Datesort ascending Announcement Description
2020-10-26 Discontinuation of CYGNSS Ocean Surface Heat Flux SDR V1.0 Data Production Due to the recent release of the CYGNSS Ocean Surface Heat Flux Climate Data Record (CDR) v1.0 (DOI: 10.5067/CYGNS-C2H10) dataset producing data at the same latency and frequency as the older Science Data Record (SDR) v1.0 (DOI:...
2020-10-09 CYGNSS Level 2 Ocean Surface Heat Flux CDR Version 1.0 Dataset Release The PO.DAAC is pleased to announce the public release of the CYGNSS Level 2 Ocean Surface Heat Flux Climate Data Record (CDR) Version 1.0. More information regarding the CYGNSS mission and instrumentation is available from...
2020-10-07 Suomi-NPP VIIRS SST Outage On September 24, Suomi-NPP performed an "Inclination Adjust Maneuver" ( During the maneuver, the NOAA ACSPO VIIRS SST products from NPP were negatively affected and...
2020-10-06 New PO.DAAC Web Portal Dataset Search and Discovery PO.DAAC is continuing its transition towards a web portal that is content centered, data driven, and provides personalized user experiences that are supplemented with efficient search and discovery capabilities. In this second phase, a user will experience improvements in the PO.DAAC Web Portal...
2020-10-01 Reconstructed GMSL from GRACE and In Situ 1900 to 2018 Dataset Release The PO.DAAC is pleased to announce the public release of Reconstructed Global Mean Sea Level (GMSL) from GRACE and In Situ observations 1900 to 2018. The dataset was produced by JPL scientist Thomas Frederikse and his colleagues for their recent Nature publication (Frederikse et al., 2020) under...
2020-09-28 NOAA CYGNSS Level 2 Science Wind Speed 25-km Version 1.1 Dataset Release The PO.DAAC is pleased to announce the public release of the NOAA CYGNSS Level 2 Science Wind Speed 25-km Product Version 1.1. More information regarding the CYGNSS mission and instrumentation is available from PO.DAAC’s mission webpage. This dataset...
2020-09-16 Upcoming American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) Survey This week, Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center (PO.DAAC) users will receive an email invitation from CFI Group ( on behalf of NASA. This message will ask you to participate in a web-based survey of...
2020-09-04 QuikSCAT Level 2B Version 4.1 Dataset Release The PO.DAAC is pleased to announce the public release of the QuikSCAT Level 2B Ocean Wind Vectors in 12.5km Slice Composites version 4.1 dataset. More information regarding the QuikSCAT mission and instrumentation is available from PO.DAAC’s mission webpage...
2020-08-26 OMG CTD L2 Version 1 Dataset Release The PO.DAAC is pleased to announce the public release of the Oceans Melting Greenland (OMG) Conductivity, Temperature and Depth (CTD) Level 2 (L2) Version 1 dataset. More information regarding OMG is available from the project website and...
2020-08-25 MODIS Aqua outage On Aug 16, 2020 the NASA Aqua satellite experienced an anomaly with the onboard Formatter-Multiplexer Unit (FMU) that has affected the real time processing streams for all Aqua instruments including for MODIS and the L2/L3 Sea Surface Temperature datasets distributed by the PO.DAAC. The health/...
2020-08-21 CYGNSS Level 1 Raw Intermediate Frequency (IF) and Full Delay Doppler Map (DDM) Dataset Release The PO.DAAC is pleased to announce the public release of the CYGNSS Level 1 (L1) Raw Intermediate Frequency (IF) and Full Delay Doppler Map (DDM) datasets from the Delay Doppler Mapping Instrument (DDMI) aboard the CYGNSS satellite constellation....
2020-07-30 NASA Saildrone ATOMIC Field Campaign Dataset Release The PO.DAAC is pleased to announce the availability of the NASA-funded Saildrone data as part of the Atlantic Tradewind Ocean-Atmosphere Mesoscale Interaction Campaign (ATOMIC). The ATOMIC campaign involved the deployment of a fleet of Saildrones in the Atlantic waters offshore of Barbados over a...
2020-07-29 GHRSST NAVO MetOp-A/B/C Level-2P version 2.0 Datasets Release The PO.DAAC is pleased to announce the public release of the GHRSST NAVO MetOp-A/B/C Level-2P version 2.0 (v2.0) Sea Surface Temperature (SST) datasets based on the AVHRR sensor. The MetOp satellite program is a European multi-satellite program to provide weather data services for monitoring...
2020-06-30 Reprocessed RSS SMAP-SSS 4.0 data for the period 5-15 June 2020 Users of the RSS SMAP-SSS v4.0 data products should be aware that due to an issue with one of the ancillary data inputs, the L2C files with rev# 28540 - 28700 and the upstream 8-day running mean L3 product files for the period June 5 – 15, 2020 needed to be reprocessed. The updated files are now...
2020-06-10 PO.DAAC State of the Ocean (SOTO) Version 4.5.0 Release We are pleased to announce an update to the PO.DAAC State of the Ocean (SOTO) visualization tool. Version 4.5.0  includes the full dataset record for the GHRSST 0.25deg MUR Sea Surface Temperature v4.2 (...
2020-05-22 CYGNSS CDR Version 1.0 Datasets Release The PO.DAAC is pleased to announce the public release of the CYGNSS Climate Data Record (CDR) Version 1.0 dataset. The Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS), launched on 15 December 2016...
2020-05-21 GHRSST NOAA GOES-17 L2P/L3C Version 2.71 and Himawari-8 L2P/L3C Version 2.70 Datasets Release The PO.DAAC is pleased to announce the public release of the GHRSST NOAA GOES-17 (G17) L2P/L3C version 2.71 and Himawari-8 (H08) L2P/L3C version 2.70 datasets. GOES-17 is the second satellite in the US NOAA's GOES-R series equipped with Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) sensor identical to GOES-16...
2020-05-18 NASA Saildrone Arctic Campaign Dataset Released The PO.DAAC is pleased to announce the availability of the Saildrone Arctic field campaign data. This campaign involved the deployment of a fleet of 5 saildrones, jointly funded by NASA and NOAA, from Dutch Harbor, Alaska, within the Bering and Chukchi Seas to the ice edge and back over a 150-day...
2020-05-15 Revitalization of the PO.DAAC Web Portal PO.DAAC is transitioning towards a web portal that is content centered, data driven, and provides personalized user experiences that are supplemented with efficient search and discovery capabilities. The first phase of the web portal revitalization is now available showcasing a simplified,...
2020-05-15 New SPURS-2 Field Campaign Datasets Released The PO.DAAC is pleased to announce the availability of additional datasets from the NASA SPURS-2 field campaign. Following prior releases of twenty one SPURS-2 datasets, this fourth release includes a further two new datasets: the R/V Revelle underway pCO2 and SPURS central mooring data. The...
