Monday, September 26, 2022

As PO.DAAC continues to migrate its data archive to NASA’s Earthdata Cloud, hosted in Amazon Web Services (AWS), we are pleased to announce the addition of 7 new cloud datasets. In an effort to best support the users as they begin transitioning their workflows or data access points to a cloud-based process, PO.DAAC is making the existing datasets from its archive available from and within the Earthdata Cloud as soon as they are available. Information and tutorials about how to access these datasets can be found on the Cloud Data Migration Page. Users may also find the PO.DAAC Webinar (August 2021) useful as they begin their journey to using cloud-based data.

The following 7 datasets are now available through NASA’s Earthdata Cloud. These data were migrated into AWS cloud storage as part of the phase 4 cloud migration effort. Together with datasets migrated during phases 1-3, this raises the total to 377 PO.DAAC datasets available in the cloud.

  1. TELLUS_GRFO_L3_CSR_RL06_LND_v04 (10.5067/GFLND-3AC64
  2. TELLUS_GRFO_L3_CSR_RL06_OCN_v04 (10.5067/GFOCN-3AC64
  3. TELLUS_GRFO_L3_GFZ_RL06_LND_v04 (10.5067/GFLND-3AG64
  4. TELLUS_GRFO_L3_GFZ_RL06_OCN_v04 (10.5067/GFOCN-3AG64
  5. TELLUS_GRFO_L3_JPL_RL06_LND_v04 (10.5067/GFLND-3AJ64
  6. TELLUS_GRFO_L3_JPL_RL06_OCN_v04 (10.5067/GFOCN-3AJ64
  7. AQUARIUS_L2_SSS_CAP_V5 (10.5067/AQR50-2TOCS)

Please note that each user must create a free Earthdata Login Account in order to download files or otherwise access data from PO.DAAC through the NASA Earthdata Cloud.

PO.DAAC will continue to distribute these datasets with on-premise access via PO.DAAC Drive, in addition to making our data available via Earthdata Cloud endpoints. However, on-premise access (i.e., Drive) will be discontinued in the future. Please refer to the migration section of the PO.DAAC Cloud Data page for the schedule for cloud migration and the end date for on-premise access. All users are welcome to subscribe to the PO.DAAC mailing list to receive updates by email.

We encourage all PO.DAAC users to complete their transition of legacy data access scripts and methods for compatibility with cloud data access endpoints at their earliest convenience. To ensure a successful transition for all PO.DAAC users, our User Services team is standing by to address all technical issues and concerns. A PO.DAAC in the CLOUD Forum has also been set up as the primary entry point to help address all technical issues and concerns. For additional information on the PO.DAAC Data Migration to the Earthdata Cloud, please see the announcement from 12 July 2021, the PO.DAAC Cloud Data Page, or the list of resources below.

Additional Cloud Resources*

*Note: These will continue to evolve and grow as we move forward with the cloud migration.