Jason-1 GDR version E NetCDF Geodetic
Processing Level | 2 |
Start/Stop Date | 2012-May-07 to 2013-Jun-21 |
Description | The Jason-1 Geophysical Data Records (GDR) Geodetic Mission contain full accuracy altimeter data, with a high precision orbit, provided approximately 35 days after data collection. The data are sorted into cycles that are approximately 11 days long and contain 280 pass files. The instruments on Jason-1 make direct observations of the following quantities: altimeter range, significant wave height, ocean radar backscatter cross-section (a measure of wind speed), ionospheric electron content (derived by a simple formula), tropospheric water content, mean sea surface, and position relative to the GPS satellite constellation. The GDR contain all relevant corrections needed to calculate the sea surface height. |
DOI | Not Registered |
Platform/Sensor | Jason-1 Geodetic / Platform Name: Jason-1 Geodetic (Jason-1 Geodetic) Orbit Period: 99999.0 minutes Inclination Angle: 66.15 degrees DORIS SENSOR Name: Doppler Orbitography and Radiopositioning Integrated by Satellite (DORIS) Swath Width: 0.0 kilometers Description: Spacecraft angular distance from orbital plane relative to the Equator. Jason-1 Geodetic / Platform Name: Jason-1 Geodetic (Jason-1 Geodetic) Orbit Period: 99999.0 minutes Inclination Angle: 66.15 degrees JASON-1 Microwave Radiometer SENSOR Name: JASON-1 MICROWAVE RADIOMETER (JASON-1 Microwave Radiometer) Swath Width: 22.9 kilometers Description: Spacecraft angular distance from orbital plane relative to the Equator. Jason-1 Geodetic / Platform Name: Jason-1 Geodetic (Jason-1 Geodetic) Orbit Period: 99999.0 minutes Inclination Angle: 66.15 degrees POSEIDON-2 SENSOR Name: JASON-1 RADAR ALTIMETER (POSEIDON-2) |
Project | Jason-1 (JASON-1) |
Data Provider | Publisher: JASON-1 Creator: JASON-1 Release Place: JPL Release Date: 2015-Oct-08 |
Format | netCDF-4 |
Questions related to this dataset? Contact podaac@podaac.jpl.nasa.gov
Resolution Temporal Resolution: 11 Day Coverage Region: GLOBAL North Bounding Coordinate: 66.15 degrees South Bounding Coordinate: -66.15 degrees West Bounding Coordinate: -180 degrees East Bounding Coordinate: 180 degrees Time Span: 2012-May-07 to 2013-Jun-21 Granule Time Span: 2012-May-07 to 2013-Jun-21 |
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us-west-2 | |
podaac-ops-cumulus-protected/JASON-1_L2_OST_GPN_E_GEODETIC/ | |
podaac-ops-cumulus-public/JASON-1_L2_OST_GPN_E_GEODETIC/ | |
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Name | Long Name | Unit |
agc_c | C band corrected AGC | dB |
agc_ku | Ku band corrected AGC | dB |
agc_numval_c | number of valid points used to compute C band AGC | count |
agc_numval_ku | number of valid points used to compute Ku band AGC | count |
agc_rms_c | RMS of the C band AGC | dB |
agc_rms_ku | RMS of the Ku band AGC | dB |
alt | 1 Hz altitude of satellite | m |
alt_20hz | 20 Hz altitude of satellite | m |
alt_echo_type | altimeter echo type | |
alt_state_flag_band_seq | altimeter state flag: Ku/C band sequencing | |
alt_state_flag_c_band | altimeter state flag: C bandwidth used | |
alt_state_flag_c_band_status | altimeter state flag: C band status | |
alt_state_flag_ku_band_status | altimeter state flag: Ku band status | |
alt_state_flag_oper | altimeter state flag: altimeter operating | |
atmos_corr_sig0_c | atmospheric attenuation correction on C band backscatter coefficient | dB |
atmos_corr_sig0_ku | atmospheric attenuation correction on Ku band backscatter coefficient | dB |
bathymetry | ocean depth/land elevation | m |
geoid | geoid height | m |
hf_fluctuations_corr | high frequency fluctuations of the sea surface topography | m |
hf_fluctuations_corr_era | high frequency fluctuations of the sea surface topography derived from ERA_Interim products | m |
ice_flag | ice flag | |
ice_qual_flag_20hz_ku | 20 Hz Ku band ice retracking quality flag | |
ice_range_20hz_c | 20 Hz C band altimeter range (ice retracking) | m |
ice_range_20hz_ku | 20 Hz Ku band altimeter range (ice retracking) | m |
ice_sig0_20hz_c | 20 Hz C band backscatter coefficient (ice retracking) | dB |
ice_sig0_20hz_ku | 20 Hz Ku band backscatter coefficient (ice retracking) | dB |
interp_flag_ocean_tide_sol1 | ocean tide solution 1 interpolation flag | |
interp_flag_ocean_tide_sol2 | ocean tide solution 2 interpolation flag | |
interp_flag_tb | radiometer brightness temperatures interpolation flag | |
inv_bar_corr | inverted barometer height correction | m |
inv_bar_corr_era | inverted barometer height correction from ERA_Interim products | m |
iono_corr_alt_ku | altimeter ionospheric correction on Ku band | m |
iono_corr_gim_ku | GIM ionospheric correction on Ku band | m |
lat | latitude | degrees_north |
lat_20hz | 20 Hz latitude | degrees_north |
load_tide_sol1 | load tide height for geocentric ocean tide (solution 1) | m |
load_tide_sol2 | load tide height for geocentric ocean tide (solution 2) | m |
lon | longitude | degrees_east |
lon_20hz | 20 Hz longitude | degrees_east |
mean_sea_surface | mean sea surface height above reference ellipsoid | m |
mean_sea_surface_err | calibrated error of mean sea surface | m |
mean_topography | mean dynamic topography above geoid | m |
mean_topography_err | error on mean dynamic topography | m |
meas_ind | elementary measurement index | count |
model_dry_tropo_corr | model dry tropospheric correction | m |
model_dry_tropo_corr_era | model dry tropospheric correction from ERA_Interim products | m |
model_wet_tropo_corr | model wet tropospheric correction | m |
model_wet_tropo_corr_era | model wet tropospheric correction from ERA_Interim products | m |
mqe_20hz_c | 20 Hz C band MQE (ocean retracking) | count |
mqe_20hz_ku | 20 Hz Ku band MQE (ocean retracking) | count |
net_instr_corr_range_c | net instrumental correction on the C band range | m |
net_instr_corr_range_ku | net instrumental correction on the Ku band range | m |
net_instr_corr_sig0_c | net instrumental correction on C backscatter coefficient | dB |
net_instr_corr_sig0_ku | net instrumental correction on Ku backscatter coefficient | dB |
net_instr_corr_swh_c | net instrumental correction on C band significant waveheight | m |
net_instr_corr_swh_ku | net instrumental correction on Ku band significant waveheight | m |
number_of_iterations_c | 20 Hz number of iterations of the ocean retracking in C band | count |
number_of_iterations_ku | 20 Hz number of iterations of the ocean retracking in Ku band | count |
ocean_tide_equil | equilibrium long-period ocean tide height | m |
ocean_tide_non_equil | non-equilibrium long-period ocean tide height | m |
ocean_tide_sol1 | geocentric ocean tide height (solution 1) | m |
ocean_tide_sol2 | geocentric ocean tide height (solution 2) | m |
off_nadir_angle_wf_ku | square of the off nadir angle computed from Ku waveforms | degrees^2 |
orb_alt_rate | 1 Hz orbital altitude rate | m/s |
orb_state_flag_rest | orbit state flag: restituted orbit | |
peakiness_20hz_c | 20 Hz peakiness on C band waveforms | count |
peakiness_20hz_ku | 20 Hz peakiness on Ku band waveforms | count |
pole_tide | geocentric pole tide height | m |
qual_alt_1hz_off_nadir_angle_wf_ku | quality flag for 1 Hz altimeter data: off nadir angle from Ku band | |
qual_alt_1hz_range_c | quality flag for 1 Hz altimeter data: C band range | |
qual_alt_1hz_range_ku | quality flag for 1 Hz altimeter data: Ku band range | |
qual_alt_1hz_sig0_c | quality flag for 1 Hz altimeter data: C band backscatter coefficient | |
qual_alt_1hz_sig0_ku | quality flag for 1 Hz altimeter data: Ku band backscatter coefficient | |
qual_alt_1hz_swh_c | quality flag for 1 Hz altimeter data: C band SWH | |
qual_alt_1hz_swh_ku | quality flag for 1 Hz altimeter data: Ku band SWH | |
qual_inst_corr_1hz_range_c | quality flag for 1 Hz instrumental correction: C band range | |
qual_inst_corr_1hz_range_ku | quality flag for 1 Hz instrumental correction: Ku band range | |
qual_inst_corr_1hz_sig0_c | quality flag for 1 Hz instrumental correction: C band backscatter coefficient | |
qual_inst_corr_1hz_sig0_ku | quality flag for 1 Hz instrumental correction: Ku band backscatter coefficient | |
qual_inst_corr_1hz_swh_c | quality flag for 1 Hz instrumental correction: C band SWH | |
qual_inst_corr_1hz_swh_ku | quality flag for 1 Hz instrumental correction: Ku band SWH | |
qual_rad_1hz_tb187 | quality flag for 1 Hz radiometer data: 18.7 GHz brightness temperature | |
qual_rad_1hz_tb238 | quality flag for 1 Hz radiometer data: 23.8 GHz brightness temperature | |
qual_rad_1hz_tb340 | quality flag for 1 Hz radiometer data: 34.0 GHz brightness temperature | |
rad_averaging_flag | radiometer along-track averaging flag | |
rad_distance_to_land | radiometer radial distance to land | m |
rad_land_frac_187 | radiometer 18.7 GHz antenna gain weighted land fraction in main beam | % |
rad_land_frac_238 | radiometer 23.8 GHz antenna gain weighted land fraction in main beam | % |
rad_land_frac_340 | radiometer 34.0 GHz antenna gain weighted land fraction in main beam | % |
rad_liquid_water | radiometer liquid water content | kg/m^2 |
rad_rain_flag | radiometer rain flag | |
rad_sea_ice_flag | radiometer sea-ice flag | |
rad_state_flag_oper | radiometer state flag: radiometer operating | |
rad_surf_type | radiometer surface type | |
rad_water_vapor | radiometer water vapor content | kg/m^2 |
rad_wet_tropo_corr | radiometer wet tropospheric correction | m |
rain_flag | rain flag | |
range_20hz_c | 20 Hz C band corrected altimeter range | m |
range_20hz_ku | 20 Hz Ku band corrected altimeter range | m |
range_c | 1 Hz C band corrected altimeter range | m |
range_ku | 1 Hz Ku band corrected altimeter range | m |
range_numval_c | number of valid points for C band range | count |
range_numval_ku | number of valid points for Ku band range | count |
range_rms_c | RMS of the C band range | m |
range_rms_ku | RMS of the Ku band range | m |
range_used_20hz_c | 20 Hz flag for utilization in the computation of 1Hz C band range | |
range_used_20hz_ku | 20 Hz flag for utilization in the computation of 1Hz Ku band range | |
sea_state_bias_c | sea state bias correction in C band | m |
sea_state_bias_ku | sea state bias correction in Ku band | m |
sig0_20hz_c | 20 Hz C band corrected backscatter coefficient | dB |
sig0_20hz_ku | 20 Hz Ku band corrected backscatter coefficient | dB |
sig0_c | C band corrected backscatter coefficient | dB |
sig0_ku | Ku band corrected backscatter coefficient | dB |
sig0_numval_c | number of valid points used to compute C backscatter coefficient | count |
sig0_numval_ku | number of valid points used to compute Ku backscatter coefficient | count |
sig0_rms_c | RMS of the C band backscatter coefficient | dB |
sig0_rms_ku | RMS of the Ku band backscatter coefficient | dB |
sig0_used_20hz_c | 20 Hz flag for utilization in the computation of 1Hz C band backscatter coefficient | |
sig0_used_20hz_ku | 20 Hz flag for utilization in the computation of 1Hz Ku band backscatter coefficient | |
solid_earth_tide | solid earth tide height | m |
ssha | sea surface height anomaly | m |
surface_type | surface type | |
surface_type_globcover | surface type globcover | |
swh_20hz_c | 20 Hz C band corrected significant waveheight | m |
swh_20hz_ku | 20 Hz Ku band corrected significant waveheight | m |
swh_c | C band corrected significant waveheight | m |
swh_ku | Ku band corrected significant waveheight | m |
swh_numval_c | number of valid points used to compute C significant waveheight | count |
swh_numval_ku | number of valid points used to compute Ku significant waveheight | count |
swh_rms_c | RMS of the C band significant waveheight | m |
swh_rms_ku | RMS of the Ku band significant waveheight | m |
swh_used_20hz_c | 20 Hz flag for utilization in the computation of 1Hz C band significant waveheight | |
swh_used_20hz_ku | 20 Hz flag for utilization in the computation of 1Hz Ku band significant waveheight | |
tb_187 | 18.7 GHz main beam brightness temperature | K |
tb_187_smoothed | 18.7 GHz main beam smoothed brightness temperature | K |
tb_238 | 23.8 GHz main beam brightness temperature | K |
tb_238_smoothed | 23.8 GHz main beam smoothed brightness temperature | K |
tb_340 | 34.0 GHz main beam brightness temperature | K |
tb_340_smoothed | 34.0 GHz main beam smoothed brightness temperature | K |
time | time (sec. since 2000-01-01) | seconds since 2000-01-01 00:00:00.0 |
time_20hz | time 20 Hz (sec. since 2000-01-01) | seconds since 2000-01-01 00:00:00.0 |
wind_speed_alt | altimeter wind speed | m/s |
wind_speed_model_u | U component of the model wind vector | m/s |
wind_speed_model_u_era | U component of the model wind vector from ERA_Interim products | m/s |
wind_speed_model_v | V component of the model wind vector | m/s |
wind_speed_model_v_era | V component of the model wind vector from ERA_Interim products | m/s |
wind_speed_rad | radiometer wind speed | m/s |
| |
| |
Citation is critically important for dataset documentation and discovery. Please cite the data as follows, and cite the reference papers when it is appropriate.
Citation | JASON-1. 2015. JASON-1_L2_OST_GPN_E_GEODETIC. Ver. E. PO.DAAC, CA, USA. Dataset accessed [YYYY-MM-DD] at https://doi.org/
For more information see Data Citations and Acknowledgments.
Journal Reference | N/A . |
Version | Dataset | Version Date | Status | |
E | Jason-1 GDR version E NetCDF Geodetic | Present | COMPLETE | |
C | Jason-1 Altimeter Geophysical Data Record (GDR) NetCDF Ver C Geodetic | 2023-11-27 | RETIRED. | 2023-11-27T16:46:00.000Z |