Friday, October 26, 2018

Jessica Hausman, Data Engineer, Dr. Lewis John McGibbney, Data Scientist and Engineer and Ed Armstrong, Senior Data Engineer participated in a NASA Earthdata webinar on October 24, 2018, entitled "Goodbye FTP, New Ways to Access NASA's Physical Oceanography Data at PO.DAAC".

NASA is in the process of deprecating the use of the FTP protocol for data and information access. In line with these efforts, the Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center (PO.DAAC) is pleased to offer Drive as a robust FTP alternative for browsing and retrieving physical oceanography data at PO.DAAC (

This data discovery and data access capability offers file navigation and download through an interface served directly to your browser, and with a familiar look and feel.  In addition, users can access data using a command line, enabling easily scripted interactions.

This webinar, provides a demonstration of how to use Drive, and shows you how to navigate other data access services such as  Web services and OPeNDAP. This webinar also highlighted currently available PO.DAAC services to enable migration from FTP to https.

To view a recording of this webinar, please visit the NASA Earthdata YouTube Link at: