Please Note: This dataset is retired, and is displayed for archive purposes only, and may not reflect the most updated information.

However, a newer version exists.
GRACE-FO Level-2 Monthly Geopotential Spherical Harmonics JPL Release 6.3 (RL06.3). DOI:

For Version History information click here >>

GRACE-FO Level-2 Monthly Geopotential Spherical Harmonics JPL Release 6.1 (RL06.1)

DescriptionFOR EXPERT USE ONLY. This dataset contains estimates of the total month-by-month geopotential of the Earth, derived from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment Follow-On (GRACE-FO) mission measurements, produced by the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). The data are provided as spherical harmonic coefficients, averaged over approximately a month. These coefficients are derived from the Microwave Instrument (MWI) measured intersatellite range changes between the twin spacecraft of the GRACE-FO mission. This GRACE-FO RL06.1 data is an updated version of the initial GRACE-FO RL06 Level-2 data products. RL06.1 differs from RL06 only in the Level-1B accelerometer transplant data that is used for the GF2 satellite: Level-2 RL06.1 uses ACH1B RL04, which replaces ACT1B RL04 that was used for Level-2 RL06. All GRACE-FO RL06.1 Level-2 products are fully compatible with the GRACE RL06 Level-2 fields. Refer to the mission page for more information.
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Citation is critically important for dataset documentation and discovery. Please cite the data as follows, and cite the reference papers when it is appropriate.
Citation GRACE-FO. 2022. GRACEFO_L2_JPL_MONTHLY_0061. Ver. 6.1. PO.DAAC, CA, USA. Dataset accessed [YYYY-MM-DD] at

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For more information see Data Citations and Acknowledgments.

Journal Reference Dah-Ning Yuan, 2019, GRACE Follow-On Level-2 Gravity Field Product User Handbook. Jet Propulsion Laboratory, JPL D-103922.


VersionDatasetVersion DateStatus
6.3GRACE-FO Level-2 Monthly Geopotential Spherical Harmonics JPL Release 6.3 (RL06.3)2024-06-03ACTIVE2024-06-03T18:34:00.000Z
6.1GRACE-FO Level-2 Monthly Geopotential Spherical Harmonics JPL Release 6.1 (RL06.1)2022-11-01RETIRED.2022-11-01T18:05:00.000Z
6GRACE-FO Level-2 Monthly Geopotential Spherical Harmonics JPL Release 6.0 (RL06)2021-12-07RETIRED.2021-12-07T20:39:00.000Z