Please Note: This dataset is retired, and is displayed for archive purposes only, and may not reflect the most updated information.

SWOT Level 1B Low-Rate Interferogram Data Product, Version 1.1

Short NameSWOT_L1B_LR_INTF_1.1
DescriptionInterferograms for each of the 9 Doppler beams formed and spatially averaged (low rate) by the On Board Processor, corrected on the ground for phase biases (inherent to the processing applied on board). The geometry of the measurements is also reported for use in subsequent processing. Gridded; full swath for each half orbit. Available in netCDF-4 file format.
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NameLong NameUnit
/left/angular_correlationangular correlation1
/left/doppler_centroidon-board processor Doppler value1/s
/left/doppler_mitiDoppler mitigation image1
/left/geometric_correlationgeometric correlation1
/left/interferogramcomplex interferogram1
/left/interferogram_qualquality flag
/left/iono_cor_gim_kaionosphere vertical correctionm
/left/model_dry_tropo_cordry troposphere vertical correctionm
/left/model_wet_tropo_corwet troposphere vertical correctionm
/left/noise_correlationnoise correlation1
/left/noise_power_minus_ynoise power for minus_y channel1
/left/noise_power_plus_ynoise power for plus_y channel1
/left/num_looksnumber of looks1
/left/obp_ref_surfaceon-board processor reference surface heightm
/left/phase_bias_cortotal phase bias correctionrad
/left/phase_uncertphase 1-sigma uncertaintyrad
/left/power_mitiuncalibrated center-beam power at 250 m resolution1
/left/power_squared_mitiuncalibrated center-beam power squared at 250 m resolution1
/left/pulse_repetition_intervalpulse repetition intervals
/left/reference_latitudereference latitude (positive N, negative S)degrees_north
/left/reference_locationreference locationm
/left/reference_longitudereference longitudedegrees_east
/left/sig0_cor_atmos_modelatmospheric attenuation1
/left/sig0_uncertsigma0 1-sigma uncertainty1
/left/snrsignal to noise ratio1
/left/time_doppler_mititime in UTCseconds since 2000-01-01 00:00:00.000
/left/time_tai_doppler_mititime in TAIseconds since 2000-01-01 00:00:00.000
/left/uncalibrated_power_minus_yuncalibrated power for minus_y channel1
/left/uncalibrated_power_plus_yuncalibrated power for plus_y channel1
/left/volumetric_correlationvolumetric correlation1
/left/volumetric_correlation_uncertvolumetric correlation standard deviation1
/left/x_factor_minus_yradiometric calibration X factor for minus_y channel1
/left/x_factor_plus_yradiometric calibration X factor for plus_y channel1
/right/angular_correlationangular correlation1
/right/doppler_centroidon-board processor Doppler value1/s
/right/doppler_mitiDoppler mitigation image1
/right/geometric_correlationgeometric correlation1
/right/interferogramcomplex interferogram1
/right/interferogram_qualquality flag
/right/iono_cor_gim_kaionosphere vertical correctionm
/right/model_dry_tropo_cordry troposphere vertical correctionm
/right/model_wet_tropo_corwet troposphere vertical correctionm
/right/noise_correlationnoise correlation1
/right/noise_power_minus_ynoise power for minus_y channel1
/right/noise_power_plus_ynoise power for plus_y channel1
/right/num_looksnumber of looks1
/right/obp_ref_surfaceon-board processor reference surface heightm
/right/phase_bias_cortotal phase bias correctionrad
/right/phase_uncertphase 1-sigma uncertaintyrad
/right/power_mitiuncalibrated center-beam power at 250 m resolution1
/right/power_squared_mitiuncalibrated center-beam power squared at 250 m resolution1
/right/pulse_repetition_intervalpulse repetition intervals
/right/reference_latitudereference latitude (positive N, negative S)degrees_north
/right/reference_locationreference locationm
/right/reference_longitudereference longitudedegrees_east
/right/sig0_cor_atmos_modelatmospheric attenuation1
/right/sig0_uncertsigma0 1-sigma uncertainty1
/right/snrsignal to noise ratio1
/right/time_doppler_mititime in UTCseconds since 2000-01-01 00:00:00.000
/right/time_tai_doppler_mititime in TAIseconds since 2000-01-01 00:00:00.000
/right/uncalibrated_power_minus_yuncalibrated power for minus_y channel1
/right/uncalibrated_power_plus_yuncalibrated power for plus_y channel1
/right/volumetric_correlationvolumetric correlation1
/right/volumetric_correlation_uncertvolumetric correlation standard deviation1
/right/x_factor_minus_yradiometric calibration X factor for minus_y channel1
/right/x_factor_plus_yradiometric calibration X factor for plus_y channel1
/tvp_left/altitudealtitude of the spacecraftm
/tvp_left/latitudelatitude (positive N, negative S) of the spacecraftdegrees_north
/tvp_left/longitudelongitude (degrees East) of the spacecraftdegrees_east
/tvp_left/minus_y_antenna_xx coordinate of the minus_y antenna phase center in the ECEF framem
/tvp_left/minus_y_antenna_yy coordinate of the minus_y antenna phase center in the ECEF framem
/tvp_left/minus_y_antenna_zz coordinate of the minus_y antenna phase center in the ECEF framem
/tvp_left/pitchpitch of the spacecraftdegrees
/tvp_left/plus_y_antenna_xx coordinate of the plus_y antenna phase center in the ECEF framem
/tvp_left/plus_y_antenna_yy coordinate of the plus_y antenna phase center in the ECEF framem
/tvp_left/plus_y_antenna_zz coordinate of the plus_y antenna phase center in the ECEF framem
/tvp_left/record_counterrecord counter1
/tvp_left/rollroll of the spacecraftdegrees
/tvp_left/sc_event_flagspacecraft event flag
/tvp_left/timetime in UTCseconds since 2000-01-01 00:00:00.000
/tvp_left/time_taitime in TAIseconds since 2000-01-01 00:00:00.000
/tvp_left/tvp_qualTVP quality flag
/tvp_left/velocity_headingheading of the spacecraft Earth-relative velocity vectordegrees
/tvp_left/vxx component of the spacecraft velocity in the ECEF framem/s
/tvp_left/vyy component of the spacecraft velocity in the ECEF framem/s
/tvp_left/vzz component of the spacecraft velocity in the ECEF framem/s
/tvp_left/xx coordinate of the spacecraft in the ECEF framem
/tvp_left/yy coordinate of the spacecraft in the ECEF framem
/tvp_left/yawyaw of the spacecraftdegrees
/tvp_left/zz coordinate of the spacecraft in the ECEF framem
/tvp_right/altitudealtitude of the spacecraftm
/tvp_right/latitudelatitude (positive N, negative S) of the spacecraftdegrees_north
/tvp_right/longitudelongitude (degrees East) of the spacecraftdegrees_east
/tvp_right/minus_y_antenna_xx coordinate of the minus_y antenna phase center in the ECEF framem
/tvp_right/minus_y_antenna_yy coordinate of the minus_y antenna phase center in the ECEF framem
/tvp_right/minus_y_antenna_zz coordinate of the minus_y antenna phase center in the ECEF framem
/tvp_right/pitchpitch of the spacecraftdegrees
/tvp_right/plus_y_antenna_xx coordinate of the plus_y antenna phase center in the ECEF framem
/tvp_right/plus_y_antenna_yy coordinate of the plus_y antenna phase center in the ECEF framem
/tvp_right/plus_y_antenna_zz coordinate of the plus_y antenna phase center in the ECEF framem
/tvp_right/record_counterrecord counter1
/tvp_right/rollroll of the spacecraftdegrees
/tvp_right/sc_event_flagspacecraft event flag
/tvp_right/timetime in UTCseconds since 2000-01-01 00:00:00.000
/tvp_right/time_taitime in TAIseconds since 2000-01-01 00:00:00.000
/tvp_right/tvp_qualTVP quality flag
/tvp_right/velocity_headingheading of the spacecraft Earth-relative velocity vectordegrees
/tvp_right/vxx component of the spacecraft velocity in the ECEF framem/s
/tvp_right/vyy component of the spacecraft velocity in the ECEF framem/s
/tvp_right/vzz component of the spacecraft velocity in the ECEF framem/s
/tvp_right/xx coordinate of the spacecraft in the ECEF framem
/tvp_right/yy coordinate of the spacecraft in the ECEF framem
/tvp_right/yawyaw of the spacecraftdegrees
/tvp_right/zz coordinate of the spacecraft in the ECEF framem
Citation is critically important for dataset documentation and discovery. Please cite the data as follows, and cite the reference papers when it is appropriate.
Citation Surface Water Ocean Topography (SWOT). 2023. SWOT Level 1B Low-Rate Interferogram Data Product, Version 1.1. Ver. 1.1. PO.DAAC, CA, USA. Dataset accessed [YYYY-MM-DD] at

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For more information see Data Citations and Acknowledgments.

Journal Reference JPL Internal Document. 2018. Surface Water and Ocean Topography Mission (SWOT) Project: Science Requirements Document, JPL D-61923, Rev. B, Jet Propulsion Laboratory.