOT) | |
ocean_tide_non_eq | non-equilibrium long-period ocean tide height | m |
off_nadir_angle_wf_20hz_ku | 20 Hz Ku-band MLE4 square of off nadir angle | degree^2 |
off_nadir_angle_wf_ku | 1 Hz Ku-band MLE4 square of off nadir angle | degree^2 |
off_nadir_angle_wf_ku_qual | quality flag for 1 Hz Ku-band MLE4 square of off nadir angle | |
off_nadir_angle_wf_ku_smoothed | smoothed 1 Hz Ku-band MLE4 square of off nadir angle | degree^2 |
off_nadir_angle_wf_numval_ku | number of valid 20 Hz measurements used to compute 1 Hz Ku-band MLE4 square of off nadir angle | count |
off_nadir_angle_wf_rms_ku | RMS of Ku-band MLE4 square of off nadir angle | degree^2 |
off_nadir_angle_wf_used_20hz_ku | flag indicating 20 Hz measurements used to compute 1 Hz Ku-band MLE4 square of off nadir angle | |
osc_drift_cor | oscillator drift correction to Ku- and C-band ranges | m |
pole_tide | geocentric pole tide height | m |
rad_atm_cor_sig0_c | two-way atmospheric attenuation on C band altimeter backscatter coefficient | dB |
rad_atm_cor_sig0_c_qual | quality flag for radiometer two-way atmospheric correction to C band backscatter coefficient | |
rad_atm_cor_sig0_ku | two-way atmospheric attenuation on Ku band altimeter backscatter coefficient | dB |
rad_atm_cor_sig0_ku_qual | quality flag for radiometer two-way atmospheric correction to Ku band backscatter coefficient | |
rad_cloud_liquid_water | radiometer cloud liquid water content | kg/m^2 |
rad_cloud_liquid_water_qual | quality flag for radiometer cloud liquid water content | |
rad_distance_to_land | radiometer main beam radial distance to land | m |
rad_land_frac_18 | land fraction within main beam of 18 GHz channel | 1 |
rad_land_frac_21 | land fraction within main beam of 21 GHz channel | 1 |
rad_land_frac_37 | land fraction within main beam of 37 GHz channel | 1 |
rad_rain_flag | radiometer rain flag | |
rad_sea_ice_flag | radiometer sea ice flag | |
rad_surface_type_flag | radiometer surface type | |
rad_ta_18 | radiometer antenna temperature at 18 GHz | K |
rad_ta_18_qual | quality flag for 18 GHz antenna temperature | |
rad_ta_21 | radiometer antenna temperature at 21 GHz | K |
rad_ta_21_qual | quality flag for 21 GHz antenna temperature | |
rad_ta_37 | radiometer antenna temperature at 37 GHz | K |
rad_ta_37_qual | quality flag for 37 GHz antenna temperature | |
rad_tb_18 | radiometer equalized brightness temperature at 18 GHz | K |
rad_tb_18_qual | quality flag for 18 GHz equalized brightness temperature | |
rad_tb_21 | radiometer equalized brightness temperature at 21 GHz | K |
rad_tb_21_qual | quality flag for 21 GHz equalized brightness temperature | |
rad_tb_37 | radiometer equalized brightness temperature at 37 GHz | K |
rad_tb_37_qual | quality flag for 37 GHz equalized brightness temperature | |
rad_tmb_18 | radiometer main beam brightness temperature at 18 GHz | K |
rad_tmb_18_qual | quality flag for 18 GHz main beam brightness temperature | |
rad_tmb_21 | radiometer main beam brightness temperature at 21 GHz | K |
rad_tmb_21_qual | quality flag for 21 GHz main beam brightness temperature | |
rad_tmb_37 | radiometer main beam brightness temperature at 37 GHz | K |
rad_tmb_37_qual | quality flag for 37 GHz main beam brightness temperature | |
rad_water_vapor | radiometer water vapor content | kg/m^2 |
rad_water_vapor_qual | quality flag for radiometer water vapor content | |
rad_wet_tropo_cor | radiometer wet troposphere correction | m |
rad_wet_tropo_cor_qual | quality flag for radiometer wet troposphere correction | |
rad_wind_speed | radiometer wind speed | m/s |
rad_wind_speed_qual | quality flag for radiometer wind speed | |
rain_flag | rain flag | |
range_20hz_c | 20 Hz C-band MLE3 range | m |
range_20hz_ku | 20 Hz Ku-band MLE4 range | m |
range_20hz_ku_mle3 | 20 Hz Ku-band MLE3 range | m |
range_c | 1 Hz C-band MLE3 range | m |
range_c_qual | quality flag for 1 Hz C-band MLE3 range | |
range_cor_doppler_c | doppler correction to C-band range | m |
range_cor_doppler_ku | doppler correction to Ku-band range | m |
range_ku | 1 Hz Ku-band MLE4 range | m |
range_ku_mle3 | 1 Hz Ku-band MLE3 range | m |
range_ku_mle3_qual | quality flag for 1 Hz Ku-band MLE3 range | |
range_ku_qual | quality flag for 1 Hz Ku-band MLE4 range | |
range_numval_c | number of valid 20 Hz measurements used to compute C-band MLE3 range | count |
range_numval_ku | number of valid 20 Hz measurements used to compute Ku-band MLE4 range | count |
range_numval_ku_mle3 | number of valid 20 Hz measurements used to compute Ku-band MLE3 range | count |
range_rms_c | RMS of C-band MLE3 range | m |
range_rms_ku | RMS of Ku-band MLE4 range | m |
range_rms_ku_mle3 | RMS of Ku-band MLE3 range | m |
range_used_20hz_c | flag indicating 20 Hz measurements used to compute 1 Hz C-band MLE3 range | |
range_used_20hz_ku | flag indicating 20 Hz measurements used to compute 1 Hz Ku-band MLE4 range | |
range_used_20hz_ku_mle3 | flag indicating 20 Hz measurements used to compute 1 Hz Ku-band MLE3 range | |
sea_state_bias_c | C-band MLE3 sea state bias correction | m |
sea_state_bias_c_3d | sea state bias correction in C band computed from 3d model | m |
sea_state_bias_ku | Ku-band MLE4 sea state bias correction | m |
sea_state_bias_ku_3d | sea state bias correction in Ku band computed from 3d model | m |
sea_state_bias_ku_mle3 | Ku-band MLE3 sea state bias correction | m |
sig0_20hz_c | 20 Hz C-band MLE3 backscatter coefficient | dB |
sig0_20hz_ku | 20 Hz Ku-band MLE4 backscatter coefficient | dB |
sig0_20hz_ku_mle3 | 20 Hz Ku-band MLE3 backscatter coefficient | dB |
sig0_c | 1 Hz C-band MLE3 backscatter coefficient | dB |
sig0_c_qual | quality flag for 1 Hz C-band MLE3 backscatter coefficient | |
sig0_ku | 1 Hz Ku-band MLE4 backscatter coefficient | dB |
sig0_ku_mle3 | 1 Hz Ku-band MLE3 backscatter coefficient | dB |
sig0_ku_mle3_qual | quality flag for 1 Hz Ku-band MLE3 backscatter coefficient | |
sig0_ku_qual | quality flag for 1 Hz Ku-band MLE4 backscatter coefficient | |
sig0_numval_c | number of valid 20 Hz measurements used to compute C-band MLE3 backscatter coefficient | count |
sig0_numval_ku | number of valid 20 Hz measurements used to compute Ku-band MLE4 backscatter coefficient | count |
sig0_numval_ku_mle3 | number of valid 20 Hz measurements used to compute Ku-band MLE3 backscatter coefficient | count |
sig0_rms_c | RMS of C-band MLE3 backscatter coefficient | dB |
sig0_rms_ku | RMS of Ku-band MLE4 backscatter coefficient | dB |
sig0_rms_ku_mle3 | RMS of Ku-band MLE3 backscatter coefficient | dB |
sig0_used_20hz_c | flag indicating 20 Hz measurements used to compute 1 Hz C-band MLE3 backscatter coefficient | |
sig0_used_20hz_ku | flag indicating 20 Hz measurements used to compute 1 Hz Ku-band MLE4 backscatter coefficient | |
sig0_used_20hz_ku_mle3 | flag indicating 20 Hz measurements used to compute 1 Hz Ku-band MLE3 backscatter coefficient | |
solid_earth_tide | solid earth tide height | m |
ssha | sea surface height anomaly | m |
ssha_mle3 | sea surface height anomaly | m |
surface_classification_flag | surface_classification_flag | |
swh_20hz_c | 20 Hz C-band MLE3 significant waveheight | m |
swh_20hz_ku | 20 Hz Ku-band MLE4 significant waveheight | m |
swh_20hz_ku_mle3 | 20 Hz Ku-band MLE3 significant waveheight | m |
swh_c | 1 Hz C-band MLE3 significant waveheight | m |
swh_c_qual | quality flag for 1 Hz C-band MLE3 significant waveheight | |
swh_ku | 1 Hz Ku-band MLE4 significant waveheight | m |
swh_ku_mle3 | 1 Hz Ku-band MLE3 significant waveheight | m |
swh_ku_mle3_qual | quality flag for 1 Hz Ku-band MLE3 significant waveheight | |
swh_ku_qual | quality flag for 1 Hz Ku-band MLE4 significant waveheight | |
swh_model | significant waveheight from model | m |
swh_numval_c | number of valid 20 Hz measurements used to compute C-band MLE3 significant waveheight | count |
swh_numval_ku | number of valid 20 Hz measurements used to compute Ku-band MLE4 significant waveheight | count |
swh_numval_ku_mle3 | number of valid 20 Hz measurements used to compute Ku-band MLE3 significant waveheight | count |
swh_rms_c | RMS of C-band MLE3 significant waveheight | m |
swh_rms_ku | RMS of Ku-band MLE4 significant waveheight | m |
swh_rms_ku_mle3 | RMS of Ku-band MLE3 significant waveheight | m |
swh_used_20hz_c | flag indicating 20 Hz measurements used to compute 1 Hz C-band MLE3 significant waveheight | |
swh_used_20hz_ku | flag indicating 20 Hz measurements used to compute 1 Hz Ku-band MLE4 significant waveheight | |
swh_used_20hz_ku_mle3 | flag indicating 20 Hz measurements used to compute 1 Hz Ku-band MLE3 significant waveheight | |
time | time in UTC (sec. since 2000-01-01) | seconds since 2000-01-01 00:00:00.0 |
time_20hz | time 20 Hz in UTC (sec. since 2000-01-01) | seconds since 2000-01-01 00:00:00.0 |
time_tai | time in TAI | seconds since 2000-01-01 00:00:00.0 |
wind_speed_alt | Ku-band MLE4 wind speed | m/s |
wind_speed_alt_mle3 | Ku-band MLE3 wind speed | m/s |
wind_speed_mod_u | U component of the model wind vector from ERA_Interim products | m/s |
wind_speed_mod_v | V component of the model wind vector from ERA_Interim products | m/s |
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Citation is critically important for dataset documentation and discovery. Please cite the data as follows, and cite the reference papers when it is appropriate.
Citation | TOPEX/Poseidon. 2023. TOPEX/Poseidon Geophysical Data Record Version F. Ver. F. PO.DAAC, CA, USA. Dataset accessed [YYYY-MM-DD] at
For more information see Data Citations and Acknowledgments.
Journal Reference | Fu, L.-L., Christensen, E. J., Yamarone, C. A., Lefebvre, M., Ménard, Y., Dorrer, M., and Escudier, P.. 1994. TOPEX/POSEIDON mission overview, J. Geophys. Res., 99, C12. |