Wednesday, March 23, 2016

PO.DAAC welcomed our UWG, NASA HQ officials, and other DAAC representatives for the annual meeting on 22-23 March 2016.

The PO.DAAC has 12 amazing UWG members from domestic universities and agencies including, John Wilkin, Jim Potemra, Mike Caruso, Doug Vandemark, Kathleen Dohan, Don Chambers, Larry O'Neill, Fred Bingham, Carol Anne Clayson, Kyla Drushka, Renato Castelao, and Dale Robinson.
Also in attendance were Jeanne Behnke, Eric Lindstrom (via teleconference), Chris Lynnes, Katie Baynes, and Drew Kittel from NASA HQ, as well as representatives from other DAACs (ASF - Scott Arko and Chris Stoner).

Thank you to our UWG members, NASA HQ officials, and other DAAC representatives for another successful and productive meeting!