Tuesday, April 26, 2022

As detailed in the 12 July 2021 announcement, PO.DAAC has been migrating datasets to the NASA Earthdata Cloud, hosted in Amazon Web Services (AWS). In March 2022, PO.DAAC updated its cloud migration plan. Please refer to the PO.DAAC Cloud Data page for the latest updates on the migration schedule.

On May 2, 2022 at 17:00 UTC, PO.DAAC will remove the discoverability of local archive instances and related legacy data access links for the Phase 2 datasets listed here. Only the cloud version of the migrated datasets will be available. Users are strongly encouraged to complete the transition of their legacy data access scripts and methods to conform to Earthdata Cloud data access endpoints.

What Users Can Expect on May 2, 2022:

  • Discoverability of the local archive instance of Phase 2 datasets will be removed and only the cloud archive version will be available. 
  • References to legacy data access tools and services for the Phase 2 datasets, including PO.DAAC Drive, will also be removed.
  • The PO.DAAC users will need to complete the transition of their legacy data access scripts and methods to conform to cloud data access endpoints, as PO.DAAC Drive will be retired in the near future.
  • Earthdata Cloud access end-points for the above listed datasets can be found on the respective dataset landing pages under Data Access tab:
    • CMR Virtual Directories provides HTTPS endpoint for data browse and download  
    • Earthdata Search provides search and data access or download capabilities, for both in-cloud and non-cloud workflows.
  • An additional CLOUD DATASETS listing page for cloud enabled datasets is available on the PO.DAAC Web Portal, which offers more tool/service integration
    • The Earthdata Cloud data access end-points are also made available on this listing
  • Users will need to create a free Earthdata Login Account in order to download files or access PO.DAAC data through the Earthdata Cloud
  • Please read/watch the following materials to help you update your workflow and automated scripts in accessing these cloud data: 
  • Data tools and services (such as SOTO by Worldview, HiTIDE, OPeNDAP) are currently being migrated to the cloud. More information will be shared in future announcements.
  • Please use the PO.DAAC User Forum for questions and to get updates about the cloud transition activities.
  • If you require more assistance, you can always contact our helpdesk at podaac@podaac.jpl.nasa.gov.


Additional Cloud Resources