CYGNSS Level 3 MRG Science Data Record Version 3.2
(CYGNSS_L3_MRG_V3.2)Version | 3.2 |
Processing Level | 3 |
Start/Stop Date | 2018-Aug-01 to Present |
Short Name | CYGNSS_L3_MRG_V3.2 |
Description | This dataset contains the version 3.2 CYGNSS level 3 science data record merged storm (MRG) wind speed which combines CYGNSS storm-centric gridded (SCG) wind speeds, which are derived from the L2 YSLF winds for a region surrounding a given tropical cyclone (TC), with L3 FDS winds away from the TC center on a 0.2x0.2 degree latitude by longitude equirectangular grid obtained from the Delay Doppler Mapping Instrument aboard the CYGNSS satellite constellation. L3 MRG is a new product which combines the L2 FDS and Young Seas Limited Fetch (YSLF) winds and eliminates the need to choose between them depending on sea state development and the proximity to storms. The data are provided in netCDF-4 format and extend from 1 August 2018 to the present with an approximate 6 day latency. A tapered weighted averaging scheme is used centered on the 34-knot wind radius (R34) of the storm. The R34 value in each storm quadrant is also reported. The algorithm produces global (+/- 40 deg latitude) wind speeds reported on a 0.1x0.1 deg grid every 6 hours for each tropical cyclone, although some 6-hourly increments may be missing if there are an insufficient number of satellite overpasses of the storm during that time interval. The netcdf files are output on a storm-by-storm basis. The CYGNSS is a NASA Earth System Science Pathfinder Mission that is intended to collect the first frequent space‐based measurements of surface wind speeds in the inner core of tropical cyclones. Made up of a constellation of eight micro-satellites, the observatories provide nearly gap-free Earth coverage using an orbital inclination of approximately 35° from the equator, with a mean (i.e., average) revisit time of seven hours and a median revisit time of three hours. This inclination allows CYGNSS to measure ocean surface winds between approximately 38° N and 38° S latitude. This range includes the critical latitude band for tropical cyclone formation and movement. |
DOI | 10.5067/CYGNS-L3M32 |
Platform/Sensor | CYGNSS / Platform Name: Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS) Orbit Period: 94.0 minutes Inclination Angle: 35.0 degrees DDMI SENSOR Name: Delay Doppler Mapping Instrument (DDMI) Swath Width: 25.0 kilometers Description: Spacecraft angular distance from orbital plane relative to the Equator. |
Project | Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS) |
Data Provider | Publisher: PO.DAAC Creator: CYGNSS Release Place: PO.DAAC Release Date: 2024-Mar-05 Resource: |
Format | netCDF-4 |
Keyword(s) | cygnss, ddm, ddmi, doppler, delay doppler, delay, specular point, wind, winds, wind speed, version 3.2, v3.2 |
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Resolution Spatial Resolution: 0.2 Decimal Degrees x 0.2 Decimal Degrees Temporal Resolution: Hourly - < Daily Coverage North Bounding Coordinate: 40 degrees South Bounding Coordinate: -40 degrees West Bounding Coordinate: -180 degrees East Bounding Coordinate: 180 degrees Time Span: 2018-Aug-01 to Present Projection Ellipsoid: WGS 84 |
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Available for access in-region with AWS Cloud | |
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us-west-2 | |
podaac-ops-cumulus-protected/CYGNSS_L3_MRG_V3.2/ | |
podaac-ops-cumulus-public/CYGNSS_L3_MRG_V3.2/ | |
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Name | Long Name | Unit |
best_track_r34_ne | Radial extent of 34 knot winds in north east from Best Track | km |
best_track_r34_nw | Radial extent of 34 knot winds in north west from Best Track | km |
best_track_r34_se | Radial extent of 34 knot winds in south east from Best Track | km |
best_track_r34_sw | Radial extent of 34 knot winds in south west from Best Track | km |
best_track_storm_center_lat | Storm center latitude | degrees_north |
best_track_storm_center_lon | Storm center longitude | degrees_east |
best_track_storm_status | Storm status | 1 |
best_track_vmax | Maximum sustained wind speed | m s-1 |
cygnss_r34_ne | Radial extent of 34 knot winds in north east from CYGNSS | km |
cygnss_r34_nw | Radial extent of 34 knot winds in north west from CYGNSS | km |
cygnss_r34_se | Radial extent of 34 knot winds in south east from CYGNSS | km |
cygnss_r34_sw | Radial extent of 34 knot winds in south west from CYGNSS | km |
cygnss_vmax_lat | Storm V max latitude | degrees_north |
cygnss_vmax_lon | Storm V max longitude | degrees_east |
epoch_time | Time Centering of Data Based on Epoch Reference | hours since 2018-08-01 00:00:00.000000000 |
lat | Latitude | degrees_north |
lon | Longitude | degrees_east |
merge_method | Merge method | 1 |
quality_flags | Per-time step quality flags | |
range_corr_gain | Range Corrected Gain | 1e-27 dBi meter-4 |
time | Reference time of file | hours since 2023-06-25 18:00:00.000000000 |
wind_speed | Wind speed | m s-1 |
wind_speed_uncertainty | Wind speed uncertainty | m s-1 |
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Citation is critically important for dataset documentation and discovery. Please cite the data as follows, and cite the reference papers when it is appropriate.
Citation | CYGNSS. 2024. CYGNSS Level 3 MRG Science Data Record Version 3.2. Ver. 3.2. PO.DAAC, CA, USA. Dataset accessed [YYYY-MM-DD] at
For more information see Data Citations and Acknowledgments.
Journal Reference | Ruf, C., R. Atlas, P. Chang, M. Clarizia, J. Garrison, S. Gleason, S. Katzberg, Z. Jelenak, J. Johnson, S. Majumdar, A. O'Brien, D. Posselt, A. Ridley, R. Rose, V. Zavorotny. 2015. New Ocean Winds Satellite Mission to Probe Hurricanes and Tropical Convection, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.. Ruf, C., S. Asharaf, R. Balasubramaniam, S. Gleason, T. Lang, D. McKague, D. Twigg, and D. Waliser. 2019. In-Orbit Performance of the Constellation of CYGNSS Hurricane Satellites, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 100. Gleason, S., M. M. Al-Khaldi, C. Ruf, D. S. McKague, T. Wang, A. Russel. 2021. Characterizing and Mitigating Digital Sampling Effects on the CYGNSS Level 1 Calibration, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens.. Pascual, D., M. P. Clarizia, C. S. Ruf. 2021. Improved CYGNSS Wind Speed Retrieval Using Significant Wave Height Correction, Remote Sensing. Wang, T., Ruf, C. S., Gleason, S., O’Brien, A. J., McKague, D. S., Block, B. P., Russel, A.. 2021. Dynamic Calibration of GPS Effective Isotropic Radiated Power for GNSS-Reflectometry Earth Remote Sensing, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens.. Mayers, D. R., C. S. Ruf, A. M. Warnock. 2024. CYGNSS Storm-Centric Tropical Cyclone Gridded Wind Speed Product, J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol.. Ruf, C., D. McKague, D. Posselt, S. Gleason, M.P. Clarizia, V. Zavorotny, T. Butler, J. Redfern, W. Wells, M. Morris, J. Crespo, C. Chew, E. Small, D. Pasqual, T. Wang, A. Warnock, D. Mayers, M. Al-Khaldi, A. O’Brien. 2022. CYGNSS Handbook (2nd ed.), Michigan Publishing Services, Ann Arbor, MI, ISBN 978-1-60785-549-1. Warnock, A. M., C. S. Ruf, A. Russel, M. Al-Khaldi, R. Balasubramaniam. 2024. CYGNSS Level 3 Merged Wind Speed Data Product for Storm Force and Surrounding Environmental Winds, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 17. |