Jason-1 GDR version E NetCDF Geodetic

Processing Level2
Start/Stop Date2012-May-07 to 2013-Jun-21
DescriptionThe Jason-1 Geophysical Data Records (GDR) Geodetic Mission contain full accuracy altimeter data, with a high precision orbit, provided approximately 35 days after data collection. The data are sorted into cycles that are approximately 11 days long and contain 280 pass files. The instruments on Jason-1 make direct observations of the following quantities: altimeter range, significant wave height, ocean radar backscatter cross-section (a measure of wind speed), ionospheric electron content (derived by a simple formula), tropospheric water content, mean sea surface, and position relative to the GPS satellite constellation. The GDR contain all relevant corrections needed to calculate the sea surface height.
DOINot Registered
Jason-1 Geodetic
Name: Jason-1 Geodetic (Jason-1 Geodetic)
Orbit Period: 99999.0 minutes
Inclination Angle: 66.15 degrees
Name: Doppler Orbitography and Radiopositioning Integrated by Satellite (DORIS)
Swath Width: 0.0 kilometers
Description: Spacecraft angular distance from orbital plane relative to the Equator.

Jason-1 Geodetic
Name: Jason-1 Geodetic (Jason-1 Geodetic)
Orbit Period: 99999.0 minutes
Inclination Angle: 66.15 degrees
JASON-1 Microwave Radiometer
Name: JASON-1 MICROWAVE RADIOMETER (JASON-1 Microwave Radiometer)
Swath Width: 22.9 kilometers
Description: Spacecraft angular distance from orbital plane relative to the Equator.

Jason-1 Geodetic
Name: Jason-1 Geodetic (Jason-1 Geodetic)
Orbit Period: 99999.0 minutes
Inclination Angle: 66.15 degrees

ProjectJason-1 (JASON-1)
Data ProviderPublisher: JASON-1
Creator: JASON-1
Release Place: JPL
Release Date: 2015-Oct-08

Questions related to this dataset? Contact podaac@podaac.jpl.nasa.gov
Temporal Resolution: 11 Day
Region: GLOBAL
North Bounding Coordinate: 66.15 degrees
South Bounding Coordinate: -66.15 degrees
West Bounding Coordinate: -180 degrees
East Bounding Coordinate: 180 degrees
Time Span: 2012-May-07 to 2013-Jun-21
Granule Time Span: 2012-May-07 to 2013-Jun-21
NameLong NameUnit
agc_cC band corrected AGCdB
agc_kuKu band corrected AGCdB
agc_numval_cnumber of valid points used to compute C band AGCcount
agc_numval_kunumber of valid points used to compute Ku band AGCcount
agc_rms_cRMS of the C band AGCdB
agc_rms_kuRMS of the Ku band AGCdB
alt1 Hz altitude of satellitem
alt_20hz20 Hz altitude of satellitem
alt_echo_typealtimeter echo type
alt_state_flag_band_seqaltimeter state flag: Ku/C band sequencing
alt_state_flag_c_bandaltimeter state flag: C bandwidth used
alt_state_flag_c_band_statusaltimeter state flag: C band status
alt_state_flag_ku_band_statusaltimeter state flag: Ku band status
alt_state_flag_operaltimeter state flag: altimeter operating
atmos_corr_sig0_catmospheric attenuation correction on C band backscatter coefficientdB
atmos_corr_sig0_kuatmospheric attenuation correction on Ku band backscatter coefficientdB
bathymetryocean depth/land elevationm
geoidgeoid heightm
hf_fluctuations_corrhigh frequency fluctuations of the sea surface topographym
hf_fluctuations_corr_erahigh frequency fluctuations of the sea surface topography derived from ERA_Interim productsm
ice_flagice flag
ice_qual_flag_20hz_ku20 Hz Ku band ice retracking quality flag
ice_range_20hz_c20 Hz C band altimeter range (ice retracking)m
ice_range_20hz_ku20 Hz Ku band altimeter range (ice retracking)m
ice_sig0_20hz_c20 Hz C band backscatter coefficient (ice retracking)dB
ice_sig0_20hz_ku20 Hz Ku band backscatter coefficient (ice retracking)dB
interp_flag_ocean_tide_sol1ocean tide solution 1 interpolation flag
interp_flag_ocean_tide_sol2ocean tide solution 2 interpolation flag
interp_flag_tbradiometer brightness temperatures interpolation flag
inv_bar_corrinverted barometer height correctionm
inv_bar_corr_erainverted barometer height correction from ERA_Interim productsm
iono_corr_alt_kualtimeter ionospheric correction on Ku bandm
iono_corr_gim_kuGIM ionospheric correction on Ku bandm
lat_20hz20 Hz latitudedegrees_north
load_tide_sol1load tide height for geocentric ocean tide (solution 1)m
load_tide_sol2load tide height for geocentric ocean tide (solution 2)m
lon_20hz20 Hz longitudedegrees_east
mean_sea_surfacemean sea surface height above reference ellipsoidm
mean_sea_surface_errcalibrated error of mean sea surfacem
mean_topographymean dynamic topography above geoidm
mean_topography_errerror on mean dynamic topographym
meas_indelementary measurement indexcount
model_dry_tropo_corrmodel dry tropospheric correctionm
model_dry_tropo_corr_eramodel dry tropospheric correction from ERA_Interim productsm
model_wet_tropo_corrmodel wet tropospheric correctionm
model_wet_tropo_corr_eramodel wet tropospheric correction from ERA_Interim productsm
mqe_20hz_c20 Hz C band MQE (ocean retracking)count
mqe_20hz_ku20 Hz Ku band MQE (ocean retracking)count
net_instr_corr_range_cnet instrumental correction on the C band rangem
net_instr_corr_range_kunet instrumental correction on the Ku band rangem
net_instr_corr_sig0_cnet instrumental correction on C backscatter coefficientdB
net_instr_corr_sig0_kunet instrumental correction on Ku backscatter coefficientdB
net_instr_corr_swh_cnet instrumental correction on C band significant waveheightm
net_instr_corr_swh_kunet instrumental correction on Ku band significant waveheightm
number_of_iterations_c20 Hz number of iterations of the ocean retracking in C bandcount
number_of_iterations_ku20 Hz number of iterations of the ocean retracking in Ku bandcount
ocean_tide_equilequilibrium long-period ocean tide heightm
ocean_tide_non_equilnon-equilibrium long-period ocean tide heightm
ocean_tide_sol1geocentric ocean tide height (solution 1)m
ocean_tide_sol2geocentric ocean tide height (solution 2)m
off_nadir_angle_wf_kusquare of the off nadir angle computed from Ku waveformsdegrees^2
orb_alt_rate1 Hz orbital altitude ratem/s
orb_state_flag_restorbit state flag: restituted orbit
peakiness_20hz_c20 Hz peakiness on C band waveformscount
peakiness_20hz_ku20 Hz peakiness on Ku band waveformscount
pole_tidegeocentric pole tide heightm
qual_alt_1hz_off_nadir_angle_wf_kuquality flag for 1 Hz altimeter data: off nadir angle from Ku band
qual_alt_1hz_range_cquality flag for 1 Hz altimeter data: C band range
qual_alt_1hz_range_kuquality flag for 1 Hz altimeter data: Ku band range
qual_alt_1hz_sig0_cquality flag for 1 Hz altimeter data: C band backscatter coefficient
qual_alt_1hz_sig0_kuquality flag for 1 Hz altimeter data: Ku band backscatter coefficient
qual_alt_1hz_swh_cquality flag for 1 Hz altimeter data: C band SWH
qual_alt_1hz_swh_kuquality flag for 1 Hz altimeter data: Ku band SWH
qual_inst_corr_1hz_range_cquality flag for 1 Hz instrumental correction: C band range
qual_inst_corr_1hz_range_kuquality flag for 1 Hz instrumental correction: Ku band range
qual_inst_corr_1hz_sig0_cquality flag for 1 Hz instrumental correction: C band backscatter coefficient
qual_inst_corr_1hz_sig0_kuquality flag for 1 Hz instrumental correction: Ku band backscatter coefficient
qual_inst_corr_1hz_swh_cquality flag for 1 Hz instrumental correction: C band SWH
qual_inst_corr_1hz_swh_kuquality flag for 1 Hz instrumental correction: Ku band SWH
qual_rad_1hz_tb187quality flag for 1 Hz radiometer data: 18.7 GHz brightness temperature
qual_rad_1hz_tb238quality flag for 1 Hz radiometer data: 23.8 GHz brightness temperature
qual_rad_1hz_tb340quality flag for 1 Hz radiometer data: 34.0 GHz brightness temperature
rad_averaging_flagradiometer along-track averaging flag
rad_distance_to_landradiometer radial distance to landm
rad_land_frac_187radiometer 18.7 GHz antenna gain weighted land fraction in main beam%
rad_land_frac_238radiometer 23.8 GHz antenna gain weighted land fraction in main beam%
rad_land_frac_340radiometer 34.0 GHz antenna gain weighted land fraction in main beam%
rad_liquid_waterradiometer liquid water contentkg/m^2
rad_rain_flagradiometer rain flag
rad_sea_ice_flagradiometer sea-ice flag
rad_state_flag_operradiometer state flag: radiometer operating
rad_surf_typeradiometer surface type
rad_water_vaporradiometer water vapor contentkg/m^2
rad_wet_tropo_corrradiometer wet tropospheric correctionm
rain_flagrain flag
range_20hz_c20 Hz C band corrected altimeter rangem
range_20hz_ku20 Hz Ku band corrected altimeter rangem
range_c1 Hz C band corrected altimeter rangem
range_ku1 Hz Ku band corrected altimeter rangem
range_numval_cnumber of valid points for C band rangecount
range_numval_kunumber of valid points for Ku band rangecount
range_rms_cRMS of the C band rangem
range_rms_kuRMS of the Ku band rangem
range_used_20hz_c20 Hz flag for utilization in the computation of 1Hz C band range
range_used_20hz_ku20 Hz flag for utilization in the computation of 1Hz Ku band range
sea_state_bias_csea state bias correction in C bandm
sea_state_bias_kusea state bias correction in Ku bandm
sig0_20hz_c20 Hz C band corrected backscatter coefficientdB
sig0_20hz_ku20 Hz Ku band corrected backscatter coefficientdB
sig0_cC band corrected backscatter coefficientdB
sig0_kuKu band corrected backscatter coefficientdB
sig0_numval_cnumber of valid points used to compute C backscatter coefficientcount
sig0_numval_kunumber of valid points used to compute Ku backscatter coefficientcount
sig0_rms_cRMS of the C band backscatter coefficientdB
sig0_rms_kuRMS of the Ku band backscatter coefficientdB
sig0_used_20hz_c20 Hz flag for utilization in the computation of 1Hz C band backscatter coefficient
sig0_used_20hz_ku20 Hz flag for utilization in the computation of 1Hz Ku band backscatter coefficient
solid_earth_tidesolid earth tide heightm
sshasea surface height anomalym
surface_typesurface type
surface_type_globcoversurface type globcover
swh_20hz_c20 Hz C band corrected significant waveheightm
swh_20hz_ku20 Hz Ku band corrected significant waveheightm
swh_cC band corrected significant waveheightm
swh_kuKu band corrected significant waveheightm
swh_numval_cnumber of valid points used to compute C significant waveheightcount
swh_numval_kunumber of valid points used to compute Ku significant waveheightcount
swh_rms_cRMS of the C band significant waveheightm
swh_rms_kuRMS of the Ku band significant waveheightm
swh_used_20hz_c20 Hz flag for utilization in the computation of 1Hz C band significant waveheight
swh_used_20hz_ku20 Hz flag for utilization in the computation of 1Hz Ku band significant waveheight
tb_18718.7 GHz main beam brightness temperatureK
tb_187_smoothed18.7 GHz main beam smoothed brightness temperatureK
tb_23823.8 GHz main beam brightness temperatureK
tb_238_smoothed23.8 GHz main beam smoothed brightness temperatureK
tb_34034.0 GHz main beam brightness temperatureK
tb_340_smoothed34.0 GHz main beam smoothed brightness temperatureK
timetime (sec. since 2000-01-01)seconds since 2000-01-01 00:00:00.0
time_20hztime 20 Hz (sec. since 2000-01-01)seconds since 2000-01-01 00:00:00.0
wind_speed_altaltimeter wind speedm/s
wind_speed_model_uU component of the model wind vectorm/s
wind_speed_model_u_eraU component of the model wind vector from ERA_Interim productsm/s
wind_speed_model_vV component of the model wind vectorm/s
wind_speed_model_v_eraV component of the model wind vector from ERA_Interim productsm/s
wind_speed_radradiometer wind speedm/s
Citation is critically important for dataset documentation and discovery. Please cite the data as follows, and cite the reference papers when it is appropriate.
Citation JASON-1. 2015. JASON-1_L2_OST_GPN_E_GEODETIC. Ver. E. PO.DAAC, CA, USA. Dataset accessed [YYYY-MM-DD] at https://doi.org/

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VersionDatasetVersion DateStatus
EJason-1 GDR version E NetCDF GeodeticPresentCOMPLETE
CJason-1 Altimeter Geophysical Data Record (GDR) NetCDF Ver C Geodetic2023-11-27RETIRED.2023-11-27T16:46:00.000Z