Monday, April 17, 2017
2017 UWG

PO.DAAC welcomed our UWG, ESDIS and NASA HQ officials for the annual meeting on 12-13 April 2017.

The PO.DAAC has 12 amazing UWG members from domestic universities and agencies including, John Wilkin (Rutgers), Jim Potemra (U. of Hawaii), Mike Caruso (U. Miami), Doug Vandemark (U. New Hampshire), Kathleen Dohan (Earth & Space Research), Don Chambers (U. South Florida), Larry O'Neill (Oregon State U.), Fred Bingham (U. North Carolina Wilmington), Carol Anne Clayson (WHOI), Kyla Drushka (Univ. Washington), Renato Castelao (U. Georgia), and Dale Robinson (NOAA SWFSC). Also in attendance were Jeanne Behnke (ESDIS), Dawn Lowe (ESDIS), Stephen Berrick (ESDIS), Kevin Murphy (NASA HQ, remote participation), and Eric Lindstrom (NASA HQ, remote participation).

Thank you to our UWG members, ESDIS and NASA HQ officials for another successful and productive meeting!